I'm Dr. Color Doppler ultrasound. Most manufacturers in our hospital have machines, including Phoenix from Siemens, whose English name should be anterst. The machine is general, belonging to the middle and low-grade machine. Our hospital has been flexible for 3 years and has done more than 20 thousand cases. We used to use Siemens s2000, Erlang God of Hitachi. Later, everyone recognized Hitachi's goodness and bought a little Erlang God. Hitachi's elastic imaging is more accurate and repeatable than Siemens'. It is said that only Hitachi's can be charged. It is also very impressive to use elasticity to generate income for Cory. Our director has many classic cases of using the elasticity of thyroid and breast, and has also done many malignant cases below 5 mm. A little advice, I hope it will help you. Elastic imaging is really a good thing, I hope you can make some achievements in this respect!
In addition, it is equivalent to Logiq7 of GE and a6 of Aloka.