Suzhou Hi-Tech Rehabilitation Hospital Co., Ltd. is an other limited liability company incorporated on 2016-12-22 in Huqiu District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, with its registered address at No. 69-2 Xiangyang Road, Hi-Tech District, Suzhou City.
Suzhou Hi-Tech Rehabilitation Hospital Co., Ltd.'s Unified Social Credit Code/Registration Number is 91320505MA1N5BKR5F, and the company's legal representative is Wu Zhijun, and the company is currently in the state of practice.
Suzhou Hi-Tech Rehabilitation Hospital Co., Ltd. operates in the following areas: Internal Medicine, Surgery, Rehabilitation Medicine, Anesthesiology, Pain Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Sports Medicine, Medical Laboratory, Medical Imaging. (Items subject to approval in accordance with the law can only conduct business activities after approval by the relevant departments). Within this province, the current registered capital of the enterprise is general.
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