I. There are two interpretations of the meaning of organizational function:
Interpretation 1: Organizational function refers to the assignment and combination of the activities of the enterprise and its factors of production according to plan. Organizational functions play an important role in bringing into play the collective strength, rational allocation of resources, and improving labor productivity.
Explanation 2: According to management science, the organizational function refers to the implementation of the plan on the one hand, the establishment of a structure, the structure to a large extent determines whether the plan can be achieved; on the other hand, is to achieve the goals of the plan for the organizational process.
Two, functional design, is the overall task of the overall design of the enterprise, to determine the functions of the enterprise and its structure, and layer by layer for each management level, department, job responsibilities. Functional design is correct and reasonable, will have a significant impact on the entire enterprise organization can run smoothly and effectively.
Functional design of the new organization, the main contents include:
(1) basic functional design. Advanced similar enterprises at home and abroad as a reference, according to the organizational design of the relevant variables, such as the environment, strategy, scale and other characteristics to be adjusted to determine the basic functions of the enterprise should have.
(2) Key function design. According to the enterprise's goals and strategies, in the many basic functions to identify one or two functions that play a key role in the realization of corporate strategy, in order to highlight the role of key functions in the design of the function, and place it at the center of the corporate organizational framework, in order to ensure that the key functions of the role of the promotion of corporate strategy.
(3) Functional decomposition. The identified basic functions and key functions are gradually refined into secondary functions, tertiary functions and so on. For each management level, departments, management positions and posts to provide the corresponding functions. In the process of functional decomposition, attention should be paid to determining the division of labor between the functions and their links and constraints of the relationship to avoid overlapping and disjointed functions.
Third, for many of the old enterprise, functional design for functional adjustment, that is, the actual implementation of the management functions of the enterprise to investigate, describe and analyze (the enterprise's existing documents with the functions of the enterprise's actual implementation of the functions of the enterprise is often a considerable gap), and then according to the relevant weighting factors to make the adjustment of the function. Functional adjustment is mainly some functions need to be added or strengthened, some functions need to be canceled or weakened, the original determination of the key functions need to be changed, the overlap or disconnection of the functions to adjust.
1. Design and adjustment of basic functions
(1) According to the characteristics of the industry to determine whether there is a need to add new basic functions, refine some of the basic functions can, simplify some of the functions, or strengthen some of the basic functions. For example, whether it is necessary to support the establishment of raw material production bases for light industrial enterprises processing agricultural products, whether it is necessary to set up sales functions for electric power enterprises, and whether it is necessary to strengthen sales functions for specialized medical equipment enterprises.
(2) according to the strength of the enterprise's technical strength to adjust the function. In general, the weak technical strength of the enterprise, should strengthen the business decision-making function, especially with regard to the choice of products and technology decision-making function, sound and strengthen the human resources development function, strengthen the introduction of technology and technical cooperation function, digestion and absorption of advanced technology. Enterprises with strong technical strength should improve and continuously strengthen marketing and sales functions, improve strategic alliances, collaborative business functions, strengthen the construction of R&D teams, strengthen R&D project management, and improve independent development.
(3) Design and adjust functions according to the characteristics of the external environment. For example, with the deepening of competition, mass consumer goods enterprises may need to strengthen the public relations function, to establish a good image of the enterprise, to improve the visibility and credibility of the enterprise; with the strengthening of social awareness of environmental protection, the chemical industry needs to strengthen the environmental protection function; with the strengthening of customer differentiation, the enterprise's sales department may need to continue to refine the customer-specific sales function.
2. Key function design
Enterprise basic functions are indispensable to achieve business goals, but because of the importance of different, it is necessary to distinguish between key functions and non-key functions. Drucker once compared the structure of the organization to a building, the basic functions of the building as a variety of components, and the key functions of the building is comparable to the part of the building that bears the greatest load of the components. Therefore, any company should place the critical functions at the center of its organizational structure. Which basic functions should become critical functions of the organization is determined by the business strategy of the company. Different strategies lead to different critical functions, as analyzed earlier in the analysis of the impact of corporate strategy on organizational design. After the key functions are determined, the general manager should be set up by the general manager as the head of the corresponding function of the leadership committee, the key functions of the department in the company staffing and bonus allocation should be in a priority position, and have the right to coordinate the related departments to work together.
3. Functional decomposition
Functional decomposition is the identified basic functions and key functions are gradually decomposed, refined into independent, operable specific business activities. Functional decomposition is conducive to the implementation of the functions and implementation, and after the other organizational design work to provide the prerequisites, such as horizontal departmental division and combination, vertical centralization and decentralization, the development of departmental and post responsibility in the rules and regulations, and the design of the job.
The final result of the functional decomposition should make the business activities have a certain degree of independence, and not the nature of different business activities mixed together, and maintain the operability of the business activities to avoid duplication and disconnection. Functional decomposition in organizational design is often unified with the job responsibilities.
Process reengineering is a kind of improvement idea, its goal is to redesign the business process in the organization, eliminate the unnecessary, non-value-added aspects of the original process, so that the process value-added maximization, in order to achieve significant cost savings, to provide better service to customers.
Organizational structure is the most basic structural basis for the operation of the enterprise's processes, departmental settings and functional planning, common forms of organizational structure, including linear, functional, linear-functional, matrix system, business unit system. Organizational structure refers to, for the work of the task how to division of labor, grouping and coordination and cooperation.
Organizational structure is to show the organization of the parts of the order of arrangement, spatial location, aggregation and dispersion of state, contact information and the relationship between the elements of a model, is the entire management system of the "framework".
Organizational structure is the organization of all members of the organization in order to achieve organizational goals, in the management of the division of labor, in terms of the scope of duties, responsibilities, rights of the formation of the structure of the system.
Organizational structure is the dynamic structure of the organization in terms of duties, responsibilities, rights, its essence is to achieve the strategic objectives of the organization to take a division of labor and collaboration system, the organizational structure must be adjusted with the organization's major strategic adjustments. The main elements included are as follows:
Design elements: the correct consideration of six key factors: job specialization, departmentalization, chain of command, span of control, centralization and decentralization, formalization. Four structures: organizational structure is generally divided into four aspects: functional structure, hierarchical structure, departmental structure, and authority structure. Optimization methods:
First, to the stability of the organizational structure of the transition or stability exists as a prerequisite.
Secondly, the division of labor should be clear, favorable assessment and coordination.
Third, the department, the post should be set up with the cultivation of talent, to provide a good space for development of the combination of three elements:
(1) units, departments and posts set up (2) the various units, departments and posts of the duties, the definition of the powers (3) units, departments and posts roles in relation to each other the definition of the relationship between the institutional form: linear, functional, linear function, divisional system, Simulation of decentralized system, matrix system, committee I. Introduction to the organizational structure (OrganizationalStructure) refers to, for the work of how the task is divided, grouped and coordinated cooperation. Organizational structure (organizationalstructure) is to show that the organization's various parts of the order of arrangement, spatial location, aggregation and dispersion of the state, contact information, as well as the interrelationship between the elements of a model, is the framework of the entire management system. Second, the enterprise organizational structure contains three aspects of the content:Enterprise organizational units, departments and positions are set up, not a business organization is divided into several parts, but the enterprise as a service to a specific goal of the organization, must be composed of several corresponding parts, just like a person needs to walk on the same feet.
It is not a division from whole to part, but the whole must have different parts in order to achieve a specific goal.
This relationship cannot be inverted.
It is a definition of the goal-functional role of the parts.
If a certain constituent part, without an indispensable goal-functional role, shrivels up and disappears like a man's tail.
This definition is a division of labor, but a division of labor within the organism. The mouth can be used for eating or for breathing.
This is defining how the parts harmonize, cooperate, complement, and replace each other when they function.