Nuclear magnetic **** vibration is not harmful to the body.
Because it is magnetic field imaging, there is no radioactivity, so it is harmless to the human body, is very safe.
Nuclear magnetic **** vibration of the cranial brain, spinal cord and other diseases is currently the most effective diagnostic imaging methods, not only can early detection of tumors, cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral abscess, cerebral cysticercosis and congenital cerebral vascular malformations, but also to determine the type of hydrocephalus and the cause of hydrocephalus and so on.
Breast cancer, the number one gynecological disease that jeopardizes the lives and health of Chinese women, can be detected in its early stages through precise screening with NMR*** vibration; and for the three-high-intensity groups, such as people with "high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, and high blood sugar," the NMR*** vibration test can be performed in the body, on the head, and on the heart. For people with high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high blood pressure, the NMR examination of the head and heart can help to detect heart disease, cerebral infarction, and other high-risk diseases at an early stage, before the health of the body sends out a red light warning.
Expanded information:
The basic principle of MRI is to place the human body in a special magnetic field and use it as an effective tool for detecting the presence of a large number of different diseases. The basic principle of MRI is to place the human body in a special magnetic field and excite the hydrogen nuclei in the body with radio frequency pulses, causing them to **** vibrate and absorb energy.
After stopping the radio frequency pulse, the hydrogen nucleus sends out radio signals at a specific frequency and releases the absorbed energy, which is recorded by a receiver outside the body and processed by an electronic computer to obtain an image, which is called nuclear magnetic **** vibration imaging.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Nuclear Magnetic **** vibration