Frequency conversion technology has a significant power-saving effect, excellent speed performance and wide applicability, extend the service life of the equipment, reduce the production of driving equipment failure rate, improve product quality, and so on. Frequency converter power saving is generally more than 20%, generally 1 ~ 2 years will be able to recover the investment, mainly used in fans, pumps on the energy saving effect is most obvious; Frequency conversion is not enough to save power to transform the one-time investment and will produce harmonics, especially harmonic impact on the power grid and other power equipment, in the use of frequency conversion energy-saving program to consider these factors, to be reasonable on the selection of the frequency converter and auxiliary equipment to assess the impact on the surrounding power equipment and governance. The impact of power equipment and governance.
2. No need for speed control and control of electrical equipment, the use of power-saving special equipment to implement power-saving transformation and energy saving
No need for speed control and control of electrical equipment, the use of power-saving special equipment, such as intelligent motor power-saving devices, power-saving treasure and other power saving. This type of equipment is small investment, wide applicability, targeted, and at the same time can improve the quality of electricity, is a way of enterprise power-saving transformation. This type of equipment is through the detection of the working state, optimize the quality of power supply and load changes, reduce losses to achieve power saving and equipment protection. For example, the power saving treasure, through the detection of the working state of the power equipment, after the microprocessor comparison and arithmetic, change the output voltage and current, so that it is balanced with the state of the load, do not change the speed of the motor, to achieve the effect of power saving. For example, for no-load and light-load motor, it can reduce the rated voltage by 20% and the rated current by 30%, so that the iron and copper losses of the motor and other losses are greatly reduced to achieve the effect of power saving. In addition, during startup, Power Saving Power has buffer startup function, which effectively reduces startup current, reduces startup power consumption and startup torque damage to motor and transmission parts, and prolongs the service life of motor and transmission equipment. When stopping, the power-saving treasure ad hoc slow stop function also has the same effect. This kind of equipment generally has more than 10% power saving efficiency, can improve the power quality of the power grid appropriately.
3. Implementation of enterprise lighting system centralized control of power saving transformation
Enterprise lighting system, electricity consumption accounts for about 10% (theoretical statistical value). Lighting centralized energy-saving transformation of general power savings of more than 20%, theoretically up to 30% more than to extend the service life of lamps and lanterns 2 to 3 times; lighting energy-saving transformation of the workshop with the usual bright lights, 2 to 3 years to recover the investment (theoretically 1 to 2 years).
4. The use of energy-efficient equipment will bring long-term production of electricity cost savings
The use of high-efficiency energy-saving motors, energy-efficient transformers, energy-efficient lamps, etc., is also an effective way to save electricity.
Traditional awareness in the selection of power equipment, often focus on the use of functionality to meet the requirements of the production process and procurement costs, ignoring the operating costs. To motor, for example, the actual production, the purchase of a motor of the initial investment, often much lower than the motor throughout the life cycle of the power consumption costs to be paid. According to relevant data analysis and statistics, industrial motor life cycle operating costs of 97% to 98% of the electricity expenditure, choose energy-efficient motor procurement may pay more costs, in use but can save operating costs.
The so-called energy-efficient motor is the use of new technologies and new materials for the manufacture of motors. Such as the use of copper winding strips instead of the traditional use of aluminum winding strips, due to copper than aluminum conductivity is 60% higher, which can reduce the motor inherent internal losses of 10% to 15%. The use of permanent magnet technology for the motor rotor eliminates 15% to 25% of motor losses and also allows for the miniaturization of specific power motors.
5. Select the effective power saving transformation program according to local conditions
In the implementation of power-saving transformation should be adapted to local conditions, combined with the current situation of enterprises, resources, work timing and other reasonable choice. To an enterprise as an example of technological transformation:
A technological transformation project of an enterprise in the production of 19 #, 20 # air preheater fan outlet control valves are often out of order, after analyzing the fan using the baffle regulator valve control, the need to configure the damper, pneumatic regulator, positioner, filter regulator, etc. about 100,000 yuan, and at the same time the need to configure electrical cabinets, switches, contactors, thermal relays, and then restart the relay of about 30,000 yuan! The 75kW preheating fan is about 130,000 yuan, and mechanical and electrical maintenance workload is larger than the frequency control; using frequency control does not need to configure the dampers, pneumatic regulators, positioners, filter regulators, only need to configure a complete set of MCC inverter cabinets, restart relays, etc. about 170,000 yuan, and the frequency converter operation is highly reliable, the maintenance workload is small, and the effect of power saving is significant. Comparison of the decision to use frequency conversion, put into use after the electricity situation is shown in Table 2. change before (damper control) 19 #, 20 # preheaters annual consumption of electricity *** count 738720k W?h, after the change (frequency control) 19 #, 20 # preheaters annual consumption of electricity *** count 577843.2kW?h, the annual power savings of 160876.8kW?h, the annual savings in electricity (calculated according to the cost of power generation) more than 60,000 yuan, the annual savings of electricity (according to power generation) cost calculation) more than 60,000 yuan, a year can recover the investment.