Which is a good and cheap moving company in Nanchang?

Ant Moving Company.

Nanchang City moving company good and cheap is ants moving company, address in Nanchang City, Nanchang County, small blue east avenue Jinding badminton hall northeast, ants moving company in the domestic popularity is very high, so the popularity is high, because of its service attitude is very good, the service is very considerate, and cost-effective, relative to the other moving companies cheap, the starting price respectively is 158 yuan, 188 yuan, 288 yuan, 36 yuan, the starting price are equipped with moving masters throughout the move, and if the moving distance is within 1 kilometer, are free of distance charges.

Ant moving company is a private moving company, founded in November 8, 1996, headquartered in Chengdu, 1993, was selected by the municipal government to participate in the exhibition of the achievements of reform and opening up of coastal cities in Beijing.