What room-temperature superconductivity can do

Atmospheric superconductivity can be used for energy transportation, magnetic levitation trains, medical diagnostics and so on.

1, energy transportation

Normal temperature superconductivity technology can be used to efficiently transmit electricity. Current transmission lines have many energy losses, and room temperature superconductivity technology can greatly reduce energy losses, thereby improving energy efficiency.

2, magnetic levitation train

Normal temperature superconductivity technology can be used for magnetic levitation train. The use of superconductivity technology, can create a magnet with high strength magnetic field, so as to realize the high-speed magnetic levitation train.

3, medical diagnosis

Normal temperature superconductivity technology can be used for medical imaging, such as magnetic **** vibration imaging (MRI) and magnetoencephalography (MEG). If superconductivity can be realized at room temperature, it will greatly reduce the cost of equipment manufacturing and operation, thus making these medical devices more popular.

Significance of the realization of room-temperature superconductivity

Room-temperature superconductivity, the phenomenon of superconductivity realized at room temperature. Superconductivity was originally observed at very low temperatures near absolute zero, and most superconductors operate only at temperatures near absolute zero. Humans who achieve room-temperature superconductivity under the usual physical conditions are expected to enhance the efficiency of electrical conductors and devices by minimizing heat production.

And allow superconducting materials to be used on a large scale in productive life, changing people's society in a comprehensive and profound way. In a physics study published in the British journal Nature on October 14, 2020, a team of U.S. scientists reported that room-temperature superconductivity was observed in hydrides of organic compositional origin under high pressure. But the study has been withdrawn from publication after serious problems were alleged...?

Superconductivity refers to the fact that an electric current can pass through a material with zero resistance. But strictly speaking, it means zero resistance at a certain temperature. And superconductivity doesn't just have zero resistance, it can also be completely antimagnetic, which allows superconductors to transmit current with virtually no energy loss, and to carry stronger currents per square centimeter of cross-sectional area of superconducting material.

Refer to: Baidu Encyclopedia - Normal Temperature Superconductivity