A, dual power transfer switch use
1. In the conversion of the main power supply and generator power, the first need to consider the characteristics of the generator, after confirming that the main power supply is off, the generator will automatically start until the generator power indicator reaches a stable value and there is no interconnection of the output. Selection and use of ATS by changeover time
2... The faster the changeover time for dual power conversion of fire fighting equipment according to the relevant national and industrial codes. the code will take into account the current technical conditions of power supply in China in less than 30 seconds. If there is a sudden power failure during the operation of the fire fighting equipment, a switchover of the power supply will be unavoidable. If the switchover is prolonged, the fire fighting equipment will stop and affect the use, therefore you need to add auxiliary control links to keep the fire fighting equipment running, you should choose the product with faster transition time.
3. According to China's current time design, for emergency lighting, power from the city grid is usually used as the emergency lighting power source. It is allowed to use the city power supply to meet the use and safety requirements, but if the ATS is used as emergency lighting, the power transition time should be as follows after cutting off the normal power supply. ≤15 seconds for evacuation lights (shorten the changeover time if possible), ≤15s for preliminary lights (≤1.5s for financial trading places), and ≤0.5s for security lights.
4. If a generator set is used as an emergency lighting power source, the total time for starting and switching the generator should not exceed 15 seconds. Selection and use of four-pole ATS, according to IECIEC465.1.5, the four-pole switch is used as a transfer switch between the general-purpose power supply and the standby generator. A 4-pole switch shall be used for dual power transfer switches with earth leakage protection. If two power switches with earth leakage protection are provided, the lower level power transfer switch is a 4-pole switch. Power transfer switches between two different grounding systems shall be 4-pole switches. 4-pole switches are not normally required for TN-S and TN-C-S systems.
5. When selecting an ATS based on the above requirements, you should determine whether or not to use a four-pole ATS based on the specific characteristics and requirements of the use.
II. Dual power transfer switch specifications
1. If for some reason a power failure occurs and you are not able to restore the power on short notice, you are required to activate the backup power step: cut off the circuit breaker for the city's power source (including the Circuit breakers in the control room of the power distribution room, dual power switch box city power switch), open the double-throw anti-rotation switch on the side of its own power supply, and maintain the dual power switch box internal self-powered power supply circuit breaker disconnect. Start the standby power supply (diesel generator set), and if the standby mode is working properly, close the generator air switches and circuit breakers in the power control cabinet in turn. Close each standby power circuit breaker in the power switch box to supply power to each load. During the standby power operation, the operator shall not leave the generator set, and shall adjust the voltage and working frequency in time according to the change of the load.
2. After restoring the main power, power conversion should be carried out in time to cut off the standby power and restore the main power. Steps: Remove the circuit breaker of the self-powered power supply step by step. The order is as follows: the self-breaker of the dual power switch box → the breaker of the self-power distribution box → the main switch of the generator → turn the double-throw switch to the main power draw. Stop in accordance with the diesel engine shutdown procedure. Close each circuit breaker in turn from the main switch of the main power supply to each branch switch, and then switch the dual power supply box from the city to the closed position.
3. Check that the indicator and pilot lights are normal, then start the cooling fan on the transformer.
The above is this article for the use of dual power transfer switch and dual power transfer switch specifications in detail. In this I suggest that you can be used at home with a dual power transfer switch, the home has this can prevent sudden power outages. If.