What is a cardiogram and how much does it cost?

Cardiac imaging, generally referred to as coronary artery CT angiography, a non-invasive test, the price of about 1500 yuan, which includes the contrast medium that must be used for imaging.

Coronary angiography, or coronary angiography for short, is the only diagnostic method that can directly observe the blood vessels and blood flow in the coronary arteries, and its accuracy is incomparable to other methods. In addition, coronary angiography can integrate examination, diagnosis, and treatment, and can be used as a diagnostic tool during the examination, and as an interventional procedure to install stents and complete the surgical treatment when needed.

01? Who needs coronary angiography

Middle-aged and elderly people with high risk factors for coronary artery disease (dyslipidemia, diabetes, high blood pressure, smoking, etc.) who often experience chest pain and tightness. The original has been clearly have coronary heart disease, recently angina attack frequently, lighter labor can be induced angina patients; even no obvious cause, in the state of rest often occurs angina patients; each attack time is longer, the degree of pain is heavier, sublingual nitroglycerin effect of the patient is poor. Sudden typical chest pain symptoms, severe chest pain has been more than 30 minutes, accompanied by profuse sweating, near-death feeling.

For those who have atypical angina symptoms and are difficult to diagnose clinically, especially those who have poor therapeutic effects, as well as those who have enlarged hearts, severe arrhythmias, heart failure, abnormal electrocardiograms, and are suspected of having coronary artery pathology or malformations, but the results of non-invasive tests are not conclusive, coronary artery angiography can provide a strong basis for diagnosis. For non-coronary artery disease patients who have long been suspected of coronary artery disease in the clinic, the test can lift the mental burden of the patients and restore their confidence in life; at the same time, it can reduce the mental burden and economic burden caused by unnecessary drug treatment.

02? The conventional means of examination will miss the diagnosis of coronary heart disease

The traditional diagnosis of coronary heart disease is based on the symptoms, electrocardiogram, blood lipids, exercise stress test and cardiac ultrasound, etc., and the sensitivity and specificity is not high, such as myocardial hypertrophy, myocarditis and other reasons for the electrocardiogram changes are often misdiagnosed as coronary heart disease.

The stenosis of the coronary arteries can cause discomfort and ECG changes only when the stenosis is significant (>75%), and conventional diagnostic tools can cause many patients with coronary artery disease to miss the diagnosis.

03? Coronary angiography shows the shape of the coronary arteries

It is the coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart. Coronary angiography can clearly show the course, morphology, and presence or absence of stenosis of the coronary arteries and their branches, the location, degree, and extent of stenosis, and collateral circulation, and can guide further treatment accordingly; evaluate functional changes in the coronary arteries (spasm of the coronary arteries); and also perform left ventriculography, thus evaluating cardiac function.

Coronary angiography is now widely used in clinical practice and is considered the "gold standard" for diagnosing coronary artery disease, and it is a safe and reliable invasive diagnostic technique.

Mr. Zhang, a 45-year-old male executive, came to our hospital for a physical examination, with a height of 175 cm, a weight of 98 kg, a blood pressure of 145/88 mmPa, a dietary bias, a history of 25 years of alcohol consumption, 23 years of smoking, and seldom taking part in sports; his father died of coronary heart disease, and his mother is still alive and suffers from high blood pressure. In the past month, he had repeated palpitations and chest tightness without any obvious triggers, and his ECG examination showed no obvious abnormality, and he was recommended to have coronary angiography, which showed that the left anterior descending branch stenosis was up to 90%, and the cardiology specialists gave him a stent implantation in a timely manner to avoid the occurrence of an acute myocardial infarction.

When the coronary artery or its branches become diseased, we suffer from coronary heart disease (myocardial ischemia). In mild lesions, patients have no angina symptoms; in severe lesions there is a risk of myocardial infarction.

04? Coronary angiography can be done in 25 minutes

Coronary angiography is a "minor surgery", a relatively safe and reliable invasive diagnostic technique, after which you can't even see the fatigue marks from the procedure. Excluding preparation time such as sterilization and toweling, the entire coronary angiography operation can be completed in about 25 minutes if things go well. If the patient's blood vessels are thin and the needle can not find the blood vessels, or if the patient's coronary artery opening is abnormal and difficult to find, the time will be appropriately longer.

05? Preparation before coronary angiography

Fasting or drinking a small amount of water is required before the examination. Iodine preparation allergy and patients with severe liver and kidney disease should not do the examination. Preoperative conversation sign, informed consent. Evaluation of liver, kidney, heart, lungs and other important organs function, assess the risk of surgery.