1. Project financial benefit analysis is based solely on the project's own input-output perspective, in accordance with the local fiscal and taxation system and internationally unified standard investment analysis methods at that time, and on the project's financing, profitability and risk resistance capabilities. Calculate a series of evaluation indicators to evaluate whether the project is financially feasible. At the same time, it also directly reflects the quantitative analysis results of the impact of investment environment, product and raw material power market, technology and management on feasibility.
2. Conduct financial benefit analysis on investment projects so that financial benefit assessment can be made. Financial benefit evaluation is the most important part of investment project evaluation. It evaluates the financial costs and benefits throughout the life cycle based on the basic financial and construction data of the project, thereby demonstrating whether the project is economically feasible. Generally speaking, In other words, financial benefit assessment is the basic basis for determining whether a project is feasible and whether a bank will provide a loan.