What harm does ozone do to the human body?

High concentrations of ozone near the ground can irritate and damage the eyes, the respiratory system and other mucosal tissues, negative effects on human health, every 100 micrograms of ozone per cubic meter in the air, the human respiratory function will be weakened by 3%.

When the ozone reaches a certain concentration, it can make people breathe faster, chest tightness, if the concentration is further increased, it can cause accelerated pulse, fatigue, headache, stay in such an environment for 1 hour, emphysema will occur, and even death.

Long-term stay in the environment of serious ozone pollution, skin health may also have damage, may also increase the risk of cancer.

Ozone pollution can also cause damage to the environment. For example, it can lead to necrosis and shedding of plant leaves, jeopardizing the ecosystem and causing a reduction in crop yields.

Ozone Introduction:

1. Ozone is a trace gas in the earth's atmosphere, it is due to the atmospheric oxygen molecules by the sun's radiation decomposition of oxygen atoms, the oxygen atoms and the combination of oxygen molecules around the formation of the oxygen molecules, containing three oxygen atoms. More than 90% of the ozone in the atmosphere exists in the upper atmosphere or stratosphere, 10 to 50 kilometers from the ground, which is what needs human protection of the atmospheric ozone layer. There are also a small number of ozone molecules hovering near the ground, can still have a role in blocking ultraviolet light.

2. Some experts have found the trend of rapidly increasing ozone concentrations in the atmosphere near the ground to be disconcerting. While ozone plays an important role in protecting humans and the environment in the stratosphere, it can have harmful effects on human health if its concentration increases in the troposphere. Ozone is irritating to the eyes and respiratory tract and has an effect on lung function, and higher concentrations are harmful to plants.

3. From the nature of ozone, it can both help and harm people, it is both God's gift to mankind as an umbrella, and sometimes like a dose of fierce poison. So far, people have reached an understanding of the positive effects of ozone and the measures that should be taken by mankind to protect the ozone layer, and a lot of work has been done. However, for the negative effects of the ozone layer, people have been recognized, but so far, in addition to atmospheric monitoring and air pollution forecasting, there is no real practical way to solve the problem.

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