Can anyone tell me: the difference between equipment acquisition and building safety costs? Thanks a lot!!!

Equipment acquisition costs, the difference between construction safety costs: equipment acquisition costs can be based on bidding documents can be categorized as a construction investment in engineering fees in equipment acquisition costs, not in the construction safety costs, is and construction safety costs side by side, but also can bidding documents can be categorized as construction safety costs. categorized as construction and safety engineering fees. Building safety costs are non-competitive costs and must be included in the construction and safety engineering costs.

Domestic equipment original price generally refers to the equipment manufacturer's delivery price, or order contract price. For domestic standard equipment, in the calculation, generally use the original price with spare parts. For domestically produced non-standard equipment, commonly used valuation methods are costing valuation method, series of equipment insertion valuation method, divisional combination valuation method, quota valuation method and so on. Costing valuation method.

The original cost of non-standard equipment is calculated as follows:

The original cost of a single piece of non-standard equipment = {[(material + processing + auxiliary materials) × (1 + special tools rate) × (1 + loss of scrap rate) + outsourcing of ancillary costs] × (1 + packaging rate) - outsourcing of ancillary costs} × (1 + profit rate) + sales tax + Non-standard equipment design fee + purchased parts fee.

Note: In the costing valuation method of calculating the original price of non-standard equipment, the outsourcing of ancillary parts cost of packaging, but not profit, non-standard equipment design fees do not take profit, VAT refers to the output tax.