As of December 8, 2013, artificial insemination e69da5e887aa7a6431333431376538 about once need about 2000, but different hospitals price varies greatly, and the cost also depends on the patient's own situation, and artificial insemination with the difficulty of the degree of relationship.
According to the source of its sperm, AI can be divided into artificial insemination by husband's sperm (AIH) and artificial insemination by donor sperm (AID) from the third party's sperm.
According to the different sites of insemination such as vaginal, cervical canal, uterine cavity, fallopian tube and abdominal cavity, they are called intravaginal insemination (IVI), intracervical insemination (ICI), intrauterine insemination (IUI), and intrafallopian insemination (IFI), respectively.
Expanded Information:
Donor Sperm Insemination
1. Indications
Testicular azoospermia, obstructive azoospermia, severe oligozoospermia, weak spermatidosis, and deformed spermatozoa; failure of vasovaginal reversal failure; ejaculatory disorders; serious hereditary diseases in the male partner and/or family that are contraindicated for childbearing.
Maternal and fetal blood group incompatibility does not result in a viable newborn. In this case, except for testicular azoospermia, patients who need donor insemination techniques must be explained by the medical staff that they can obtain offspring of their own blood relatives by intracytoplasmic monosperm microinjection (ICSI).
2. Contraindications
The woman suffers from acute infection of the genitourinary system or sexually transmitted diseases; the woman suffers from serious genetic, physical or mental diseases; the woman is exposed to teratogenic amounts of rays, poisons, drugs and is in the period of action; the woman has a drug addiction and other bad habits.
3, donor insemination common site
Including intravaginal insemination, intracervical insemination, intrauterine insemination, the general use of intracervical insemination.
Baidu Encyclopedia - Artificial Insemination