What does horizontal and vertical resolution mean

Meaning: screen resolution refers to the resolution of the screen display. Screen resolution determines how much information is displayed on a computer screen in settings measured in horizontal and vertical pixels. When the screen resolution is low (e.g. 640x480), fewer pixels are displayed on the screen, but at a larger size. When the screen resolution is high (e.g. 1600x1200), more pixels are displayed on the screen, but the size is smaller.

Display resolution is the number of pixels displayed on the screen, the resolution 160 x 128 means that the horizontal direction contains 160 pixels and the vertical direction 128 pixels. With the same screen size, the higher the resolution, the finer and more detailed the display will be.

Horizontal resolution, also called horizontal sharpness, is expressed in terms of television lines (referred to as lines TVlines), which is an indicator for evaluating the resolution of a video camera, i.e., the number of black and white pairs of lines that can be resolved after imaging.

The horizontal resolution of a display is related to the distance between two neighboring pixel points on the display screen, i.e., to the point distance of the display tube cathode plate. Under the premise that the display size is a certain value, the smaller the dot distance is, the more closely the pixels are arranged on the screen, and the clearer and more detailed the image will be.

For example, take the 29-inch multiplexer TV, if it can really compatible with the VGA standard, so that it can display 640 lines of horizontal resolution of the image, the tube cathode plate point distance can not be more than 0.6mm.

If compatible with the SVGA standard horizontal 800 lines of resolution, the point distance should be less than 0.37mm. However, the 14-21 inch and 21-inch display tube used for high-resolution displays, the point distance should be less than 0.37mm. inch and 21-inch display tubes, the maximum dot pitch should be no more than 0.28mm and the minimum only 0.21mm.

Expanded Information:

Principle of operation

The magnitude of the horizontal resolution is related to the CCD (i.e., the electrically coupled device) and the lens. Also directly related to the bandwidth of the camera circuit channel, the usual rule is that the bandwidth of 1MHz corresponds to the clarity of 80 lines. The wider the bandwidth, the clearer the image, the greater the relative value of the line.

Commonly used black-and-white camera resolution is generally 380-600, color camera's typical resolution is between 320 and 500 TV lines, mainly 330 lines, 380 lines, 420 lines, 460 lines, 500 lines and other different grades.

General surveillance occasions, with about 400 lines of black and white cameras can meet the requirements. For medical, image processing and other special occasions, with 600-line camera can get a clearer image.

Shade plate dot pitch reduction, just one of the necessary conditions for the monitor high-resolution images. As the dot pitch decreases, the distance between pixel points composed of adjacent three-color phosphors also decreases. Therefore, the display tube must also be improved in the electron gun, deflection coil magnetic field distribution.

If the focus of the electron beam is too large after focusing, the electrons of the electron beam will be sputtered onto the phosphors of the adjacent pixels, which will result in poor color purity. If the magnetic field of the deflection coil is not uniformly distributed, the electron beam in the screen periphery can not accurately pass through the very small cathode hole, will make the screen periphery color purity deterioration, resulting in poor dynamic convergence of the display tube.

If it is a monochrome display tube or three-color independent projection tube, no cathode plate in the tube, its display resolution depends only on the phosphor granularity and electron beam focusing effect.

Baidu Encyclopedia - Screen Resolution

Baidu Encyclopedia - Horizontal Resolution