Japan’s elderly care institutions are opened by Japanese governments at all levels and non-governmental organizations, private enterprises, consortiums or individuals (health nurses, etc.) funded by the government to provide services for the elderly in the community free of charge or charged according to national standards. .
In Japan, there are roughly two types of institutions that provide services for the elderly: elderly welfare facilities and fee-based elderly homes. The former is mainly initiated by the government (Ministry of Health and Welfare). According to different situations and the different needs of the elderly, it is subdivided into daily service centers for the elderly, short-term admission facilities for the elderly, nursing homes for the elderly, special nursing homes for the elderly, and light-fee elderly homes. Elderly welfare center, elderly care support center, etc. Fee-based homes for the elderly, on the other hand, introduce social funds and power and are run by private enterprises after being approved by the prefectural and county governments. They are divided into three types: nursing care, residential care and health care based on different functions and forms.