1, pain. In patients with femoral head necrosis, the most common is pain, and almost half of patients will have pain. Pain can be intermittent or persistent, aggravated after walking activities, and sometimes it is rest pain. Most of the pain is acupuncture-like, dull pain or acid swelling discomfort, which often radiates to the groin area, the inner thigh, the back of the hip and the inner knee, and there is numbness in this part.
2. Stiff joints and limited activities: Necrosis of the femoral head will affect the flexion and extension activities of the patient's hip joint, making it difficult for the patient to squat, unable to stand for a long time, and walking like a duck's foot. However, the early symptoms are abduction and limited external rotation.
3, claudication: early patients often have intermittent claudication, especially children. It is generally progressive shortening claudication, which is caused by hip pain, femoral head collapse or late subluxation of hip joint.
4. signs. The early symptoms of femoral head necrosis are local deep tenderness, adductor tenderness, positive 4-character test, Gaga S sign and A 1 1is sign test. Abduction, external rotation or internal rotation are limited, the affected limb can be shortened, muscle atrophy and even signs of subluxation. Sometimes axial pain is positive.
5.x-ray performance. Through examination, it can be found that the bone texture of patients with early femoral head necrosis is delicate or interrupted, and the femoral head appears cystic, hardened, flat or collapsed, which is also the early symptom of femoral head necrosis.
The above is our detailed introduction to the symptoms of femoral head necrosis in the first stage. After reading the above introduction, I think you should know what femoral head necrosis is. If patients find themselves with the above symptoms, they should go to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible, so as not to aggravate the condition and affect the treatment effect. DSA vascular interventional therapy adopts "DSA digital subtraction angiography system", which is a high-tech medical equipment in the hospital, with accurate positioning, precise treatment, little damage to normal tissues, and its outstanding feature is minimally invasive. And the whole process is carried out under visual conditions, which is safe and reliable. It is best to wish the patient a speedy recovery.