Technology Trivia Short 10 words

1. Technology Trivia Short

Technology Trivia Short 1. Technology Trivia

1. Why do stars twinkle? When we see stars flickering, it is not because of a change in the luminosity of the stars themselves, but it is related to atmospheric obscuration.

The atmosphere separates us from the stars, and when starlight passes through it, it is affected by the density and thickness of the atmosphere. The atmosphere is not absolutely transparent; its transparency varies depending on its density.

So when we look at the stars through it at ground level, we see the stars as if they are flickering. 2. Why do people yawn? When we feel tired, our body has produced a lot of carbon dioxide.

When there is too much carbon dioxide, more oxygen must be added to balance the body's needs. Because this residual carbon dioxide affects our body's functional activities, the body then sends out a protective response and yawns.

Yawning is a deep breathing action, it will allow us to inhale more oxygen than usual and discharge carbon dioxide, but also to eliminate fatigue. 3. Why can snakes walk without feet? There are many scales on the body of the snake, which is the outermost layer of armor on their body.

The scales are not only used to protect the body, but also as their "feet". When a snake crawls forward, its body will be in an S shape.

And each of the scales on the outside of the S-shape will buckle up to help the snake grip uneven surfaces as it moves forward. These scales work with the snake's muscles and push the body to crawl forward, so the snake can walk without feet! 4. Why sunflowers always blossom towards the sun Sunflowers contain a substance called "phytochemicals" in the stem under the disk.

This substance has the function of accelerating reproduction, but it is anaerobic to light, and when it encounters light, it will run to the backlight side. So when the sun rises, the sunflower stem immediately hides on the backlit side, and it looks like the whole plant is bending in the direction of the sun.

5. Why do people's hair turn gray when they get old? There is a substance called melanin in our hair, and the more melanin we have, the darker our hair will be. The more melanin you have, the darker your hair will be. If you have less melanin, your hair will turn yellow or gray.

When human beings reach old age, all kinds of body functions will gradually decline, and the formation of pigment will be less and less, so the hair will gradually turn gray! 6. Why do fireflies glow? Fireflies can glow because there are luminaries at the end of their abdomen, which are filled with many phosphorus-containing luminescent substances and luminescent enzymes, so that fireflies can emit a flickering light. Fireflies light purpose, in addition to lighting, there are courtship, warning, trapping and other purposes.

It is also one of their communication tools, different kinds of fireflies will be different ways of light, light frequency and color, they use this to convey different messages. 7. Why do they coo when they are hungry? When you are hungry, your stomach will gurgle, because the food you ate before is almost finished digesting, and although your stomach is empty, the gastric juices in your stomach will continue to secrete.

This is when the contraction of the stomach gradually expands, and the liquids and gases inside are stirred up, resulting in a gurgling sound. Don't be embarrassed about your stomach gurgling next time! The reason for this is that it's a normal physiological action.

8. Why can't opossums fly? The humpback is a huge bird, but they can't fly! It's not that their wings don't work, but their feathers are too soft and their wings are too small to fly. Also, opossums have underdeveloped muscles and flat breastbones, neither of which helps them fly.

The opossum lives in Africa, and because it has lived in the desert for a long time, its body adapted to the environment and gradually evolved into what it is now. 9. Why is canned food not easily spoiled? The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on a canned food.

These are all delicious canned foods that can be stored for a long time without spoiling.

This is because cans are sealed, so bacteria can't get in. When people make canned food, they take all the air out of the can and seal it.

In the absence of air, even if the food inside gets a little bit of bacteria on it, they can't survive or reproduce! 10. Why do babies cry all the time when they are born? Babies cry when they are born, not because they are unhappy, but because they are taking their first breath of air! When babies leave their mothers' bodies, the first breath of air they take in rushes down their throats, which hits their vocal cords so hard that they vibrate and make a sound similar to a cry. 11. Why do lizards keep on bouncing even after their tails are broken? In order to protect themselves, many lizards use protective coloring to hide their tails, and some lizards break their tails when they are attacked due to violent muscle contractions.

Since some of the nerves in the severed tail are still alive, the lizard will keep bouncing to distract the enemy so that it can escape. Don't think that their life will end like this, but it only takes a few months for the tail to grow back and continue living.

12. Why are squirrels' tails so big? Don't take squirrels' tails lightly! While the squirrel is jumping around on the tree, its tail is playing a big role. It enables the squirrel to balance itself as it jumps up and down the tree, preventing it from falling and getting hurt.

In addition, this big tail can play a protective role in the winter, tightly around the squirrel's body, which is convenient and practical. 13. Why can't we have one or three thumbs? The average person has five fingers, and the length of the fingers varies.

However, has anyone noticed that, apart from the thumb, the other fingers also have three sections, but only the thumb has only two sections? It turns out that the number of segments matches the other four. If it had three joints, the thumb would be so weak that it would not be able to lift heavy objects; and if it had only one joint, it would not be able to work well with the other four fingers to grasp things! 14. Why don't we feel an itch when we tickle ourselves? When others tickle us, we feel the tickle and laugh constantly; but when we tickle ourselves, we not only don't laugh, but we don't feel the tickle.

Based on our mental preparation, our brain sends out a message that there is no danger, and our nerves relax, so we don't laugh and we don't feel tickled! 15. Why is the sea mostly blue or green? When you look at the sea, you will often find that it is blue or green in color. However, when you pick up the sea water, you can only see it like the water of the past, transparent and colorless.

It turns out that the sea water itself and us.

2. 50 Science Trivia

1. Why is the sunflower always facing the sun? The stems of sunflowers contain a wonderful plant growth hormone.

This growth hormone is very afraid of light. As soon as the light exposure, it will go to the backlit side, and at the same time it also *** backlit side of the cell rapid reproduction, so the backlit side of the side than the light side of the growth of fast, so that the sunflower produces a light-focused bending.

2. Why do stars twinkle? We see stars twinkle, not because of a change in the luminosity of the stars themselves, but in relation to atmospheric obscuration. The atmosphere separates us from the stars, and when starlight passes through it, it is affected by the density and thickness of the atmosphere.

The atmosphere is not absolutely transparent; its transparency varies depending on its density. So when we look at the stars through it at ground level, we see the stars as if they are twinkling.

3. Why do people yawn? When we feel tired, the body has produced a lot of carbon dioxide. When there is too much carbon dioxide, oxygen must be added to balance out the body's needs.

Because of this residual carbon dioxide, it affects our body's functional activities, and the body then sends out a protective response, so it yawns. Yawning is a deep breathing action, it will allow us to inhale more than usual oxygen and discharge carbon dioxide, but also to do to eliminate the role of fatigue.

4. How high is the blue sky? The "blue sky" is actually the Earth's atmosphere. The atmosphere surrounds the earth's air, according to the different air density is divided into five layers, the total **** 2000-3000 kilometers thick.

But most of the air is concentrated from the ground to below 15 kilometers high, and the higher the air, the thinner it is. How thick the atmosphere is, how high the blue sky should be.

5. Why are there no stars during the day? Because during the day part of the sunlight is scattered by atmospheric gases and dust, the sky is very bright, coupled with the sun's radiation is very strong, so that we can not see the stars.6. The solar system has those celestial bodies? There are nine planets in our solar system.

They are, in order: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. In addition, there are many asteroids, comets and meteors in our solar system, and there are 2958 asteroids that have been officially numbered.

The most famous comet is Halley's Comet.7. What is thunder for? It is a natural phenomenon that occurs when yin and yang electricity come together.

When it rains, some clouds in the sky are charged with positive electricity, and some are charged with negative electricity. When the two kinds of clouds come together, they will discharge electricity and send out very bright lightning, and at the same time release a lot of heat, so that the surrounding air is quickly heated up, expanding, and emitting a loud sound, which is the sound of thunder.8. Why do airplanes fly up to the sky? An airplane has two wings, like the wings of a bird, and it has propellers.

The wings produce lift, holding the airplane up in the air; the propellers produce the ability to push the airplane forward. As a result, the airplane is able to fly into the sky like a bird.

33, hung on the wall of the quartz clock, when the battery runs out of power and stop moving, the second hand often stops in the dial on the "9" position. This is due to the second hand in the "9" position by the gravity moment of the largest obstruction.

9. Boiling water does not ring, ringing water does not open Before the water boils, due to convection, the water bubbles rise while vibrating up and down, most of the bubbles rupture under pressure within the water, its rupture sound and vibration sound and container **** Ming, so the sound is great. After the water boils, the upper and lower isothermal, bubble volume increases, under the action of buoyancy has been rising to the surface of the water before rupture, and thus the sound is relatively small.

10. water and fire are incompatible with the burning of substances, must reach the ignition point, due to the specific heat of water, water and fire contact can be a large amount of absorbed heat, to make the temperature of the object on fire; at the same time after the vaporization of water vapor surrounded by burning objects, making it impossible for the object and the air in contact with the air, and without the air, combustion can not be carried out. 11. sit on the ground day line 80,000 miles due to the radius of the Earth is 6370 kilometers, the Earth every turn, the object on its surface " walk " the distance of about 40003.6 kilometers, about 80,000 miles.

This is a poem by ***, which also scientifically reveals the relationship between motion and stillness - motion is absolute, and stillness is always relative to the reference. 12. A small weighing weight weighs a thousand pounds According to the principle of lever balance, if the power arm is a fraction of the resistance arm, the power is a few times the resistance.

If the arm of force of the weighing weight is very large, then " one or two pounds " is entirely possible. 13. broken mirror can not be reunited When the distance between the molecules is large (greater than a few hundred Angstroms), the gravitational force between the molecules is very small, almost zero, so it is difficult to reunite the broken mirror.

14. If the direction of each force is the same, the size of the combined force is equal to the sum of the size of the individual forces. 15.

16. True gold is not afraid of fire to refine, the truth is not afraid of argument From the melting point of gold, although not the highest, but also 1068 ℃, while the general temperature of the flame for about 800 ℃, due to the temperature of the flame is less than the melting point of the gold, so the gold can not be melted. 17. long whistling, the mountains and valleys should be A person in the mountains and peaks of the long whistling, the sound of the sound through a number of reflections, can be formed by the flood of echo, and the long time, it seems that the mountains in the wild valley should be. The sound is reflected many times, and can form a loud echo, which will last for a long time, and it seems that the mountains are shouting wildly and the valleys are echoing.

18. Sit in a well and see very little As light travels in a straight line, the knowledge of geometric drawing shows that the frog's field of vision will be very small.19. Sitting on pins and needles By the formula for pressure, it is known that when the pressure is a certain amount of pressure, if the smaller the area of the force, then the greater the pressure.

A person sitting on such a felt will feel extremely uncomfortable.20.RuiXueLiuFengYi Since snow is a poor conductor of heat, when it covers the crops, it can prevent heat conduction and air convection very well, and therefore can play a role in insulation.

21. Cold before the frost, cold after the snow in the late fall at night, the air temperature near the ground suddenly become cold (temperature below 0 ℃ below), the water vapor in the air condensation into small ice crystals, attached to the ground to form frost, so there is a " frost cold before " feeling. Snow melting to need to absorb heat, so that the temperature of the air is reduced, so we have " snow after the cold " feeling.

22. Eggs touching stones - self-importance Eggs touching stones, although the same size of the force, but each object can withstand a certain amount of pressure, more than this limit, the object may be damaged. The pressure that the egg can withstand is small, so the egg will break.

23. Jade is not cut into pieces. Before it is ground, its surface is convex and uneven, and the light is diffusely reflected; after jade is ground, its surface is smooth, and the light is specularly reflected. 24. A fan has a cool breeze, which is desirable in summer.

3. environmental protection knowledge (short about 50 words)

Recyclable resources in life are: (1) waste paper: newspapers, book paper, packaging paper, office paper, advertising paper, cardboard boxes, etc.; note that paper towels and toilet paper is too water-soluble to be recycled. (2) plastic: a variety of plastic bags, plastic foam, plastic packaging, disposable plastic lunch boxes tableware, hard plastic, material toothbrush, plastic cups, mineral water bottles, etc.; (3) glass: glass bottles and broken glass, mirrors, light bulbs, thermos flasks, etc.; (4) metal: cans, tin cans, tin cans, toothpaste skins and so on. (5) Fabric: mainly including discarded clothes, tablecloths, towels, cloth bags, etc. Such as each recycled 1 ton of waste paper can make 850 kg of good paper, saving 300 kg of wood, than the same amount of production to reduce pollution by 74%; each recycled 1 ton of plastic beverage bottles can be obtained from the 0.7 tons of secondary raw materials; each recycled 1 ton of scrap iron and steel can be refined 0.9 tons of steel, smelting ore than the cost of 47% savings, 75% reduction in air pollution and 97% reduction in water pollution and solid waste. 97% reduction of water pollution and solid waste. So far has threatened the survival of mankind and has been recognized by mankind's environmental problems are: global warming, ozone layer depletion, acid rain, freshwater crisis, energy shortages, forest resources, desertification, accelerated extinction of species, garbage, toxic chemical pollution and many other aspects. (1) Global warming refers to the increase in global temperature. Over the past 100 years, the global average temperature has experienced two fluctuations, cold-warm and cold-warm, with a general upward trend. After entering the eighties, the global temperature has risen significantly. 1981~1990 the global average temperature has risen by 0.48℃ compared with 100 years ago. The main cause of global warming is the massive use of fossil fuels by human beings in the past century (such as coal, oil, etc..

4. Shorter Science Trivia

The Speed of Light Galaxy is so big that it takes 100000 years for light to travel completely through it.

The speed of light is about 186,000 kilometers\sec. The farthest stars we can see with the naked eye are actually looking 4 billion years into the past.

It takes that long for the light from that star to reach your eyes. Life averages Time spent on the toilet in a lifetime: six months Time spent eating in a lifetime: three years Time spent talking in a lifetime: ten years Time spent sleeping in a lifetime: twenty-two years Length of hair growth in a lifetime: 1,000 kilometers Volume of tears shed in a lifetime: sixty-five liters Weight of skin shedding in a lifetime: forty-seven and a half kilograms Number of cells produced in a lifetime: seventy-five million million million cells Walking distance in a lifetime: 22,500 kilometers Want to know more? I have many, many more short science trivia.

Then follow up, because I don't have time to type in that much science trivia right now. My real name is Zuo Shiyu, thank you.

5. Science trivia should be simple in about 100 words

1 Weather is a meteorological phenomenon that occurs over a short period of time (from a few minutes to a few days), such as thunderstorms, hailstorms, typhoons, cold tides, and gales.

2. What is climate Climate is the average value of each meteorological element over a long period of time (months, seasons, years, years, or even centuries, etc.) in a particular region. Is a region of cold, warm, dry, wet and other weather conditions of the basic features of the integrated reflection.

3. Climate resources Climate resources refers to a wide range of atmospheric light, heat, precipitation, wind and other energy can be used directly or indirectly for people to form wealth, with the use of value of natural substances and energy, is a very valuable renewable natural resources, it is the basic conditions for the survival and development of human society has been widely used in all aspects of national life.

4. Microclimate Microclimate is within the scope of the same atmospheric background, in the local area, due to the topographic orientation, soil conditions and vegetation inconsistency, so that the region has a unique climate conditions. The characteristics of microclimate, mainly in the individual meteorological elements change drastically, as well as individual weather phenomena on the differences.

. Urban climate Under the background conditions of the general climate or regional climate, a local climate or microclimate is formed due to the influence of urbanization. The urban climate is characterized by the so-called "five islands", i.e. "heat island", "wet island", "dry island", "rain island", "turbidity island".

6. Heat island effect Heat island is a comprehensive phenomenon of microclimate change caused by people changing the urban surface, is one of the most obvious features of urban climate. Due to the accelerated rate of urbanization, the city building complex, dense, asphalt and concrete roads than the suburban soil, vegetation has a greater heat capacity and heat absorption rate, making the urban area stored more heat, and to the surrounding and the atmosphere in the amplitude, resulting in the same time the urban area temperature is generally higher than the surrounding suburban temperature, high temperature in the urban area in the low-temperature suburbs surrounded by, as the islands in the ocean, people put this phenomenon is called the urban heat island effect. phenomenon known as the urban heat island effect.

7. Why the air pressure in winter is higher than in summer Barometric pressure is the pressure generated by the air column on the Earth per unit area. The air pressure in a place is often changed, when the air pressure is lowered, the weather is cloudy and rainy, when the weather rises, the weather turns sunny. There are many reasons why air pressure changes. One very important cause of changes in air pressure is changes in air temperature. When the air cools, the air shrinks, the density increases, the weight of the air column borne per unit area increases, and the air pressure rises. Therefore, the arrival of cold air is always accompanied by a rise in air pressure; while at the same time as the arrival of warm air, the air pressure often depresses. Winter is the world of cold air, summer is the world of warm air, air pressure winter high summer low reason is also very clear.

6. Science Trivia Keep it simple

▲. What is the universe? A. The universe is the general term for everything in heaven and earth, which has neither a boundary nor an end, and at the same time has no beginning and no end.

▲. How big is the Milky Way? A: Many, many stars together, forming a huge galaxy, in which the solar system is located in the galaxy called the Milky Way. The Milky Way is like a big discus, about 80,000 light-years wide and 12,000 light-years thick in the center, with a total of more than 1,000 stars.

▲. Why can't we see stars during the day? Answer: Because some of the sunlight is scattered by atmospheric gases and dust during the day, which makes the sky very bright, and the light radiated by the sun is so strong that we can't see the stars. ▲. What are the celestial bodies in our solar system? A: There are 9 major planets in our solar system.

They are, in order: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. There are also many asteroids, comets and meteors in our solar system, and there are 2,958 officially numbered asteroids.

The most famous comet is Halley's Comet. ▲. Why do stars have different colors? A: The color of a star is determined by its temperature.

Different colors represent different surface temperatures: a bluish star has a high surface temperature and a reddish star has a low surface temperature. ▲. What is the brightest star? A: The brightest star in the sky is Sirius in the constellation Canis Major, with a magnitude of 1.46.

It is 8.7 light-years away from Earth. ▲. How to find the North Star? A: It is easy to find Polaris in the sky: first find the Great Bear, then find the Big Dipper.

Draw a straight line from the two finger-polarized stars on the side of the head of the spoon, and it extends past exactly through Polaris. The distance from Polaris to the head of the spoon is exactly five times the distance between the two finger pole stars.

You can also find Polaris through Cassiopeia. ▲. How high is the blue sky? A: The "blue sky" is actually the Earth's atmosphere.

The atmosphere is the air that surrounds the Earth and is divided into five layers depending on the density of the air, with a total **** of 2000-3000 kilometers thick. However, the vast majority of the air is concentrated from the ground to below 15 kilometers high, and the higher the air gets, the thinner it gets.

How thick the atmosphere is, how high the blue sky should be. ▲. Why is the sky blue? A: When sunlight hits the Earth's atmosphere, blue light is most easily separated from other colors, diffused into the air and then reflected.

And other colors of light penetrate very well and shine through the atmosphere to the Earth, so we look at the sky can only see the blue light in daylight. ▲. Why is the sky red at sunset? A: Because sunlight travels a particularly long way through the atmosphere at sunset.

Except for red light, the other colors of light do not travel that far and are lost before they reach our eyes. Only the red light travels the farthest and reaches our eyes, so the color of the sky we see at sunset is red.

▲. Does the moon shine? A: The Moon is not a star and it cannot shine, but it can reflect sunlight. Although only seven percent of the light it reflects reaches the Earth, it is enough to light up the dark nights on our planet.

▲. How many stars can we see? A: We can see 7,000 stars from the Earth with our naked eyes, but because the Earth is round, we can only see half of the sky no matter where we stand on the Earth, and we can't see the stars near the horizon clearly, so we can only see about 3,000 stars with our naked eyes. ▲. How hot is the Sun? A: The Sun has a temperature of 192,000,000°C at its center and 6,000°C at its surface.

But since the Sun is so far away, 150 million kilometers, we don't feel so hot. ▲. Why does the earth go round? A: Because the Earth has gravity and it is due to this gravity that the Earth goes round.

The Earth rotates at a speed of 1,700 kilometers per hour, or 470 meters per second, and at a speed of about 29.8 kilometers per second. ▲. Why is the sun white at noon? A: Because at noon, the sunlight can shine directly on the ground, unlike the morning and evening to be blocked by things on the ground (such as mountains, forests, buildings, as well as turbid air), so it is still the original white light, *** so that people do not dare to open their eyes.

▲. Why is it hard to walk on the Moon? A: Because the attraction on the moon is very small, walking is very easy to slip, a minute can only walk 20 steps. If you walk quickly, you will easily fly up, and once you fly up, you will not be able to stand steadily for a long time, so it is very hard to walk on the Moon.

▲. Why does the Earth not shine? A: Because the temperature of the Earth is relatively low, the hottest place (the core of the earth) is only two or three thousand degrees, unlike the Sun temperature is so high that it can cause thermonuclear reactions, so the Earth will not glow. ▲. Why can't people feel that the Earth is rotating? A: Because the Earth is so big and so smooth, and we are rotating with the Earth, we can't feel the Earth rotating because we are using ourselves as a reference point.

▲. What is the matter with thunder? A. It is a natural phenomenon that occurs when yin and yang electricity come together. When it rains, some of the clouds in the sky are charged with positive electricity and some are charged with negative electricity. When the two kinds of clouds come together, they discharge electricity and send out very bright lightning, and at the same time they emit a lot of heat, so that the air around them is heated up very quickly and expands, and they make a very loud sound, which is the sound of thunder.

▲. What is a meteor shower? A: There are many small celestial bodies in the universe flying on their own orbits and at their own speeds. Some blow up and break up on their own, and some smash up with other celestial bodies.

But they keep going. When their orbits and the Earth's orbit came together, they fell to the ground like rain, a phenomenon called a meteor shower.

▲. Why do clouds travel? A: Clouds are water vapor floating in the air. Air also keeps moving in the air.

The flow of air is the wind and it blows the clouds away. The faster the air moves, the faster the clouds go.

▲. Why do airplanes fly up into the sky? A: An airplane has two wings, like the wings of a bird, and it has propellers. The wings produce lift, which holds the airplane up in the air, and the propellers produce the ability to push the airplane forward.

Thus, the airplane is able to fly into the sky like a bird.

7. Science and technology trivia is a little shorter

Our motherland is getting stronger and more developed, and science and technology are getting more and more advanced! Look at all that history, from ancient times to the present, we have come step by step.

On that

ceremony, I have seen the technological development of our motherland, that a novel tank, car,

and some rare weaponry. I was very surprised, now the motherland's technology is too developed.

Science and technology is indispensable to our humanity, we will use our science and technology in any place

Now our school is also carrying out this science and technology festival activities, so that students write their own science and technology paper, or tabloid, their own invention

or draw a science and technology paintings, which not only improves the students on the science and technology of the love and understanding, and, to improve the students' hands-on ability. This will not only improve the students' love and understanding of science and technology, but also improve the students' ability to work with their hands. I also participated in this activity, I feel very meaningful, looking for some

and information on the Internet, and mom and dad together with the brain, together with the invention of their own

Draw their own imaginary technology painting, is how interesting, how meaningful ah!

8. Daily science and technology knowledge (simple)

1, furniture in the benzene, toluene, xylene and other volatile organic pollutants, can lead to congenital defects in the fetus.

2, washing supplies in the most environmentally friendly is soap. 3, 1941, the Chinese physicist Wang Ganchang proposed an experimental program to verify the existence of neutrinos, six months later, American scientists based on this program of experiments, confirmed the existence of neutrinos.

4, put the sanitary ball in the closet, will produce a certain sublimation, after a period of time will become smaller. 5, summer use of air conditioning, set the temperature at 26-28 degrees is best.

6, restaurant kitchen fumes will produce pollution hazardous to health, so should be installed fume purification devices. 7, consumption of iodized salt can meet the body's intake of iodine, people usually use salt is generally iodized salt.

We have to seal the iodized salt, because of the volatility of iodine. 8, geothermal energy, wind energy, solar energy and other energy sources can be used to avoid causing atmospheric pollution is called clean energy.

9, emitting a strong aroma of plastic book covers, pencils and other scented stationery loved by primary and secondary school students. But according to professionals, these pungent scented stationery will threaten human health, because these stationery contains a lot of formaldehyde.

10, nuclear power plants must always adhere to the principle of quality first, safety first. 11, in two thousand years ago, mankind thought that the Earth is the center of the entire universe, until the seventeenth century, Galileo used his own telescope to observe that the Earth is revolving around the sun.

12, from the ground to high, the atmosphere molecules are more and more less, by the air molecules scattered out of the light is also less, and therefore more to the high altitude, the sky has become dark. 13, wild animals contain a large number of parasitic worms in the body, the human body is easy to eat after the inducement of a number of parasitic diseases, such as: cysticercus cerebralis, Schistosoma pulmonarum, intestinal parasitic diseases, and so on.

14, China's manned space flight history of the first flyer is Yang Liwei. 15, buy back the vegetables, it is best to soak in water for 10-20 minutes, so that most of the residual pesticides can be removed.

16, April 12, 1961, the Soviet Union astronauts in the "East One" spacecraft first trip to space. 17, solar energy is the sun's radiant energy, the sun's surface temperature of 6000 ℃.

18, 1964, China's first atomic bomb bombing success. 19, only two times in history to win the Nobel Prize for scientists is Mrs. Curie.

20, medical alcohol is 75 degrees. 21, folk said the ghost fire is actually phosphorus in the air as a result of spontaneous combustion.

22, common ordinary thermometer cross-section is round, while the cross-section of the thermometer approximates a triangle. The main role of the thermometer made in this shape is to have a magnifying effect on the liquid column, easy to read.

23, the wings of insects to vibrate when they fly, butterflies wings 5 to 6 times per second, bees wings 300 to 400 times per second, when they all fly from behind you, with your hearing can feel the bees fly from behind you. 24, in the human body, the most acidic liquid is gastric fluid.

25. The first artificial satellite was launched by the former Soviet Union.26. When driving a car, 80 kilometers per hour is 25% more fuel efficient than 110 kilometers per hour.

27, the child did his homework when he wrote the wrong word, it is best to advise him not to use correction fluid. 28, car exhaust contains nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and other harmful substances.

29, frost is when the temperature of an object or crop drops below 0?C, the water vapor in the air condenses into white ice crystals directly on the ground that object or crop.30, In 1954, the former Soviet Union built the world's first nuclear power plant.

31, the temperature of the earth's core is above 5000 ° C. 32, the invention of the airplane is the Wright brothers.

33, nineteen ancient poems: a long way to the star of Altair, bright river women. Which Vega is located in the constellation Lyra.

34, the most representative constellation in the winter night sky is Orion. 35, the famous Chinese-American physicist Ding Zhaozhong for the discovery of a long-lived, heavy mass meson, and won the 1976 Nobel Prize in Physics.

36, China and most of the world's electric power system rated frequency standard is set at 50Hz, there are a few countries electric power system rated frequency standard is set at 60Hz. 37, the comet dragged a broom as long as the tail, known as "broomstick star.

38, the color of the sun is white. 39, trees through photosynthesis can absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.

40, color TV light screen presents a variety of colors are mixed by the three primary colors of light, the three primary colors are: green, red, blue. 41, China's hybrid rice is famous around the world, Yuan Longping in the international community is known as the "father of hybrid rice.

42, according to the division of the star area, the whole day **** there are 88 constellations.

9. Simple scientific knowledge

65% of the human body is water hundred, 76% of the egg is water, 85% of the fish is water, 90% of the vegetables is water.

The common ways to recognize objects are: see with the eyes, smell with the nose, touch with the hands, taste with the tongue. Never smell, let alone taste, objects that you do not understand.

Water is colorless, transparent, shapeless liquid. Water has capillarity, surface tension.

Water can dissolve many substances. Water pollution: agricultural pollution, industrial pollution, living pollution.

Some of our common materials come directly from nature and are called natural materials: wool back, wood, stone, etc. Some do not come directly from nature. Some are not directly from nature, but the processing of the so-called man-made materials: paper, iron, glass, plastic and so on.

Paper-making is China's answer to one of the four ancient inventions and so on.