Does the smoke from moxibustion do anything to your body?

Does smoke do anything? Is it harmful?

Moxa smoke can sterilize the air

The results of a study in the British Journal of Acupuncture showed that moxa smoke has the effect of sterilizing the air. Domestic research further found that the smoke on the air and the environment of viruses such as hepatitis B virus has a certain inactivation effect. Therefore, moxa smoke can be used to disinfect the air in medical treatment, home and other environments.

The benefits of moxa smoke on the human body

Domestic human experiments found that moxa smoked method of treatment on the skin has anti-bacterial and fungal effects. A variety of animal experiments found that in lower concentrations, the animal body and anti-inflammatory, cough, expectorant, asthma, anti-allergy, analgesic, cardiac, free radicals, anti-aging, regulating body functions and improve the role of the body's immune system. Is not a series of see everyone dazzled, breathtaking?

Smoke so magical, a wide range of roles, but pandas doctors need to remind you, pandas synthesize a variety of clinical information, found that the final conclusion of the article are used a qualifier: "a certain role". So don't be too obsessed with the efficacy of moxa smoke,because moxa smoke is a complex composition, moxa smoke on the human body contains both favorable components (eucalyptus oil extract, camphor, hinoki cerebrum) and unfavorable components (pentylbenzene, phthalate esters), so don't be because of the blind worship and the myth of the effect of moxa smoke.

Ai smoke damage to the human body

A large number of studies have found that ai smoke can make the chromosomes to occur haplotype aberration rate and chromosome-type aberration rate increased significantly, the ai smoke extract is a chromosome breakers, may also be a teratogen, and with the concentration of the ai smoke and dyeing the time of the growth of ai smoke, the ai smoke may have a genetic Toxicity. Patients and healthcare workers exposed to the smoke for long periods of time are at risk of developing genotoxicologic changes.

Clinical studies have found that high concentrations (about 100 times the clinical concentration of moxa smoke) damage the endothelium of blood vessels to a certain extent, while low concentrations (about 9 times the clinical concentration of moxa smoke) do not show significant damage to the endothelium of blood vessels. Another cellular experiment found that mugwort smoke had a highly significant difference with low concentration of mugwort smoke (0.099/L) when it was higher than (0.129/L), and caused a gradual decrease in the viability of alveolar type II epithelial cells with the increase of the concentration of mugwort smoke, which indicated that the condensate of mugwort smoke reached a certain concentration before it had a toxic effect on cells. It shows that the condensate of mugwort smoke has a toxic effect on cells after reaching a certain concentration.

Consulting a large number of domestic and foreign literature has found that low concentrations of moxa smoke in the nervous system, the endocrine system, the immune system, the circulatory system, the respiratory system, the digestive system have played a varying degree of benign effects. However, at high concentrations, moxa smoke has different degrees of damage to human body organs and tissues, and the damage may be on the respiratory function, the immune system and the blood system and other aspects of the impact of high concentrations of moxa smoke can cause chromosomal aberrations, and with the concentration of the concentration of the increase, it may produce genotoxicity, and may become a risk factor for long-term exposure of patients and health care workers in the moxa smoke.