Electrocution first aid training content

I. Handling of the casualty out of the power supply

(1)First aid for electrocution should firstly make the electrocuted person get out of the power supply rapidly, the faster the better, because the longer the current acts, the heavier the injury to the human body will be.

(2) from the power supply is to contact the electrocuted part of the electrified equipment switch or other disconnecting equipment disconnect, or try to electrocute the electrocuted person and the electrified equipment from the power supply, before the power supply, the rescuer shall not directly touch the casualty so as to avoid rescuing the person at the same time electrocuted, such as electrocution in a high place, should take appropriate measures to prevent the casualty from power supply from the fall to form a composite injury.

(3) the electrocuted person touched the low-voltage energized equipment, ambulance personnel should try to quickly cut off the power supply, such as pulling the power switch, unplug the power supply, etc., or the use of insulated tools, dry sticks, boards, ropes and other non-conducting things to free the electrocuted person can also grab the electrocuted person dry and not close to the body of the clothes, drag it away (remember to avoid touching the metal objects and the naked body of the electrocuted person), but also wearing Insulated gloves will be wrapped up with dry clothing and other insulated hands to free the electrocuted person, in addition, rescue. Personnel can stand on insulating mats or dry boards, in order to make the electrocuted person and the conductor of electricity to free, in the operation of the best with one hand to operate.

If the current through the electrocution into the ground, and the electrocution of the electrocution of the person holding on to the wire, you can try to use a dry board stuffed under its body, and ground isolation, can also be used with a dry wooden handle axe or insulated handle pliers, etc. will be broken, with pliers to cut off the wires is best to be divided into phases, one by one, and as far as possible, stand in the insulated objects or dry boards on the operation of the

(4) electrocution of the person touched the high-voltage energized equipment,. Rescue personnel should quickly cut off the power supply or use the voltage level suitable for the insulated tools (wearing insulated gloves, insulated boots and insulated rod) to free the electrocuted person, rescue personnel in the rescue process should pay attention to protect themselves and the surrounding electrified part of the necessary safety distance.

(5) if electrocution occurs in the overhead line tower, on the low-voltage energized lines, if you can immediately cut off the line power supply, the power supply should be quickly cut off, or by the ambulance personnel quickly boarding pole, after bunching their own safety belts, with insulated rubber handle with wire cutters, dry non-conductive objects insulated objects to be pulled away from the power supply of the person who is in contact with the applicant: on the high-voltage energized lines and is not possible to quickly cut off the power switch, can be used Throw hanging enough cross-sectional area of the appropriate length of the metal short line of the method, so that the power supply start tripping, throw hanging before the short line will be fixed at one end of the tower or grounding lead line on the other end of the tie weights, in throwing the short line, attention should be paid to prevent the Shen arc injuries or broken line endanger the safety of personnel. Regardless of what level of voltage line electrocution, ambulance personnel in the electrocuted person from the power supply should pay attention to prevent the possibility of falling from a height and touching other electric lines again.