Jiading Ruijin North Hospital appointment phone number is how much?

Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine affiliated Ruijin Hospital North Hospital is located in Jiading District, Shanghai, was established in the afternoon of December 19, 2012, then Jiading Ruijin North Hospital appointment phone number is how much?

1, Address: 999 Hope Road, Jiading District, Shanghai.

2, Ruijin Hospital has 18 departments such as gastroenterology, endocrinology, neurology, general surgery.

3. Adjacent to Jiading New Town Station of Railway Transportation Line 11, there are also 6 bus lines and 7 bus stops around the hospital, including Jiading No.1, No.9, No.14, No.52, No.53, and Jiading Line ****.

This is the end of the introduction of the content of the Jiading Ruijin North Hospital appointment phone number.