Detailed gameplay guide for Cyber Wizards 2

Deck 1 (Deck 2 - Med/Sci) Medical Research Science Level

MISSION: Search the entire Medical Science Research Level for clues about Von Braun. Charge the batteries to open the door into the medical section; find the Crew Card in the Biopsy section; find Dr. Watts' office in the Research and Development section, obtain the Maintenance Permit Code (12451) and enter the Engineering Deck.

Scientific Research Section

Game On: After four years of sleeping in a cryogenic chamber, you wake up, and everything in this ship has gone to hell in a handbasket, with Comrade Von Braun (Von Braun: a German aristocrat?), and Von Dietrich (Von Dietrich: a German aristocrat?). Perhaps out of the same family as Colonel von Dietrich) seems to be out of his mind. At this point comes the voice of Dr. Polito, who got into trouble in Deck 4, and she will keep sending you E-Mails to help you with clues and rewards (Cyber Modules: points used for upgrades).

Check the body to pick up the wrench to equip it and clean up around you. Clear the obstacle in front of the ladder in front of you, climb up and enter the door (the switch is next to the door) to find the disk (Cryogenics Access Card) to get the code to get into the air pressure isolation chamber (45100). Don't hesitate to go in, there's not much air left. Don't forget to clean up anywhere (corpses, tables, boxes, code boxes (requires HACK technology), etc.), take everything you can with you, especially the diskette, and be sure to listen to what's being said inside. Looking out through the window on the right, an alien bastard with a shotgun is chasing and abusing a female crew member, screaming his lungs out.... Stop it. I'm coming! I'm coming.

To the left, bend down and crawl into the ventilation ducts, turn around and climb to the head, dropping into a large room with the barometric isolation hatch to the left, which can't be opened without electricity. Find the battery on the corpse, charge it on the charger and install it on the power unit and the door opens. As soon as you enter, Comrade Dr. Polito delivers four upgrade points, a timely pat on the back. Do a good job and be rewarded.

This place has a full set of upgrades, including weapons, technology, superpowers, and status training upgraders; remember that this place comes back often for upgrades. Clean a few rooms, don't leave any corners (including the beams overhead), anything ("money": Nanites, various bullets, armor, disks, blood replenishing injections, superpower injections, stamina injections, etc. etc.). Get on the elevator, right room, search the corpse and find a Psi Amp to take with you, you can't do your powers without it. In the room to the left of the elevator, find the Science Sector Access Card, or you won't be able to get into the research area.

Cross the hallway and enter the Science Sector on the right. Inside, two alien bastards are waiting for you with sticks in their hands. Use your wrench to take them out, and fight as you move, don't just stand there and get hit. Don't forget to search the corpses for goodies (reminder: alcohol and tobacco are bad for your health) and their tissues and organs, and look for chemical elements to study the tissues of these creatures, so you know what you're doing.

At the security station, you'll find a surveillance computer, hack it and those surveillance cameras and little gun towers will malfunction, but for a limited time. Once the alarm goes off it will attract hordes of enemies, so hack it if you can and knock out those cameras, and take out the gun towers if you have the firearms to do so.

Exit the security station, turn left and walk to the head into the door, there's an Alien Bastard on the right; on the left you'll see the Biostructure Reconstruction Machine for the first time, hit the switch to turn it on. In case you can't, you can still get regeneration through it. You can also find something in the inner room.

Go out through the guard room, where there are two important doors: one leads to a maintenance ladder (there's an MP robot in there, doesn't that look familiar? From RoboCop...); the other is the elevator door. The elevator door can't be opened on this level until the power is restored on the next level. To get to the Engineering Deck, you must have the code to the first door, which only Dr. Watts knows. You can only get into Dr. Watts' office in the Research and Development area if you have an R&D Access Card, which is located somewhere in the Medical Sector. To the left of the elevator, in the center of the room, are the Xerxes (with a head that looks a bit like a German Einstein, as you'll see on many of the floors to come), the supercomputers in charge of security named Von Braun.

You'll have to find the battery and charge it in order to open the door to the medical area.That's easy! In the process, you'll get to own your first pistol, but of course you'll have to be able to use it to maintain it. You can also buy some much-needed supplies at the Replicator. Eliminate those pesky little monkeys. Find the batteries and charge them up, and you're ready to head to the medical area.

Medical Area

Insert the batteries and the door opens, don't rush in and give yourself a couple of shots first (wow, drugs!). The door opens. Step through the door Dr. Comrade (Dr. Polito) and busy to send a few points of comfort, but also whimpering bragging about a pass. Entering the isolation chamber, I pressed the button to enter the medical area.

The door to the left of the hatch (into the Crew Recreation Area) requires a Crew Card to open, which is in the hands of Grassi in the Biopsy Area, go find him. Go ahead and take out the aliens and check every room on the upper level. Go down the ramp, watch out for the gun turrets up ahead, make a quick turn into the room on the left and look around. Come out of the right hand room and turn on the biostructure rebuilder, continue down the corridor, there's a camera on the left, get rid of it and an alien.

Walk through the ICU lab (be careful of the radiation) and watch out for two gun-toting aliens up ahead, keep your distance and shoot them. Follow the markers for the biopsy area, take out the gun turrets, a couple of aliens, and the camera, and find the Crew Keycard on the corpse in the room.

Return to the entrance to gain access to the Crew Lounge. You'll find an upgrade system, a vending machine and a special OS upgrade machine. There are only four OS upgrades in the entire game (Deck 2, Deck 3, Deck 5, and Deck 7), so don't miss out on them, as they are recommended for firepower and protection. You'll have no trouble finding the R&D Access Card below, and it's only a matter of time before you meet Dr. Watts to hear his dying rant (you'll be given the code for the maintenance entrance: 12451). Don't forget to walk around, climb, pick up some "junk", and take a couple of "hits" now and then to keep your muscles stimulated. The night is long, and so is the road...

Deck 1- Engineering

Mission: Find a way to control the Fluidics Computer. Find the designated circuit board in Storeroom 5 and install it on the Fluidics Computer system; use the Fluidics Computer to remove radiation contamination from the Coolant Tubes; obtain access codes to the Engine Core; restart the Left and Right Engines and the Main Power Control Computer to restore the main power supply and the elevator's power supply.

This level is simply a code hunt, and the individual codes are listed below: Storage 4 Code: 59004; Enginerring Control Code: 15016; Storage 5 Code: 34760; Set Engin Core to Overload Code: 94834.

This level is simply a code hunt, and the individual codes are listed below:

This level is simply a code hunt. /p>

To access the Engin Core, it must be cleared of radiation; to avoid damage from radiation, first go to Storage 4 to get the bulky suit. The flow control computer is on the upper level of the engineering control area, and the access code is in Cargo Bay 2. Search Command Control and Cargo Bay 1 to find the token to enter Cargo Bay 2 and the code to Engineering Control.

Get the code to Storeroom 5 in Cargo Bay 2, get the 45m/dEx board in the storeroom, and install it in the central computer in the Command Control room (take the gravity elevator) to remove it from Xerxes' control. Return to the engineering control area and open the flow control computer to remove the radiation contamination. Use the code you were given to access the engine core, activate the left and right engines, and restore the power supply (including the elevator's power supply). Hey, bro remember to take the Samurai's laser sword with you. On the upper level of the engine core there is another secret room without a code, which you will get after completing certain tasks on the sixth level. Whisper it here: 94834, and don't make more runs later. Once the power is restored, don't forget to take the elevator at the entrance (location #2 on the map) to the bilge for a spin, where you'll run into a new kind of monster: the Midwife.

Deck 3 - Hydroponics

MISSION: Remove alien contamination. Find and study Toxin-A (Toxin-A); place the four toxin canisters on the four environmental purifiers; go to Deck 4 to meet Dr. Polito (Dr. Polito: what's with the dog name).

We were supposed to go straight to the fourth level to meet the Doctor, but for some reason had to linger here. This level is where the ship engages in food production, and is occupied by Many as an egg hatching room, which is not much of a challenge. A new type of soldier will appear here - eggs tended by Midwives - so don't go near them. Elemental Antimony (Sb) and Elemental Vanadium (V) are needed to research Toxin A. You can find five of them in one ****. You can find five canisters of toxin in one ****, so don't be soft and get rid of all those shitty creatures. Keep an eye out for another OS upgrader on this level.

Level 4 Operation (Deck 4 - Operation)

Mission: find three emulated computers and reprogram them. The control chips are on the three Cyborg Assassins. Capture the assassins to get the chips and regain control of the corresponding computers. She was a suicide! She did not wait for the moment of rescue, in the hopelessness of the death of a lonely, miserable, I came too late (in my heart: this can not be blamed on me, you have to find the screenwriter, all his handiwork, I came to early or late, she had to die). After that, Satan (SHODAN) will jump out from behind the scenes to directly command you, you can sit down and seize this rare opportunity to watch a moment of information, listen to the leader to explain to you some insider information.

Pod 42, here is a red-clad assassin not far from the entrance in a flash and disappeared, does not matter, in the warehouse you will catch him. He is quick and agile and moves quickly, watch out for his darts. Hyperbole, who hired a Japanese ninja! Beware of fireball-generating monkeys and alien bomb throwers. Remember the location of the first computer you found (Office section: Office section), because the chip you found cannot control this machine. Cabin 44, grab the red-clad assassin near the crew's quarters and get the second control chip for that computer in Cabin 42.

Cabin 43, near the Sleeping Quarters, in a secret room you'll find the perfect weapon, the assault rifle, which can be reloaded 72 rounds at a time if you fiddle with it, so don't say you can't find it. Capture the third Red Assassin near the charging station. There's a room nearby that you can't get into at the moment, and you'll need to wait until you get the OPS token on level six.

Tier 5 Recreation (Deck 5 Recreation)

Mission: find the radio transmitter in the sports area; find the code to activate the transmitter and activate the transmitter at art terminals throughout the recreation floor.

The codes you need for Level 5: An Exotic Weapon is on Level 2 of the Crew Annex Code is 11111; Code for Garden is 34693; Transmitter Code is 14106.

The Transmitter is in the Movement Center on this level. The access code is in the Crew Annex, and the Crew Annex "access authorization" is hidden deep in the Garden tunnel. The massive crew quarters are divided into two levels, with a main elevator in the central structure leading to the sixth level. In one of the crew bedrooms, you will find the code to access the Sports Center. From a diskette you find, you will learn that the code to activate the radio transmitter is cleverly hidden by the crew in some electronic murals; don't leave any of the murals on the fifth level unattended, press it a few more times to find if there are numbers hidden inside.

While searching the shopping area for the pieces of the code, you'll be surprised by a place near the security room. Wow, it's the red light district (Sensual Simulation Room)! It's a place for both men and women (and no one young), so be sure to check it out. The pimps will show you the signs of all the girls and guys, so don't go to the wrong door. ...... If you're short on cash, you must go to the reddest Nikki girl...ah, it's really good value for your money! Also don't miss the OS upgrader.

After everything is done, enter the sports center. Beware of the Rumbler in the basketball court: grim-faced, strong, fast and powerful, more muscular than Stallone and a great fighter. The transmitter is on the second floor of the basketball court, but don't rush up there just yet. Drill into the breezeway to the right of the doorway into the swimming pool, where the power to the court is restored. Go up to the second floor and open the transmitter with the scrambled code [14106] so Satan can have a secret meeting with Xerxes through the transmitter, and it opens the main elevator for you.

What? Satan had a secret meeting with Xerxes, why didn't I know that, protest! Why wasn't I invited to attend, this is outrageous! The leaders never take us working people seriously, and at the end of the day the best they can do is give you a decision.

Deck 6 - Command

Mission: gain access to the bridge; find the Ops Override Card; return to the Running Tier and Engineering Operations Tier to complete a series of missions; gain access to the shuttle bay and destroy two shuttles full of eggs.

When you appear on the Command Level, there are two paths: one leads to the shuttle bay, which you can't get into, and the other leads to the railroad tram station. Behind a door on the platform at the middle station are two gravitational elevators that go straight to the Rickenbacker Deck; wait until you've destroyed the two shuttles, and Satan will open the door for you. The other end of the track leads to Quarantine 61, where the disk reminds you that you'll be encountering a new enemy, a flying creature, let's just call it a flying jellyfish for short.

The code for Security Station is 83273.

Through the quarantine pods, there are five elevators in the central hall: the big one in the center goes to the bridge, where the token is in the Escape Pods; the four smaller ones go up to the Escape Pods and the ship's Officer's Quarters: enter the Escape Pods, and then go to the Escape Pods. The four small staircases lead up to the lifeboats and the ship's Officer's Quarters (where the token to enter the shuttle bay is located). The Ops Override Keycard is in a hidden compartment in the center column on the upper bridge.

Next, you'll return to the operations level, turn on the OPS computer, and Satan will send you the code 94834 to control the engine cores, return to the engine center on the engineering operations level, and activate the control computer to cause the engines to overload and self-destruct. Is Satan short-circuited with fever, how to give this kind of suicidal order. I don't understand, but I want to believe that our leadership is always great and correct, ah (upper voice) um (lower voice) ...

Departure, back to the command level, look at this toss. The shuttlecraft nacelles are shot to stop Many from sending their seed out. The left and right nacelles each hold a fully loaded ship, both covered by protective shields. After shutting down the computer controlling the shield in the upper control room on the left, you can do whatever you want. The computer on the right was destroyed by the darn midwife, but that's okay, hack the vending machine and get the **** vibrator. Go down and put the **** vibrator on the shield and run up it! Run as fast as you can.

Wrap it up? Slow down! Go down to the nacelle again (that door on the right is broken, you can't get in). Just as you raise your leg to step inside, Satan barks a stern order to stop you from going in. Huh? That's a little weird! The general's orders are not to be obeyed. There's the body of Comrade Delacroix lying in the room, so it makes sense...

Satan even docked me 10 bucks for my work. Good! Stand up and take off your hat in silence - for a long, long, long time - and bury your hate deep in your heart...

Who sealed the gravitational elevator of the Rickenbacker Deck? Turns out Many was afraid I'd run away too fast, blocked the door and sent Korenchkin to ask me to join him on the bridge to discuss the future. How did I become so important in a moment? I'm almost like Han Xin. If Many is Xiang Yu, then Satan is Lu Pheasant, and it doesn't feel good to have a cold neck. If I were Han Xin, then... take the idea and go talk... (Don't pester the flying jellyfish when you see them, take the elevator up and smash the white brain device lying on the console, and the flying jellyfish won't come back to life.)

The seventh floor Rickenbacker (Deck 7 - Rickenbacker) )

The seventh level can be divided into three parts: (From here on out, no map information will be provided in the game.)

Part 1 Rickenbacker Pod 1

Mission: Destroy all 16 Black Eggs; find the entrance to the next level.

Exiting the gravitational elevator, Satan sends orders: destroy all black eggs, they are different - the shells are black and red. Take out the wandering assassins and slowly climb the ladder, which has three turrets from bottom to top. There's a ladder to the left and right of the exit, with a Black Egg nestled at the root of the right-hand ladder, and a button in the control room above that opens the Fuel Cells entrance, which also releases two Rambo's and an MP droid.

Take out the probe in the upper left corner of the Fuel Cells entrance. Once inside, the noble Captain Diego greets you with a phone call, which is a bit flattering, so watch out for the assassin on the roof of the fuel cell on the right. Go forward against the left wall and take out the assassins and spiders. On the right side of the aisle is a blue shield, outside of which is the blackness of space, so be careful not to fall in. Turn on the button in the room to extend two long bridges over the shield, but unfortunately there's a big break in the center, and there's a Rickenbacker access keycard sitting in the room across the way. Hard charging won't work, find another way, and don't forget to take care of the black egg dangling from the cabin roof.

Turn around, find and enter the air duct, there are still spiders crawling around, step on them. The duct splits into two forks, the right control room has a button to extend another section of bridge. The left leads to a section of catwalk (with two assassins) that overlooks the entire fuel tank. Jump through the gap to the top of the fuel tank, then to the top of the other fuel tank on the right. Go down, up the bridge, and deposit the disk. It's a bit tricky to jump from this broken bridge to the other one, so try a few more times! Once you have the Rickenbacker access keycard, you can follow the signposts towards POD 2.

Take out the assassin at the top of the ladder in POD 2, search the entire hatch, and destroy the black egg. Take the corridor with the blinking red light and go sweep the entire Cabin B (Nacelle B). Follow the signposts into a gray area with a missile tower on the left and a black egg on the right under the platform. Go down the stairs and open the biostructure rebuilder, and also shop and relax at the vending machines. Turn right and go through a long corridor to enter Cabin B, where the horrible, suffocating sound of Many fills the space.

It's a bit hard here, and it annoyed me a bit. The tunnel in front of you is divided into left and right, with an upper and lower level. Jump up to the upper right level (hard), blast the turret, and at the end, find the control switch for the gravitational generator and use it to open a hole in the lower wall. Go down, enter through the hole in the wall you just opened, climb up a set of ladders and find the darn Black Egg, heh heh...

Go back to the chemical storage area and enter Cabin A. To the left is the medical room, blast the Rambo and the Black Egg in front of you. Go forward and watch out for the two laser turrets in the left window, there is a Black Egg stashed underneath the turret (there are three left). There's no road ahead, so go back and follow the signs to POD 2.

As you step into the hall, there are three turrets in the distance directly in front of you. Hack the surveillance computers on the right wall and use your EM gun to result them and check the room. To the right of the intersection is a dead end with a black egg on the wall just inside the door on the left. Climb down the ladder, follow the "Low Headroom" markings on the floor, search for it, and stomp up the other ladder, which is guarded by an MP droid on the overhead walkway. Enter the room and there is another Black Egg nestled in the room (only one left). Continue to the inner room and watch out for a turret on each side of the door, they're done with the eggs before they can poke their heads out of their turtle shells.

There's a console in the center of the room with four buttons controlling the elevation of the four missiles on the left and right. Facing the console, there's a broken ladder to the left of the door, and it's not easy to hop up. Two ways, the first is: from left to right in order to press the first, second, four buttons two times each, and so the missiles in place, press the third button, quickly jumped on the third missile, and then it's good to do. I tried it a couple times and it's a bit difficult. Second: Someone who likes superpowers (too much magic, I guess) uses the fifth level of Instantaneous Quantum Reloction, sets a marker on the first missile, raises it to the top, and then uses his superpowers to teleport himself up there, and it's all so easy.

Climb up the ladder, waste one of the assassins above, enter and blast the two turrets and two aliens. Head straight for the center engine room, don't go to the right yet or you'll regret it. Press the launch button inside the engine room and fire the torpedo out you can continue right. The last black egg is in the last room.

Part 2 Rickenbacker Pod 2

Mission: Find Diego and set off to the Rickenbacker bridge.

Exit the elevator, something's wrong, it's all upside down! Go through the corridor and there's a church on your left. There are three assassins on either side of the top of the church, so watch out for the MP robots that appear behind you as you fight them. Exit the church and enter the deep well on the left, which is flooded with green light. There is a ladder on the right wall of the well, next to the vent on the opposite side, and some items underneath the well. Take out the turret in the vent, the room at the end of the duct is crawling with spiders, strangle them. You find a new style undershirt on a corpse - authentic alien stuff, study it and put it on, it feels a bit like that baby of Wei Xiaobao's - soft, tough and invulnerable to swords and spears, lol...mouth agape!

In the second room, Captain Diego seems to be very bad, prostrate corpse on the ground. Anyway, there must be some good stuff on this big guy, so let's go through it. Head down the breezeway, there's a couple of eggs on the right, step onto the fallen column and enter the elevator.

Part 3 Rickenbacker Bridge

Mission: find the new alien weapon at Diego's post; safely board the life pod and exit Rickenbacker .

Out of the elevator, thank goodness everything looks right again. There's a couple of Rambo's and Spiders ambushed inside the door, and a camera overhead. The last of the OS upgraders is right in front of you, make yourself at home. There are three turrets in the control room, blast it. To the left of the control room is Diego's captain's room, inside you'll find the alien weapon, the Worm Launcher Gun. To use it, you'll need a minimum of Level 6 Alien Technology and Level 6 Research Skill, plus a lot of Worm Ammo. Once you find the weapon, Satan sends you 20 points to spend on an upgrade station in the control room.

Return to the entrance, go down the ladder on the left, break the egg, and in front of you is the lifeboat. Go inside and snap the button...

Deck 8 - The Many's Carapace

Mission: find and destroy the Many's central ganglia (two); destroy the Many's nucleus.

The life pod you were riding in slammed into the Many's ass. It's over, there's no going back. Not even Satan can help you in this place, and it's time for the kid to grow up and take care of himself. Don't worry head, You can count on me! Be careful to find all the disks, each one is important.

Look around, wow! What is this place: whose colon? Gross, a little dizzy. Looks like the Monkey King got into the Iron Fan Princess's belly and went to the wrong door! To the left into the intestines, slimy everywhere, the intestinal wall of the yellow hemorrhoids also kept dripping what, it seems to get hemorrhoids is also far from the patent of the earth's creatures. Not far from the entrance is a magnetic disk. Poke through the diaphragm in the way, yeah! Forward! Enter the first cave on the left. There are some crates and some elements in the room, and the previously unfinished research project can continue.

Out of the room, inside the second cave entrance on the left is filled with radiation-contaminated water, and deep at the end of the underwater passage is a ganglion (a **** has two of these separate ganglia, each controlling two closed sphincters via two blue nerves. Smash the ganglia and the sphincters open so you can move on). After opening the radiation shield and preparing the anti-radiation and blood needles, go into the water.

Underwater, examine the floating body, go around the table, there's an opening in front of you, and two more straight in (same for both left and right). Follow the vein of blue nerves in - to the head, out of the water, and you can see a ganglion, how it looks a bit like the crab one! Couldn't really afford to eat three or five more on a crisp fall day when the crabs were fattening up. A pike smashed it. Back, to always pay attention to the radiation situation and your life index, boldly use the light antiradiation needle, the back of the use.

Out to the left, break the membrane and continue down into the circulatory conduit area. There are two lanes, left and right, with two Rambo's and a spider on the left and a midwife in the corner. There are two exits here: one leads to the sphincter that has just been opened; the other leads to the egg room. Enter the egg room and break those eggs to sever them. There are some elements and a charger in the inner room, so suck on a couple of shots and get some rest.

Entering through the open sphincter, the hall exits with a pair of giant teeth that keep biting. Swing down the hall and Moving! Two more pairs of giant teeth, another ganglion in a hole high up in the wall of flesh, closed sphincter on the left. Watch it, don't crush it. Use the lift of the teeth to do a triple jump. Miso! Miso! Miso! Leap into the hole and say "Open Sesame!" and shoot the ganglia.

Down and in, two Ramblers, a midwife and some spiders, small plates. The room with the purple door on the right has a couple of eggs and spiders and the disk, check the clue hints on the disk. Same on the left.

Down, break the diaphragm at the end of the hole and look down, so high wow! Exaggerated, head spinning. No choice, save the disk, close your eyes, and jump!

Fortunately not dead. Floating underwater are the bodies of three comrades in distress, I'm sorry I have to touch it.

Two flying jellyfish and a Rambo are on the shore to meet the driver, after taking out the Rambo, go to the shore, do not get too entangled with the flying jellyfish (they will also regenerate). Run forward, take out the Rambo, get rid of the flying jellyfish, and the end is just ahead.

Saving the disk is a good idea at all times. There's a lot of trouble inside, and it's much better if you can stealth. Prepare yourself, inhale, and enter, what a big place. In the center is the nucleus of Many (you should remember it from the Enginnering Deck bit of the animation...), with several yellow stars circling the nucleus. There are two walls of flesh on either side of the nucleus, and behind each of them are four small caves containing the brain units that control the regeneration of the flying jellyfish. There are also swarms of jellyfish, midwives and spiders in the hall. Tactics: run behind the meat walls to get rid of the brain units, and rely on the meat walls to take out the jellyfish and spiders. Concentrate your firepower (I think the grenade launcher works) on the Many's nucleus, knocking out the little stars and blowing up the nucleus. Run and fight, and keep blasting away the constant reinforcements of midwives, you'll never be able to get enough of them. Let's hear Many's final farewell speech again, climb up to the base of the nuclear, the exit is up there.

The ninth level ? Who am I ? (Deck 9 - ?)

Mission: find the location of the central computer core in SHODAN's memory banks; destroy SHODAN by any means necessary and stop her plans; find all the disks before entering SHODAN's central system (Whisper: there are four, did you find them?). .

When you step into this extraordinary place, it's déjà vu all over again, like a training session, only a little bit tense because "this is not a drill". At this point Satan has the audacity to send an E-Mail claiming that she's been using you all along and that you're just a tiny little pawn in her grand scheme. Hmph! In fact, everything is clear in mind, who is using who ah? The little guy is going to play a big role, watch out! Save the disk and move forward!

Find all four of the disks left here by comrade Delacroix, which contain vital clues to defeating the great evil Satan. Search every nook and cranny to find them, and beware that there are a few assassins here, a little different from the ones you've encountered in the past: they're translucent. Avoid the colored cubes floating in the walkways and don't get touched by them. On this level, only three disks can be found. Tail these flowing colored blocks to a well that spirals downward and save the disk! There's no turning back down there. Be careful, jump down one step at a time, jump over it and you'll see what comes out. Go down to the penultimate step and stop! Jump into the small window across the way and the fourth disk is in the mouth of that deep well. Get the disk and save it, below the well is Satan's core.

When everything is ready, save the disk and don't hesitate to jump. Along the way Satan terrorizes you one last time. Soon you will face Satan head on for the first and last time, it's either you or her.

Satan, the god who made you, sits in the center of the hall, wrapped in a protective shield, which is controlled by four computers on four pillars beside her. Satan keeps firing missiles at you, while several of Satan's phantoms keep attacking you, and even if you take out the phantoms, they'll regenerate as long as Satan isn't dead. The best way is to run around the four pillars, hack the four computers to turn off Satan's protective shield (not so good, you have to be quick; be careful of the floor in front of the computers, don't step on it when it's red), and finish off the phantoms that come to harass you in time. Then focus your fire on Satan -- Fire!Destory!

It's all over, you're kind of cool on the screen, Satan made you, you destroyed Satan...

Success leads you to another ending...