Why Trump is strongly supporting the release of the Obamacare replacement by the U.S. House of Representatives?

The U.S. House of Representatives **** and the party on the evening of the 6th released a new draft for use in the replacement of Obamacare, President Trump on the 7th, local time, tweeted in support of the new health care draft, and said that he is working to reduce the price of drugs.

***and the party on the 6th released to the public the new draft of the health care plan, the new draft eliminates the individual penalties for people without health insurance, and pushed to replace the federal insurance subsidies in Obamacare with the implementation of individual tax credits.

President Donald Trump tweeted on the day of the 7th praising it as the perfect health care package. He also noted that he is working on a new pharmaceutical system to dramatically reduce drug prices.

On the same day, U.S. Secretary of Health and Public ****services Price elaborated on the relevant details of the new health care draft at a regular White House press conference, and said this new draft symbolizes the new U.S. health care policy in the right direction, and significantly reduce premiums, so that the health care system will really work will be the core goal.

According to the 123-page program, the **** and the party will first repeal the core elements of the Obamacare program, such as the use of government health care subsidies to help people buy insurance and the expansion of the Medicaid system. In the future, the Medicaid system will undergo a major reform, so that the federal government's payment is capped. However, two of the most popular elements of Obamacare - allowing young people under 26 to stay on their parents' health plans and prohibiting insurers from denying coverage or increasing premiums because of pre-existing medical problems - will be retained.

The new program would replace Obamacare's federal insurance subsidies with individual tax credits. The tax credits would range from $2,000 to $4,000 per person per year as they age. U.S. media reported that, compared with "Obamacare", the new program for low-income and older Americans to provide less financial assistance, but young people and some of the higher-income groups will receive increased financial assistance.

Obamacare, or the Affordable Care Act, is considered the "most important domestic legacy" of former President Barack Obama's eight years in office and has been highly controversial since it took effect in 2010. The repeal of Obamacare was one of Trump's core ideas during last year's presidential election.

Speaker of the House of Representatives Paul Ryan issued a statement on the 6th said, "Obamacare" is "rapidly collapsing", *** and the party's program will "provide every American with a way to achieve quality, affordable health care and affordable health care for every American." Democratic lawmakers on the House Health Committee warned that the new program could take away health care from millions of Americans.

With two House committees now scheduled to vote on the issue on the 8th, the *** and the party say they will try to push for a full House vote on the issue within weeks.

U.S. Health and Human **** Services Secretary Tom Price: It's only about the insured themselves, it's not about money, it's not about anything else. But sadly, the cost of health care is getting progressively higher for those individuals and for small retail vendors, so health care coverage is going down and things are getting worse.

Price said Congress and the administration will once again review the provisions of Obamacare line by line, and will extend the provisions that are beneficial to the insured to ensure a smooth transition between the old and new health care programs. Price also emphasized that the new health care program will support individual patients, families and doctors to make medical decisions without any form of restriction from the federal government.

Tom Price: Our desire is to lower the cost of health care for everyone, and the way to do that is to increase the choices that people have, to increase the competition, to bring the regulation of health care down to the state level, not the federal level, and all of these steps that are being taken will **** together so that it actually lowers the cost of health care, and it will allow people to buy the insurance that they need.

House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said in an interview the same day that the **** and the party's proposal could leave millions of people without health care and profit the wealthy. And the bill to limit the expansion of publicly funded health care programs for low-income people and other content still caused by lawmakers, including some of the *** and the party, the new health care draft ultimately passed by Congress is still facing challenges.