Disposable infusion sets discarded after use belong to which category of waste
Infectious waste belongs to medical waste. Medical waste, refers to medical and health institutions in the medical, preventive, health care and other related activities generated by the direct or indirect infectious, toxic and other hazardous waste. Medical waste*** is divided into five categories and is included in the National Hazardous Waste List. Infectious waste refers to medical waste that carries pathogenic microorganisms with the risk of triggering the spread of infectious diseases, including items contaminated by the patient's blood, body fluids, excreta, garbage generated by patients with infectious diseases, and other plastic products of medical waste. Medical waste occurs along with the process of medical services, such as improper disposal, arbitrary open piles, not only occupy a large amount of land, resulting in the reduction of available land resources, and a large number of toxic waste residue or waste liquids in the natural world everywhere in the circulation, it is very easy to come into contact with the soil, and some medical and health care institutions and even medical waste will be simply buried, which is a very large pollution of the soil is very large.