1. Title: The title of the audit notification should clearly reflect the content, for example, "Audit notification of high-value consumables".
2. Theme introduction: at the beginning of the body, you can briefly explain the purpose and background of the audit, for example: "According to the company's internal control requirements, in order to ensure the rational use and management of high-value consumables, we hereby issue an audit notice to your department."
3. Audit objectives: clarify the specific scope and objectives of the audit. For example, the audit objectives may include the procurement process, inventory management, utilization and disposal procedures of high-value consumables.
4. Audit standards: state the reference standards or criteria on which the audit will be based. For example, the company's internal control provisions, accounting standards or relevant laws and regulations can be cited.
5. Audit methodology: explain the audit methodology and procedures to be used. For example, the auditor will conduct on-site investigation, verify relevant documents, compare the physical and accounts for reconciliation, etc.
6. Timing: clear timeframe and schedule of the audit, so that the audited department to prepare for and cooperate with the audit.
7. Audited department cooperation: remind the audited department to cooperate with the audit, including the provision of relevant documents, vouchers, records, etc., and specify the time and place to provide materials.
8. results report: explain the form and content of the audit results will be reported to the audited department after the audit is completed, and can foretell the improvement measures that may need to be taken.
9. Contact information: Provide the name of the person in charge of the audit, contact phone number and e-mail and other contact information, so that the audited department can be contacted in a timely manner when there are any problems and situations in the audit process.
When writing the audit notification, it is necessary to be specific and clear in the context of the actual situation to ensure that the audited department can accurately understand the scope, objectives and requirements of the audit. At the same time, auditors should also understand the company's internal control system and audit procedures, so that they can follow the relevant regulations and requirements when writing the audit notification.