The role of Gerson enema detoxification therapy

There are many detoxification methods, among which Gerson Enema Detoxification Therapy is a detoxification therapy invented by Dr. Gerson, which mainly has enema detoxification. Why don't you come with me to understand the role of Gerson enema detoxification therapy, welcome to your reading!

The role of Gerson enema detoxification therapy

In addition, Dr. Gerson found that we can find more disease-causing problems in external stressors before the body's defenses collapse. Cigarettes, alcohol, antibiotics, sleeping pills, insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, unfresh air, viruses, germs, adult and prescription drugs, and many more substances that kill and injure the cumulative damage done to the body and the serious burden placed on the liver. It is clear that in order to reverse this condition and restore health, we must detoxify and allow an intense flow of living, fresh, energizing nutrients through the body - and Dr. Gerson has found a way to open up the bile ducts and assist the liver in releasing the toxins that have accumulated in the body in what he is well known for, the "coffee enema".

He found that without this method of waste removal, the liver would not be able to handle the amount of toxins excreted by all the dysfunctional cells, resulting in toxicity. Dr. Gerson's observation that the toxicity was so severe in terminally ill cancer patients that he decided to administer coffee enemas every 4 hours - enemas used as the primary detoxification tool. And his patients returned the favor with an extra piece of good news: as their livers flushed out the cytotoxins, their pain rapidly decreased.

In addition, as patients continue to recover, their bodies dissolve tumor tissue, and toxins are released from this dead tissue into the bloodstream. At this point, the addition of coffee enemas is important - in dealing with almost any degenerative disease, treatment is not complete until the patient's liver and vital organs are fully functioning again. It usually takes 2 or 3 months to reduce the number of coffee enemas to 3 or 4 a day.

Reducing serotonin: Coffee enemas play a very specific role in the treatment and reversal of degenerative diseases. It reduces serotonin levels, literally removing toxins from the body fluids that nourish normal cells. Serotoxins originating in the body can be produced by the influence of bacteria and malignant cells - almost any active malignant tumor is surrounded by a ring of damaged normal tissue whose watery structure has been destroyed by the chronic invasion of tumor toxins. These macromolecules swell with excess salt and water, resulting in suppressed energy production and immune function. Additionally, with such damaged tissues, circulation is reduced because the edematous cells are too large and squeeze inward into the microvessels, small arteries, and lymphatic vessels. The enzyme systems in the liver and small intestine are responsible for converting and neutralizing four of the most common tissue toxins - polyamines, ammonia, toxin-bound nitrogen, and electrophilic radicals - all of which can cause cell and membrane damage, and coffee enemas can dramatically increase the beneficial effects of these liver and intestinal protective enzyme systems. Pain Relief: Medical journalist Mark McCarty wrote in a 1981 article about the effects of coffee on the liver and intestines. In 1981, medical journalist Mark McCarty wrote in the journal Medical Hypotheses, "Five independent physicians who had been privy to patients treated by Dr. Gerson wrote to the Senate Select Subcommittee on Cancer Research in 1946 to express their amazement and excitement at the results they had seen, and to urge that extensive trials be conducted of treatments including coffee enemas. One of these physicians alleged that 'severe pain was relieved in about 90 percent of the cases.'" These observations, dating back to 1946, were true then and remain true now. Even the average person can reap the benefits of this form of detoxification to get rid of pain and discomfort from any source. From the patient's point of view, coffee enemas provide relief from confusion, general nervousness, depression, many allergy-related symptoms, and, most importantly, relief from severe pain, regardless of which degenerative disease is responsible.

Stimulates bile flow: the effects of oral coffee drinks are nothing like those of rectally administered coffee. Instead, drinking coffee actually forces toxic bile to be reabsorbed. Other medications classified as bile enhancers (cholagogues) increase the amount of bile secreted by the liver, but they do little to enhance any detoxification of the liver's enzyme system - the cholagogues do nothing to ensure that bile passes through the intestines and reaches the rectum for elimination. The enzyme-enhancing ability of coffee enemas is quite unique among cholagogues. Because it does not allow the liver to reabsorb toxic bile through the intestinal wall, it is an effective tool for removing toxins from the bloodstream through the existing enzyme system in the liver and small intestine. Clinical practice has shown clinicians using Gerson therapy that patients are able to tolerate coffee enemas as frequently as every 4 hours throughout the day, and therefore coffee enemas should be categorized in the medical literature as the only non-reabsorbable, effective, and reusable cholagogue.