Inventory of major enhancements of SOLIDWORKS22! What are the new features of sw?

SolidWorks abbreviation (SW) is a new generation of mechanical 3D design tools suitable for electrical industry design introduced by Dassault. The Chinese version of SolidWorks adopts a brand-new parallel and serial product development environment and enjoys 3DCAD models, and is widely used in designing parts, mechanical equipment, medical equipment, automobiles, aviation and other industries. SolidWorks can meet the needs of users to directly add a variety of auxiliary plug-ins to the software, connect a variety of NC programming software and print the model directly. Regarding the power of solidworks, in fact, I believe that many small partners also have a certain understanding, but for the mastery and use of software, many small partners may still be scratching their heads! It doesn't matter. If you want to learn to use solidworks, you've come to the right place. Rich solidworks quality video courses, Take you through the software foundation to advanced operation one by one

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Interior design: Introduction to Solidworks engineering drawing design

Introduction to software: use of SolidWorks measuring tools

Inventory of major enhanced functions of p>SOLIDWORKS22

Module. Type B is provided by Mattlyle, SolidWorks 219 BetasplashscreenPrize winner.

SOLIDWORKS22 provides many enhancements and improvements, most of which are directly aimed at customer requirements. These enhancements can help you accelerate and improve the product development process-from conceptual design to manufacturing products.

workflow. Improvements in design, simulation, manufacturing and collaboration allow you to use new workflows to shorten time to market, improve product quality and reduce manufacturing costs.

performance. The improved functions in engineering drawing and assembly greatly speed up the design and detailed drawing of large-scale assembly.

connect directly to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. Seamless integration with 3DEXPERIENCE applications provides scalability and flexibility, which can significantly improve the way of concept development, design and collaboration.

major enhancements

the major enhancements of p>SOLIDWORKS22 are the improvement of existing products and the provision of new innovative functions. These enhanced functions are mainly embodied in the following functional modules:

assembly detail drawing and basic knowledge model of engineering drawing display parts and feature sketch drawing SolidWorks, SolidWorks, SolidWorks, SolidWorks, SolidWorks, SolidWorks, SolidWorks, Toolbox, structural system

performance improvement

SOLIDWORKS22. includes the following performance and workflow improvements:


Assembly performance is optimized for some tools and workflows, so it can reduce the frequency of complete reconstruction of assemblies or drawings. Most assemblies and drawings saved in previous versions open almost as fast as those saved in SOLIDWORKS22. You can use to lighten components and drawings without converting them to the current version.

Previously, some assemblies and drawings that were not saved in the current version took longer to open and save. This is especially obvious for assemblies and engineering drawings with reference parts in various configurations.

The system option under external reference forces the referenced document to be saved to the current version, which improves the saving performance. If this option is cleared, only documents modified in the current session will be saved. This greatly shortens the storage time when saving large assembly and engineering drawings for the first time.

with improved opening and saving performance, you don't need to run batch conversion tools such as PDM file version upgrade utility or run file conversion tasks in task scheduler.


When using the measuring and dimensioning tools, the operation performance of hovering the mouse over an entity and selecting it has been improved.


When you browse a large folder, SOLIDWORKSPDM will load the browsing data in the background. This will improve the speed of SOLIDWORKSPDM when you browse folders that contain multiple subfolders or work with high delay. When you double-click a folder, SOLIDWORKSPDM will load the data in the following order:

Synchronize all subfolders. Files in the file list. Customize the information in the column.

when switching between tabs of a file, SOLIDWORKSPDM will cache the data of the file. This can save the time of repeatedly loading data when switching between tabs. When switching between tabs of a file, SOLIDWORKSPDM will continue to load tab data in the background. When you switch to another file or folder, background loading will stop and start loading new files.

when logging in to SOLIDWORKSPDM, the progress bar will display the status of the cached file.

SolidWorks Visualize

SolidWorks Visualize supports real-time rendering mode and sets it as the default mode. This can improve performance and reduce the memory consumption of the final rendering.


use the following resources to learn about SolidWorks:

what's new in PDF and HTML this guide is provided in pdf and HTML formats. Click: Help > New features > PDF/ help > New features > HTML

interactive new function

in SOLIDWORKS, click?. Symbol can display the contents of the enhanced functions in this manual. The symbol is displayed next to the new menu item and next to the new and changed PropertyManager title.

to enable interactive addition, click help > New features > Interaction.

sample file

to open the sample file of this book, please go to system _ dir: userspublicpublicdocumentssolidworks 22 sampleswhatsnewschapter _ namefile _ name.

for example, c: userspublicpublicdocumentssoridworksolidworks 22 sampleswhatsnewssketchingblock.sldprt.

the online help contains a complete description of the product, including detailed information about the user interface, samples and examples. Provides information about the latest product changes, including new feature file sets, online help and other document changes.

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