How much does Pacific Insurance Quality Peace of Mind Medical Insurance cost per year? Is it reliable?

Pacific Life has announced a new Proton Heavy Ion Medical Insurance policy called Proton Peace of Mind 2021 Proton Heavy Ion Medical Insurance. Many people were attracted to the 2019 version just because of its low price and high coverage.

So how does this product's coverage perform, and is it a loss to insure?

For those interested, you can read this article first!

<a href="/redirect?location=aHR0cHM6Ly9iYW94aWFuLjAwYnguY29tLz9naWQ9MzQ2MTc4&title= JUUzJTgwJThBJUU1JUE0JUFBJUU1JUI5JUIzJUU4JUI0JUE4JUU1JUFFJTg5JUU1JUJGJTgzJUU2JTgwJThFJUU0JUI5JTg4JUU2JUEwJUI3JUVGJUJDJTlGJUU1JTg4JUFCJUU4JUEyJUFCJUU5JUFBJTk3JUU0JUJBJTg2JUU4JUJGJTk4JUU0JUI4JThEJUU3JTlGJUE1JUU5JTgxJTkzJUVGJUJDJTgxJUUzJTgwJThC &userId=28938419&passId=4171265761&planId=633801&unitId=868246&ideaId=2001065807" title="How about Pacific Quality Assurance? Don't get ripped off and not know it! " target="_blank">"What about Pacific Quality Assurance? Don't be fooled and don't know!

A. How does the Pacific Quality Assurance 2021 Proton Heavy Ion Medical Insurance Coverage work

After learning more about it and returning to our topic, let's start with the product highlights:

Plus Quality Assurance 2021 Medical Insurance Coverage

From the coverage chart, you can see that it's clearly a specialized coverage for Proton Heavy Ion Insurance, which doesn't provide any coverage for Proton Heavy Ion. Heavy ion insurance, and does not provide general medical and critical illness medical coverage, let's analyze how this product coverage in more detail!


A brief summary of the proton heavy ion technology, so that everyone can understand: proton heavy ion radiation therapy refers to the use of proton and heavy ion technology for radiation therapy for malignant tumors, which is globally recognized as the top of the "cancer weapon". This technology is able to reduce the damage to healthy tissues while focusing on the blasting of tumors.

Chinese medical visits to Japan exploded in 2016. The number of Chinese medical visits to Japan soared to more than 500,000, five times the number in 2015. The market for medical treatment in Japan is becoming more and more popular with the Chinese, and for this level of technology, it has become much more mature than in China, and as for the price, it is also much lower than what we charge in China.

In the World Health Organization's (WHO) evaluation of the level of global medical care, Japan has been in the first place for several years; Japan's proton and heavy ion treatment of the number of dedicated facilities and technical level of the world's leading level, so everyone will be more inclined to go to Japan for cancer treatment.

According to the relevant industry analysis, China's introduction of the number of proton heavy ion therapy equipment is really not a lot, and less experience in the treatment, compared to other countries of the proton heavy ion therapy there is still a big gap, mainly in the following two aspects:

One of the reasons is that China's use of the proton heavy ion for the treatment of the disease of the number of institutions is relatively small, the number of cases The number of cases is also not so large, resulting in China's proton heavy ion center of the relevant medical personnel do not have sufficient experience.

On the other hand, the performance of our proton heavy ion centers in treating patients in various aspects is still somewhat limited, and they will try to treat some patients with early stage or single lesion, and most of the patients with middle and late stage lung cancer will not be treated.

The medical insurance on the market now, they are basically only with domestic proton reion medical coverage, and the reimbursement amount is only 1 million only, but this quality peace of mind 2021 proton reion medical insurance, not only to prepare us for domestic designated hospitals proton reion 100% reimbursement rate, but also 21 Japan designated proton reion medical institutions coverage.

If you value the higher quality of proton reion technology, this Pacific ProtonMind 2021 Proton Reion Medical Insurance can maximize the most comprehensive coverage.

2.? Poor renewal conditions

The renewal conditions of this PPS 2021 Proton Heavy Ion are not excellent, and there is uncertainty in the renewal of the product, if the product is discontinued, or after the insured is 60 years old, he/she can no longer insure this product. We can make a simple comparison with some common medical insurance in our market that does not guarantee renewal, but can cover up to 100 years of age, its renewal condition is even worse, so don't expect this insurance can give you a long and stable protection.

For the renewal conditions, you need to focus on, interested parties can come to take a closer look at this article:

<a href="/redirect?location=aHR0cHM6Ly9iYW94aWFuLjAwYnguY29tLz9naWQ9Mjg5OTg3&; title= JUUzJTgwJThBJUU1JThDJUJCJUU3JTk2JTk3JUU5JTk5JUE5JUU3JUJCJUFEJUU0JUJGJTlEJUU2JTgwJThFJUU0JUI5JTg4JUU1JTgxJTlBJUVGJUJDJThDJUU4JUE2JTgxJUU2JUIzJUE4JUU2JTg0JThGJUU1JTkzJUFBJUU0JUJBJTlCJUU1JTlDJUIwJUU2JTk2JUI5JUVGJUJDJTlGJUUzJTgwJThC &userId=28938419&passId=4171265761&planId=633801&unitId=868246&ideaId=2001065807" title=""How to Renew Your Health Care Insurance, and What to Look For What to look for? " target="_blank">"How to Renew Medical Insurance and What to Look for?

Secondly, is it worthwhile to buy the 2021 Proton Heavy Ion medical insurance policy

According to the above analysis, the 2021 Proton Heavy Ion medical insurance policy will only cover the Proton Heavy Ion, which I don't really recommend as the only medical insurance policy, but it is still able to be a comprehensive medical insurance policy, which is a supplemental policy. However, it can still be a complementary insurance to the comprehensive MMP insurance.

And with the global epidemic not yet fully resolved this year, going abroad for treatment carries a certain degree of risk, so it's better to avoid the idea of going to Japan for treatment.

In the current situation, I think this medical insurance is not suitable to start, those who have a comprehensive protection, value-added services practical and excellent million medical insurance is worth your attention.

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