Are all blind massages pressed by blind people

Most regular blind massages are given by blind people. Massage for the blind is a skill that blind people get through systematic study. Through the blind massage can not only support themselves, but also can reduce the pressure of social welfare. The difference between blind massage and ordinary massage is that the operator is blind.

Blind people who have obtained the qualification of blind medical massage personnel in accordance with relevant state regulations can provide medical massage services in the form of individual practice or in medical institutions.

Medical massage clinics for the blind are approved by the county-level health administrative department, and if qualified, are issued a Medical Institution Practice License, with the registered name of the identifying name + medical massage clinic for the blind, and the subject of treatment as massage (medical massage for the blind).

Expanded information:

Methods for the Administration of Medical Massage for the Blind, Article 6, the opening of a medical massage clinic for the blind shall comply with the following conditions:

(a) The operator shall be a blind medical massager;

(b) At least one person engaged in the medical massage of the blind. (b) There shall be at least one blind medical massage practitioner who has been engaged in medical massage activities for more than 5 years;

(c) There shall be at least one massage bed and corresponding supplies necessary for the massage, with a floor area of not less than 40 square meters;

(d) There shall be the necessary sterilizing equipment;

(e) There shall be the corresponding rules and regulations and a bound volume of the state-developed or approved technical and operational procedures for medical massage of the blind;

(f) There shall be the corresponding rules and regulations and the state-developed or recognized medical massage techniques (vi) be able to independently assume legal responsibility;

(vii) have a municipal federation of persons with disabilities issued by the agreed to open medical massage clinics for the blind.

Baidu Encyclopedia - Massage for the Blind