What does an assembly clerk do?
Assembly Clampman refers to the operation of mechanical equipment or the use of jigs and tools, mechanical equipment parts, formation or finished product combination of assembly and transfer of personnel. Assembly Clampman puts the parts according to the assembly technology requirements of mechanical equipment assembly components, parts assembly and total assembly, and after adjustment, inspection and test drive, etc., so as to make it become a qualified mechanical equipment. \x0d\\ The basic operation of the clampman is categorized \x0d\ 1, auxiliary operation That is, scribing, which is the operation of drawing the machining boundary on the blank or semi-finished workpiece according to the drawing. \x0d\ 2, cutting operations There are burring, sawing, filing, tapping threads, sets of threads. Drilling (reaming, reaming), scraping and grinding and many other operations. \x0d\ 3, assembly operation that is, assembly, the parts or components according to the technical requirements of the drawings assembled into a machine process. \x0d\ 4, maintenance operation that is, maintenance, maintenance, inspection, repair of machinery and equipment in service operation.