I am now working in the medical equipment industry, want to draw up a "sandblasting shot configuration table", mainly want to know which kind of sandblasting shot blasting the corresponding color is w

I am now working in the medical equipment industry, want to draw up a "sandblasting shot configuration table", mainly want to know which kind of sandblasting shot blasting the corresponding color is what? Sandblasting and shot blasting, conventional 16#, 20#, 30#, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 150

180, 200, 220, 240, 280, 320#. Sandblasted surface is rougher than glass pills, some darkening, not particularly obvious. Medical device industry, sand generally use white corundum, used to improve the surface roughness; product requirements are relatively high if the pill with ceramic pills, general requirements with glass pills. As you say the particle size corresponding to the specific color, can only come from the experiment.