Guizhou province tongren city sinan county boardqiao town sewage treatment plant construction area

Banqiao Town, Sinan County, Tongren City, Guizhou Province, the construction area of the sewage treatment plant is 17 acres, according to the introduction of Tongren City, Guizhou Province, Sinan County, Banqiao Town, Guizhou Province, the introduction of the sewage treatment plant can be seen, Banqiao Town sewage treatment plant is located in Tongren City, Guizhou Province, Sinan County, covers an area of 17 acres of total land area of about 234,450,600 yuan, total investment of 234,456,000 yuan, the project adopts the "process of AAO reaction tank + MBR process The project adopts the new technology of "AAO reaction tank + MBR process" to treat sewage, and the effluent water quality reaches Class A standard. Therefore, the construction area of Tongren City, Guizhou Province, Sinan County, Banqiao Town sewage treatment plant is 17 acres.