How much does a set of VR equipment cost now

Today VR in the market by many young people's attention, because vr this kind of equipment for them is a new experience, many people may not be familiar with the VR experience. Immersive VR helmet 125 degrees bionic field of view angle, 1080P binocular independent HD resolution, the field of view of free and no dead angle, blurring the boundaries of the virtual and real environment, so that the experience of panoramic in a world that has never been there. Through time and space "VRLC66" and micro the same number, a set of VR equipment about ten thousand yuan, the game movie content regularly updated. Multiple players are involved at the same time, and players can constantly communicate with each other. The *** same hobby of VR can help them immediately establish a meaningful relationship. Younger players can meet new people with ****ing interests and share them with each other.

Multi-degree-of-freedom (DOF) kinetic platform movement speed from 10mm/1-67mm/sec can be adjusted arbitrarily, tilt, movement. Tilt, motion, undulation and 360 degrees, rotation brings a feeling of total freedom, so that the platform and the action in the film content synchronization.

Intelligent Operation HandleThe intelligent operation handles located on the left and right sides inside the capsule form a simple console. Through the smart handles, the experience can easily accomplish various human-computer interactions, such as character walking and enemy combat!

The panoramic interactive movie presents a deep visual presentation, stunning out of the screen, and the unique movie production technology ensures that the experiencer can enjoy the stereoscopic effect uniquely from any angle. The storyline is a heart-wrenching one, and the rhythm of the fight and the interactive setup give the experiencer the power to rewrite the movie's script.

Helmet sensors track head movements and alter the display to mimic the movement of a person moving their head to look at an object in the real world.

The so-called virtual reality is actually a virtual digital world with no boundaries of perspective. People wearing virtual reality devices can look up and down to extend their perspective viewing at will. This virtual digital world, can be a multi-camera shooting synthesized, can also be virtual reality by the computer, to give the experience of a real visual.