Which countries eat dog meat? Eat dog meat in the end is good

Every year of Guangxi Yulin Dog Meat Festival is the dog fans began to set off a war of words, although many countries have stipulated that can not be cruel to animals, but are not stipulated not allowed to eat dog meat, and some countries for the love of dog meat is not to be ignored.

So, this issue of food culture to see which countries eat dog meat.

Also want to know "" what are the benefits of eating dog meat in winter

Western countries only prohibit animal cruelty regulations, and no laws prohibiting the eating of dog meat, as long as it is the quarantine of the meat of the dog, you can legally eat. Western countries respect their own residents in accordance with local customs to eat dog meat habits, and not from the law to prohibit.

Dog meat is not only tender and flavorful, rich in nutrients, and heat production, warmth and cold ability. Therefore, some of the weak and suffering from arthritis and other diseases, in the winter season, eat some dog meat is good. But do not drink tea after eating dog meat, so as not to cause adverse effects on the body.

In the dog meat is rich in protein, and tea contains more tannins, if you eat dog meat immediately after drinking tea, will make the tannins in the tea and dog meat in the protein combination, to generate a kind of protein called tannins. This substance has a certain astringent effect, can make intestinal peristalsis weakened, the water in the stool to reduce. As a result, the toxic substances in the stool will stay in the intestine for too long, very easy to be absorbed by the body.

South Korea:

About half of the population of South Korea still eats dog meat, and the whole country eats dog meat, which is eaten all year round, but most commonly in the summer. In Korea, dog meat is considered by many to be a summer delicacy, and dishes made with dog meat are a staple in many restaurants. Koreans also call dog meat soup "tonic soup," "seasonal soup," and "nutritional soup. However, the debate over whether to eat dog meat has been ongoing, and South Korea has been thrown into the spotlight many times.

North Korea:

North Korea regards the consumption of dog meat as a national specialty. It is believed that eating dog meat is a way to beat the summer heat and detoxify the body. There are many "sweet meat stores" in Pyongyang that sell dog soup, but eating dog meat is a luxury in North Korea. In North Korea, in early 2010, the government fixed the price of dog meat at 500 won per kilogram in its new list of 100 fixed prices.


In India, dog meat is still widely consumed by certain communities in the north-eastern state of Mizoram and in Nagaland, where it is considered a delicacy.

East Timor:

Dog meat is a popular delicacy in East Timor.


The consumption of dog meat in Vietnam is mainly concentrated in the north and there are restaurants specializing in dog meat. Dog meat is considered to bring good luck in Vietnam and is consumed in the same way as chicken or pork. There are always many dog meat restaurants in the city.


Popular dog recipes in Switzerland include paper-thin slices of dog meat and smoked dog ham made from salt and dry ingredients. Eating dog meat is not illegal in Switzerland.

United States:

Dog meat is eaten in several states, including Kansas, among others.

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