Tianhe-1A in Tianjin has been installed and is the world's No. 1 in speed, 30 percent faster than the No. 2 U.S. National Laboratory's computer, which reaches a speed of 2.5 trillion operations per second. The official website of the global high-performance computer TOP500 list released the latest "top 500" list on May 31, China's first high-performance computer with measured performance of more than 10 trillion times "Nebula" among the world's supercomputers in second place.
The world's most advanced computers are as follows:
1. Tianhe-2
Tianhe-2 is a supercomputer developed by China's National University of Defense Technology (NUDT), with a floating-point speed of up to 3,386 trillion times per second, and has been ranked the world's supercomputer for four consecutive times in the TOP500 list, compared to the second place. "Titan" speed is nearly twice as fast. Tianhe-2 uses the Intel Xeon Phi processor.
2. Titan
Titan is located at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under the U.S. Department of Energy and is primarily used for scientific research use. It's built on Clay's XK7 system and uses Nvidia Tesla GPUs and AMD Opteron CPUs at speeds of 1.75 trillion floating point operations per second. By 2018, Titan will be replaced by IBM's Summit.
3. Sequoia
This behemoth at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California used to top the list of supercomputers, with its main purpose being to extend the life of old nuclear weapons and to conduct experiments related to fusion.Sequoia uses the IBM Blue Gene/Q system, which boasts 96 racks, 98,304 compute nodes, nearly 1.6 million processor cores, and 1.6 petabytes (1,600 terabytes) of memory. It is capable of up to 17.1 trillion floating point operations per second.
4. K Computer
K Computer is Japan's top-ranked supercomputer, located at the RIKEN Institute for Advanced Research in Computational Science in Kobe, Japan, and is designed to "solve the energy, sustainability, healthcare, climate change, industrial, and space challenges facing society today" with its 10.5 million floating point operations per second. space challenges".
5. Mira
Mira is another supercomputer based on the IBM Blue Gene/Q system, which is located at Argonne National Laboratory in Lemont, Illinois, and is owned by the U.S. Department of Energy. It is one of the most energy-efficient supercomputers, capable of up to 858 trillion floating-point operations per second.
6. Piz Daint
This supercomputer, named after the Daint of the Alps, is located at the Swiss National Supercomputer Center, and uses Krefeld's XC90 system, which is capable of up to 6.27 trillion floating-point operations per second. , materials science and life science research.
7. Stampede
This Dell-built supercomputer, located at the Texas Advanced Computing Center, operates at a floating-point speed of 5.1 quadrillion times per second. It is primarily used for the physical structure of drugs, weather forecasting and astrophysics.
8. Juqueen
The 458,752-core supercomputer, also based on the IBM Blue Gene/Q system, has a floating-point speed of 5.1 quadrillion operations per second, and is the only supercomputer in the top 10 from Germany. neuroscience, computational biology, climate research and quantum physics.
9. Vulcan
Like Juqueen, this supercomputer uses the IBM Blue Gene/Q system and operates at a floating-point speed of 429 quadrillion cycles per second. It is located at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (LLNL) in California. Recently, LLNL signed a new supercomputer contract with IBM, Nvidia and Mellanox, with the goal of building a supercomputer called Sierra in 2017 to enhance the ability to model nuclear weapons, as well as eliminate the need for underground testing.
10.Top Secret
This is a U.S. government-owned supercomputer, but unlike the ones above, it doesn't have a conventional code name, and its location has not been disclosed to the public. What is known is that it is based on Clay's CS-Storm system, which operates at 357 trillion floating-point operations per second. At the same time, it is the most energy-efficient supercomputer available.