How much did the United States aid the world in World War II?

The important bill to provide aid to anti-fascist countries was passed by the U.S. Congress in 1941. The Roosevelt administration decided to step up aid to Britain, which was in a difficult situation and in financial straits, for the sake of the United States' own security and defense, and to expand its sphere of influence and establish American leadership in the post-war world. the Lend-Lease Act, which was passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives, came into effect on March 11, 1941, when it was signed by Roosevelt. The bill authorized the President to furnish arms, military supplies, food, and any other munitions in the form of sales, exchanges, transfers, and leases to countries whose defense was deemed vital to the security of the United States. The passage of the bill buried the Neutrality Act and was a decisive and important step in moving the United States from isolationism to participation in the war. Accordingly, the U.S.*** provided more than 50 billion dollars of supplies to dozens of anti-fascist countries such as Britain, the Soviet Union, France and China, with the British Empire accounting for about 60% and the Soviet Union for about 20% of the total, which played a positive role in the victory of the anti-fascist war. It was discontinued after the end of the Second World War.

Until September 30, 1945, the United States provided the Soviet Union with the following materiel through Lend-Lease:

Aircraft 14,795

Tanks 7,056

Jeeps 51,503

Trucks 375,883

Motorcycles 35,170

Tractors 8071 vehicles

Artillery 8218 guns

Machine guns 131633

Explosives 345735 tons

Buildings $109,100,000

Trains 11155 (knots?)

Locomotives 1981

Cargo ships 90

Frigate ships (anti-submarine) 105

Torpedo boats 197

Wheeled ship engines 7,784

Food supplies 4,478,000 tons

Mechanical equipment $107,896,500

Colorless metals 802,000 tons

Oil 267,000 tons

Chemicals 842,000 tons

Cotton 106,893,000 tons

Leather products 49,869 tons

Tires 37,860,000 pcs

Military boots 154,17001 pairs