GE healthcare Which company is the distributor, better tell me the phone number. The nearest company in mainland China seems to be Jupiter International Ltd. in Hong Kong, which is the agent of GE hea

GE healthcare Which company is the distributor, better tell me the phone number. The nearest company in mainland China seems to be Jupiter International Ltd. in Hong Kong, which is the agent of GE healthcare brand of enterprise-class medical wireless access equipment.

CARESCAPE is GE healthcare's multi-application wireless system, widely used in various fields.

MOBILE/CELLULAR: The CARESCAPE enterprise access system supports all cellular networks from 800, 900, 1800 to 1900mhz as well as PC servers, enabling coverage of all carrier services and integration into one system.

WLAN: CARESCAPE Enterprise Access supports 802.11 b/g (2.4GHz) and 802.11a (5GHz) for data and voice services.

WMTS TELEMETRY: CARESCAPE Enterprise Access supports both ApexPro CH and ApexPro FH automated measurement systems. CARESCAPE's enterprise-certified design allows for seamless overlap of the two systems and covers all functionality in both areas. The result is a guaranteed backup in the event of a system failure.