Two, for the department: 1, these conditions are available and then apply to the location of the city of the district, of course, prior to the industrial and commercial door to apply for a reserved pharmacy name that is the name of the pharmacy, because the application form to be filled out by the industrial and commercial door to the name of the pre-approved pharmacy procedures. 2, acceptance of the pharmacy in the prescribed time for on-site acceptance, qualified and then issued the "Drug License," which is the pharmacy can be formally apply to the industrial and commercial door for a "business license. Industry and Commerce Department to apply for a "business license". 3, the approved pharmacy to be put forward in the prescribed time GSP (Good Manufacturing Practice) certification application, and then the pharmacy has been operating GSP certification. ; 4, the general procedure for the opening of the pharmacy is roughly the above mentioned. Some places may have special regulations, please go to your location for consultation. Practicing Physicians Law", "Rural Doctors Regulations", the individual practice of medicine must be registered before applying for "medical practice license", the health administrative department for approval before opening a clinic. The condition for registration is to obtain a Licensed Medical Practitioner Certificate. When an accident occurs, we do not just wait, but with accurate first aid knowledge and techniques, it is entirely possible to save your own life or the lives of others in the most urgent times.
Ninety-nine percent of emergency patients face poor healing and even loss of life as a result of missing the golden six minutes of emergency resuscitation.
While hospital emergency departments are open 24 hours a day, CT, X-rays, angiography and other examination departments are open to the public for a limited period of time, especially when patients go to the emergency room at night to save their lives, they often get conservative and neutral treatments such as fluids and medication.