How to do the quest of McKagan's factory has been refurbished?

In the world of warcraft, mccargan's task factory has refurbished the task objective given is not very clear, so many players are not very clear about the task should be how to do, the following by to tell you the factory has been refurbished task of the specific steps is what.

1, first of all, after receiving the task, we came to the task prompted the target area, kill mechanical monsters can be hardened springs, hardened armor and mechanical equipment kit.

2, after we collect 30 hardened springs, 10 hardened armor and 5 mechanical equipment kits, we can combine these parts into a bundle of recyclable parts.

3, a bundle of recyclable parts will trigger the relevant task, after receiving the task to the coordinates (55, 57) after the completion of the task can be obtained after the recycling products.

4, after opening the recycled goods can get the task props recycled crawling spider multi-branched tube, and when the player completes a bundle of recyclable parts after the task will unlock the recycling generator DX-82 task, this task also allows us to repeat the recycled goods to complete the factory has been refurbished task.

For more information on how to do the McKagon Factory Has Been Refurbished quest, go to: /ask/6354e01616100178.html?zd for more content