Digital photography is a radiological examination.
Digital photography clinically known as DR, is a type of radiological examination, is now more widely used in various hospitals, has gradually replaced CR and traditional X-ray photography.
DR examination is a digital radiography technology, is through the body of different tissues, different organs, organs with different densities and develop a different method of radiological examination. Digital photography dr is able to examine the eyes.
Digital photography DR refers to a new technology of digital radiography directly under the control of the computer, that is, the use of amorphous silicon flat panel detector to penetrate the body of the X-ray information into digital signals, and the computer reconstruction of the image and a series of post-processing images.
After the introduction of radiopharmaceuticals into the body, based on the difference in radiopharmaceutical uptake between internal and external organs or normal tissues and lesions, the use of imaging equipment to obtain an image of the organs or lesions. The commonly used imaging instruments are gamma cameras and emission computed tomography (ECT) cameras, the latter of which are divided into positron-type PECT and single-photon type SPECT.
By the way of imaging, it is divided into two kinds of static and dynamic imaging. Since the amount and speed of radiopharmaceutical uptake at the lesion sites are closely related to their blood flow, functional status, metabolic rate or receptor density, the resulting images not only show their location and morphology, but more importantly, reflect the above conditions, and therefore are actually a functional imaging.
In the early stages of most diseases, the functional status of the above has been changed before the morphological and structural changes, so radionuclide imaging can often detect and diagnose many diseases earlier than XCT, MRI, and ultrasound, which are mainly based on the display of morphological and structural changes.
But its spatial resolution is not as good as that of the other medical imaging methods mentioned above, and its clarity is poor, so it is necessary to choose or combine various imaging methods according to the needs.
Using the principle of competitive binding, the specific immune response or receptor ligand response is combined with sensitive radiometric techniques to form an ultramicroanalytical method.
This method has been able to determine the content of more than 300 kinds of hormones in blood, urine, various body fluids and tissues, and the related antigens of certain tumors and viruses, drugs, receptors, etc., and the smallest detection value can reach the level of nanograms (ng) to pico grams (pg) (10-9-10-12 grams), and some have been close to the femtocarbons (fg) (10-15 grams), which is 4 times to a million times higher than that of the general biochemical analysis sensitivity.
So this method has become an important means of diagnosis and research of endocrine diseases, monitoring of drug blood concentration, diagnostic typing of certain tumors and infectious diseases, and receptor research, and is widely used.