Roche Diagnostics vs Johnson & Johnson Medical

Roche Diagnostics is ranked No. 1 globally in the diagnostics industry, Roche Pharmaceuticals is ranked No. 3 globally, and I haven't heard of Johnson & Johnson Healthcare. Roche Diagnostics is divided into many departments than, for example, the RD branch: PDC (clinical trials), health care (glucose meter, etc.), TD (pathology equipment, such as fully automated immunohistochemistry analyzers ), MD (such as professional viral PCR), AS (specializing in the provision of scientific research on the use of the equipment).PDC is divided into a few kinds of: NPT (cobas, blood coagulation, blood gas), IS (luminescence), CC (biochemistry), etc., too complex. CC (biochemistry), etc., too complicated. Development prospects a few years ago in the top 500 ranked 34, now should have gone up a few places it may. Roche has one or several distributors in each region of China, divided into several levels, such as the first level, second level, third level. The first level does not seem to do AS other do, TD, MD, IS the most profitable. Roche's headquarters in China seems to be in Shanghai, treatment do not know if you want to apply for employment can be on the official website to see, in addition to the subordinate distributors that do a good job, if Roche will hire you, the possibility of very small, the possibility of this only appeared in one or two! Johnson & Johnson Medical I have not heard of, do not quite understand, not as strong as Roche is certain. The treatment of which is good I do not know.