Seek metering management software

Measurement management software, excluding those with a small number of users of the software, this software, the number of users is too small, there is no number of people after the test grind, easy to get out of the problem. It is recommended to choose some large enterprise software, after all, after years of accumulation of updates, technology has been quite mature, measurement management system inside the measurement of the star is used quite well, the key is stable. Functions are as follows:

One, measuring instruments general ledger management

1. Apparatus ledger for classification management, apparatus classification can be customized, can be classified according to the type of apparatus, such as: thermal class, length class, Class A, Class B, Class C. The management staff can also be classified according to the different management personnel. Can also be classified according to the different management personnel management, in the rights management can be set up in different apparatus classification of management rights.

2. Apparatus ledger provides perfect filtering to find the function, you can according to the apparatus classification, the use of the department, the name of the apparatus, the apparatus number, the name of the apparatus, the apparatus, the status of the apparatus, rapid filtering to locate the scope of the apparatus.

3. Copy increase can select a similar attributes of the apparatus to copy the increase, reduce workload.

4. Batch modification of the selected apparatus, batch modification of an attribute. For example, batch modification of the date of verification, effective date, the use of personnel and so on.

6. You can customize the appliance attributes in the appliance ledger, such as: equipment level, file number, functional description, and so on.

7. General ledger can be adjusted interface, can adjust whether to display a certain attribute of the ledger.

8. Support query, advanced query two kinds of filtering methods, and can be freely sorted by attributes.

9. Support Excel import and export. Consider all the data import may occur, so that the data import work is easy and convenient, the system also supports the original data automatically categorized into the data dictionary, greatly reducing your workload and achieving a smooth transition of the work mode.

10. Support for customized printing of selected apparatus data in the ledger.

11. Traceability information, you can view the life cycle information of an apparatus in the ledger, such as: calibration calibration information, repair information, loan information status modification records, calibration cycle modification records. (Calibration history)

12. Apparatus automatic numbering, you can define the rules of the apparatus number, in the addition of new apparatus can automatically fill in the apparatus number.

II. Alarm Management

1. Work reminders to view, such as the number of expired instruments, the number of instruments to be inspected, the number of instruments being inspected, the number of instruments on loan due to expire, the number of today's expiration, the number of expiration in a few days.

2. expiration query, you can query today's expiration, the expiration date is not inspected, in a few days, weeks, months, a date range of the expiration of the apparatus, the retrieval of data can be filtered by department, the various types of attributes, and can be directly generated and print out the inspection notification form.

3. Start-up calibration reminder, you can turn on the computer, the lower right corner of the automatic pop-up window work reminder.

Three, calibration management

1. Generate notification. According to the work of the reminder of the screening of the expiration of the gauge to generate notification, maintenance and calibration status can be set to have been notified, to be notified, to be checked and other states. Can enter the developer, send inspection, send inspection department and other information.

2. Completion of the instrument calibration information entry. For different apparatus in the apparatus calibration inside fill in the calibration information, calibration results, calibration cycle, after the state, calibration location, calibration unit, calibration costs, calibration standards, inspection specifications and other content. Can be uploaded in pdf format for each apparatus calibration certificate.

3. Apparatus repair. When the apparatus in the use of the process of damage occurs, or after the calibration, the need to repair the apparatus, the data are recorded in this record, increase the repair record, enter the repair personnel, repair units, repair content and other information.

Four, permission settings

1. Establishment of different roles in the title, the role of the set permissions function, and then add the operator to the role, the operator's functional permissions depend on the permissions of the role under.

2. You can assign different permissions according to different operators, for example: Zhang San set view permissions, can not be modified. Li Si can only see the A class ledger.

V. Borrowing Management

Select the apparatus to be borrowed, fill in the borrower, the borrowing department, the return date and other information is completed, click OK to save the data, the system will automatically update the apparatus ledger in the use of the department, the user, whether or not to lend the information. Comprehensive management of borrowed equipment dynamics.

Sixth, the annual verification program

For measuring instruments in the general ledger of the effective date of the instrument statistics out of the year's verification program.

System by the use of departmental summary of the next year, January-December verification, calibration of the workload. Convenient for you to make the annual work plan.

Seven, personnel management

For the measurement of personnel, the use of personnel, calibration personnel, repair personnel, verification personnel, approvers, engineers, and other personnel for classification management.

Different departments, you can view the personnel information under the department.

Eight, report statistics

1. Calibration, calibration results statistics. According to the operation date of the instrument calibration for the "use of department", "the number of inspected", "qualified number", "qualified rate "The query statistics.

2. The number of instruments by department. The system will count the number of various types of measuring instruments in all departments.

3. Check the cost view. The system will automatically count the cost of measuring instruments under the classification of the apparatus belonging to the calibration.

4. Weekly inspection rate statistics. The system will be the gauge should be tested, the actual test, qualified, qualified rate statistics.

IX. Data backup and recovery

1. Click the "Backup" button, the system pops up the path selection interface, the system will automatically generate the backup file name, backup file name is the file name + date, you choose a good backup file stored in the path, click the "Save" button to realize the backup operation.

2. Data Recovery. Click the "Recovery" button, the system pops up the path selection interface, select the data files you need to recover, click the "Open" button, the system will automatically restore the current database file into a database backup file for a certain period of time.