Social Impact of Minority Population

The reduction of population will mean a decrease in population in the future; many social operations depend on human beings, and a decrease in population will lead to the elimination or transformation of various industries in their operations.

The short-term impacts of infantilization will be significant in the following industries: education, such as public and private elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools, colleges and universities, and indirectly, tutorial schools; the baby care industry, such as suppliers of baby products, toys, and the publishing industry, with children's books and children's books being the hardest hit; the dairy agriculture industry, which is facing a decline in the market for young children, but can still be transformed into the adult market; the maternal and child health care industry, such as the medical industry, which is facing a decline in the market for young children, but still can be transformed into the adult market; and the medical industry, which is facing a decline in the market for young children. The market for young children will be in decline, but it can still be transformed into the adult market.

The education sector has been affected by the seriousness of the child labor crisis, which has led to the following phenomena: the merging of classes, the reduction of classes, the merging of schools, the abolition of schools, the oversupply of teachers, the absence of teachers (commonly known as "stray teachers"), the prevalence of substitute teaching, the prevalence of small class sizes, the tight relationship between teachers and their parents, and teachers who are also in charge of administrative duties. But there is also a potential crisis due to frequent teacher transfers, which triggers estrangement of teacher-student relationships and a decline in the quality of teaching. After all, teachers realize that their future is unstable, and it is difficult for them to teach with enthusiasm. Students, too, will have problems adapting to the curriculum because of the fractured relationships, leading to lower learning efficiency.

The baby care and toy industry must be transformed, such as the game software industry, general clothing wholesale, general furniture sales, stationery distribution, wide-age recreational goods. Baby products are really a specialized industry, if you can not immediately open up new marketing areas, the speed of decline may be the fastest, although the less children before and during the middle of the period can earn the love of children eager parents of the niche.

The impact on the publishing industry will be less severe because it will be easier to switch to selling books that are more to the liking of the general public. But publishers who edit national primary and secondary school textbooks, test papers, reference books and children's books will suffer the most, and over time, publishers who edit youth publications will also be affected.

The impact of childlessness on dairy (cheese) agriculture has been minimal; the need for powdered milk and cheese is almost uninterrupted, and even without children's consumption, the need for milk is very popular among many people. Popular foods such as bread, pizza (pasta), pastry are indispensable to cow's milk products, and adult formulas of functional milk powder are also very much in line with the public's need for nutrition, unless the population is seriously negative growth, there will not be too much impact.

Pediatrics and obstetrics and gynecology are undoubtedly the hardest hit losers from the trend of childlessness. As the birth rate declines and there are fewer pregnant women, the midwifery business loses its niche; and as pediatrics has no children to see, a business crisis can quickly surface. Currently in Taiwan, obstetrics and gynecology must be transformed into plastic surgery, urology, and even autopsy forensics, and pediatrics must be transformed into family medicine to survive.

The medium-term impact of the reduction in the number of children will be felt in the industrial, commercial and military sectors. But the impact may not be reflected in the number, but the quality; because of the small number of new entrants, the unit in the selection of talent must "accept everything", the same amount of admission or from the lack of the possibility of becoming larger, the quality of the reference to the mother of the number of low and gradual decline. If reflected in the national examination, will not be able to select the civil servants, administrative police and professional technicians.

Another medium-term effect of childlessness will be reflected in political decision-making. Because democratic societies are based on voters, the aging of the electorate and the sudden drop in the youth vote will make it easier for candidates who advocate welfare for the elderly to win. A large increase in spending on welfare for the middle-aged and elderly will crowd out spending on children, adolescents, infants, and toddlers, making young voters even more reluctant to have children because young people don't want to have children without government backing. In countries with limited tax revenues, not only will there be a vicious intergenerational cycle, but it will also lead to a financial crisis for the government, which is the result of "eating into the coffers" in order to take care of the elderly. If an elderly person's personal finances are poor, medical expenses are high and there are no offspring, the elderly will have a bad debt when they pass away, which will drag down the health care finances.

The side effect of childlessness is aging, which will lead to serious ethical crises, such as the death of elderly people living alone, a wave of abandonment, and illegal euthanasia, because of the high cost of caring for the elderly to society. Not only will there be fewer and fewer young people to support the elderly, but these young people will also become more and more individualistic and will ignore traditional filial piety. As a result, more and more disabled and unfortunate elderly people will have to face the fact that young people are unwilling to take on the responsibility of supporting them, and they will have to go to the end of their lives in pain and loneliness. In addition, modern people's concept of death has changed dramatically, and they tend to "die with dignity". Under the trend of seeking to solve the pain of life with death, the legalization of euthanasia will become a fact sooner or later, but before the legalization of euthanasia, the illegal execution of euthanasia, no matter whether it is the subjective consciousness of the physician or the implicit authorization of the family, will gradually make the life of the elderly lose its legal and moral protection. However, in terms of the current public sentiment in Taiwan, euthanasia is not a legalized option. However, given the current public sentiment in Taiwan, euthanasia will not be the "antidote" to aging for the time being.

Medium-term infantilization is a cruel test for education, especially national education. The first step in the process is to make sure that you have a good understanding of what is going on in the world, and that you have a good understanding of what is going on in the world. Tainan County General Masters National Primary School, Taipei County, Yu Guang National Primary School are the victims of the first and middle stages of childlessness, even if the development of a large number of features, but also have to face the reality, and even do not rule out the emergence of a "wandering principal. Under the pressure to abolish schools, the long-criticized ability to separate classes will be resurrected under parental pressure, leading to a struggle for students between public and private schools, and further distorting education, which is extremely biased in favor of intellectual development. In addition, the abolition of schools would be a disaster for remote villages, where social relations depend on the space and popularity of schools. Without the support of schools, parents with children would have to move their families to the cities, leaving only the elderly in the community, which would be on the verge of disintegration.

In the long run, all workforces will suffer to varying degrees as a result of the population decline, with jobs that are highly labor-demanding being the most affected by the lack of labor. The disadvantages of underpopulation are not all bad, but they are grossly exaggerated based on the developmentalist discourse of society. Broadly speaking, the positives of childlessness are:

Lower environmental burden: Since modern life is overly dependent on technology, it has caused pollution and damage to the environment; a smaller population will result in less consumption and less pollution creation, and it will be possible to restore the release of natural conservation land.

Relief of food tension: An overpopulation will consume too much food and will have to compete with nature for the little arable land left to ensure food security. Minoritization can relieve this tension by eliminating the need to produce agricultural, forestry, fishery, and livestock products that are beyond the burden of the environment in order to feed the population, and thus eliminating the need to cause environmental harm through diet.

Reduced social conflicts: When cities become overpopulated, interpersonal tensions, friction, and ethical issues become acute social problems. In addition, as a result of the imbalance between resource sharing and education, unemployment, murder, looting, and sex crimes will emerge, seriously eroding the stability of society. Minoritization will be able to have a solution to the future social problems of mankind.

Enrichment of resource distribution: By reducing the cannibalization effect of the population, resources can be evenly distributed to all people, whether it is education, employment opportunities, or physical resources, all of which can be more widely distributed to the general public in a high-quality manner, thus lowering the class gap.

Rationalization of real estate prices: Excessive demand and speculation in real estate prices stems from overpopulation, and when too many people have a need for housing, real estate prices will skyrocket abnormally, triggering social unrest. In the long run, the reduction in demand for real estate will make it possible for those who want to live in their own homes to do so without having to take out heavy home loans.

Education tends to be of higher quality: With fewer students, teachers have a greater responsibility to raise the standards of each student and to work harder to improve the quality of education. The old low-cost textbooks and paper-and-pencil tests will not meet the needs of the times, and a more lively curriculum that meets the development of the whole person should be designed to inspire students.

Reducing the cost of caring for the elderly in the future: The reduction in the number of children means that in the next 50-70 years, the elderly of the future will no longer need to invest astronomical resources to care for them, and will be able to use more equipment and resources, and money, to improve other aspects of medical technology.