Look at the items and corresponding numbers in the column of each number. ECG stands for electrocardiogram, and the number at ECG or HR refers to heart rate; SPO2 stands for oxygen saturation; NIBP stands for non-invasive blood pressure (IBP is invasive); RR stands for respiratory rate; TEMP stands for body temperature
2. The heart rate is normal for 60-100 beats/min; the oxygen saturation is normal for 95%-99%; the systolic blood pressure is normal for 90-140mmHg, and the diastolic blood pressure is normal for 60-90mmHg. 95%-99%; normal systolic blood pressure is 90-140mmHg, normal diastolic blood pressure is 60-90mmHg.
It is recommended to use it according to the instruction manual or under the guidance of a doctor.
Expanded information:
Generally speaking, the parameters that are available for the monitor: ECG, respiration, blood pressure ( There are two kinds of non-invasive and invasive), oxygen saturation, pulse rate, body temperature, end-expiratory carbon dioxide, respiratory mechanics, anesthesia gases, cardiac output (invasive and non-invasive), EEG dual-frequency index and so on. It depends on the type and specifications of the monitor.
The use of cardiac monitor operation:
1) First of all, the skin should be kept clean and dry, with abrasive paper will be the electrode patch needs to be placed in the position (the right clavicle under a finger, the left side of the fifth rib and the left anterior axillary line at the intersection of the two nipples connected to the mid-point of the cuticle of the skin to wipe clean.
(2) Wash it off with water and dry it with paper or leave it to dry naturally.
(3) Remove the electrode patch and wipe the area with the electrode patch sticker.
(4) Remove the lead wires, snap the 3 electrode lead wires into the ECG electrode patch, place the red electrode at one finger below the right clavicle; place the yellow electrode at the midpoint of the two nipples; and place the black electrode at the intersection of the left fifth rib and the left anterior axillary line.
(5) Finally, insert the plug at the other end of the ECG leadwire correctly into the monitoring device in the direction of the arrow. The ECG monitoring can be performed by turning on the monitoring device.
Baidu Encyclopedia_Electrocardiographic Monitor