1) Label: Surgery, one to three levels of surgery
2) Technical principle
Liposuction is the most commonly used and reliable method of buttock contouring and weight loss, in which electric negative pressure liposuction was created in the 1970s, which is the more traditional liposuction technology, which is the use of electric suction or special negative pressure liposuction machine, connected with the liposuction catheter and the metal tube, and inserted the liposuction tube into the subcutaneous fat layer through a small incision in the skin to achieve weight loss and contouring outside the body using electric negative pressure suction. The liposuction tube is inserted into the subcutaneous fat layer through a small incision in the skin, and the suction force of the electric negative pressure is utilized to suction the localized accumulation of subcutaneous fat out of the body, in order to achieve the purpose of weight loss and body contouring. The operation of electric negative pressure liposuction is time-consuming and laborious, the damage is larger, the pain is more obvious, and the sucked out fat can be reused after purification.
3) Adaptation and contraindication
① Adaptation: fat increase or deposition in the buttocks, affecting the body shape curve.
② Contraindications
a. cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes, abnormal coagulation function, important organ function is impaired;
b. long-term or are taking anticoagulant drugs, vasodilator drugs, corticosteroids, etc.;
c. Buttock skin has an infected foci;
d. psychological disorders, high expectations, and too demanding of their own body shape.
e. Morbid obesity can be discussed with the doctor after the primary disease is cured or controlled.
4) Technical methods
① Positioning: delineate and mark the scope of suction.
② Incision: the length of the incision is comparable to the diameter of the liposuction tube, usually about 1cm. The location of the incision is usually above the buttock groove.
③ Anesthesia: Swelling anesthesia technique is the most commonly used anesthesia method in liposuction. For those with a larger liposuction range, intralesional anesthesia can be used. For those with preoperative fear, general anesthesia can be used. No matter what kind of anesthesia is used, the local anesthesia technique of swelling should be used.
4 Suction: The liposuction tube is inserted into the subcutaneous fat layer through the skin incision to a depth of 1 - 2 cm, and then the area is marked for sawing suction, while the electric suction device is turned on. If the surface of the liposuctioned skin is uneven, it needs to be repaired, and the suction ends after the repair is completed. The safe amount of fat suction is less than 2000ml.
⑤ Postoperative treatment: After the end of suction, squeeze out the liquid and fat particles that remain under the skin, and place a drain for 48-72 hours, or not. Suture the incision. Cover with a dressing and pressure bandage.
5) Risks and complications
Liposuction has been commonly used at home and abroad for weight loss and contouring surgery, the incidence of complications is very low, especially serious complications in the rare occurrence. However, there are still fatal cases in the literature. Therefore, even the safest surgery should not be taken lightly. Cause of death: fat embolism syndrome is the first.
①Common complications
a. Unsatisfactory shape Because some people have a combination of sagging buttocks and sagging skin in the inner thighs, the skin laxity after liposuction is heavier and the shape is not beautiful. It can be considered to be combined with buttock lift surgery to achieve better results.
b. Uneven skin or asymmetry Temporary unevenness is more common. It will improve after six months of compression molding. If the skin is still uneven after six months, a second suction can be performed after one year.
c. Seroma A large subcutaneous cavity filled with non-clotting serum-like fluid is prone to chronic seroma formation. Small seromas can be self-absorbed, while large seromas require medical attention and need to be aspirated with a syringe or incised and released with a pressure dressing.
d. Skin ecchymosis Appears within 24 hours after surgery, and can be eliminated in 1-2 weeks, and generally does not need treatment.
e. Skin necrosis Rarely, liposuction damage to the superficial fat, damage to the subdermal vascular network or infection. Infection should be treated as soon as possible.
f. Other common complications such as skin numbness or pain, hyperpigmentation, subcutaneous hardness. Most of them disappear on their own within 3 months to half a year.
②Unusual complications
a. Fat embolism and fat embolism syndrome is the main cause of death from liposuction. Its main symptoms are the triad of hypoxia, confusion, and subcutaneous petechiae.
b. Toxic side effects of drugs Toxic side effects can occur if the lidocaine and epinephrine in the swelling solution exceed a certain dose or concentration and interaction with other drugs. Symptoms are the development of headache, numbness in the mouth and tongue, tinnitus, delirium, agitation, drowsiness, bradycardia, and hypotension. Keep in touch with your doctor at all times after surgery.
6) Recovery time
① There will be ooze in the wound for 1 to 2 days after the operation, which will make the dressing wet and bring inconvenience to life, and the dressing needs to be changed in time.
② Drainage strips will be placed in the wound after the operation, and you need to go to the hospital 48-72 hours after the operation to review and remove the drainage.
3 ③ 1 ~ 4 days after the operation, there will be pain when moving, this is normal, but generally does not affect the life of self-care.
③ It is normal to have pain when moving around for 1 to 4 days after the operation, but it does not affect your daily life.
⑤ Within 1-2 weeks after the operation, there will be some swelling and bruising on the liposuction site.
⑥ Local pressure bandage for 1-2 weeks.
⑦ Mild hyperpigmentation of the skin may occur after the procedure, which will gradually disappear after 1-2 months.
⑧ In order to pressurize the shape, it is necessary to wear elastic clothing and pants for 3-6 months after the operation.
7) Precautions
Choose a regular medical institution. Fat suction is damaging to the human body, the more suction volume, the larger the suction area, the greater the damage to the human body.
① A fat suction volume of less than 1000ml belongs to the Ministry of Health medical cosmetic project classification in the first level of the project, the technical difficulty and risk is relatively small, can be in the first level of general hospitals and outpatient clinics or clinics.
② A fat suction volume of 1000ml ≤ liposuction volume & lt; 2000ml of the Ministry of Health medical cosmetic project classification of the second project, there is a certain degree of technical difficulty and risk, should be in the second level of general hospitals, with anesthesiology and medical cosmetology or cosmetic surgery outpatient clinics, or higher level of medical cosmetology institutions; need to be hospitalized for suction.
③ In a fat suction volume in 2000ml ≤ liposuction volume <5000ml belongs to the Ministry of Health medical cosmetic project grading in the third level of the project, the technical difficulty and risk is greater, should be in the third level of plastic surgery hospitals, the third level of the hospital; need to be admitted to the suction. 1) Label: surgery, one to three level surgery
2) Technical principle
Ultrasound liposuction is a liposuction method that uses the physicochemical effect of high-energy, low-frequency ultrasound to selectively destroy subcutaneous fat tissues, generating fat emulsions and then pumping them out of the body with negative pressure suction. The metal probe of the ultrasonic liposuction system is connected to the negative pressure suction device, and the probe reaches into the skin to emulsify the fat tissue and then suction it out under negative pressure. This technique is less damaging and less intensive, but the operation time is long, the amount of liposuction is small, and the superficial fat cannot be suctioned. In addition, thermal damage may occur, and the extracted fat is destroyed and cannot be reused.
3) Adaptation and contraindication
① Adaptation: fat increase or deposition in the buttocks, affecting the body shape curve.
② Contraindications
a. cardiovascular or cerebrovascular disease or diabetes or coagulation function abnormalities or important organ function damage;
b. long-term or are taking anticoagulant drugs, vasodilator drugs, corticosteroids and other medications;
c. Buttock skin has an infected foci;
d. psychological disorders, high expectations, and too harsh on their own
e. For morbid obesity, the surgery should be discussed with the doctor after the primary disease is cured or controlled.
4) Technical methods
① Positioning: delineate and mark the suction area.
② Incision: the length of the incision is equal to the diameter of the liposuction tube, generally about 1 cm. the incision position is generally used above the gluteal groove.
③ Anesthesia: swelling anesthesia technique is the most commonly used anesthesia method in liposuction. If the liposuction range is large, intralesional anesthesia can be used. Preoperative fear, general anesthesia can be used. It should be noted that no matter which anesthesia is used, the local part of the suction should be swollen local anesthesia technique.
④ Emulsification and suction: the liposuction probe is connected to a negative pressure device and inserted into the subcutaneous fat layer through a skin incision, covered with a wet dressing around the incision, to a depth of more than 1 cm, and the probe is moved back and forth slowly and continuously according to the marked area. If there is unevenness in the surface of the liposuctioned skin, conventional electrically powered negative pressure liposuction can be used for final contouring. The safe amount of fat suction at one time is less than 2000ml.
⑤ Postoperative treatment: After the end of suction, squeeze out the subcutaneous fluid and fat particles, and place a drain for 48-72 hours, or not. Suture the incision. Cover the dressing and apply pressure bandage.
5) Risks and Complications
1) Common Complications
a. Tissue Thermal Injury A complication specific to ultrasonic liposuction, this is due to the ultrasound probe which may cause an increase in temperature at the incision site and in the subcutaneous tissue.
b. Unevenness or asymmetry of the skin. Temporary unevenness is generally more common. It improves after six months of compression contouring. If the skin is still uneven after six months, a second suction can be performed after one year.
c. Seroma Ultrasound liposuction is common. The larger cavity under the skin is filled with non-coagulable serum-like fluid and is prone to form chronic seroma. Small seromas can be self-absorbed, and large seromas should be treated medically, requiring syringe aspiration or incision and release with pressure bandages.
d. Skin ecchymosis Appears within 24 hours after surgery, and can be eliminated in 1-2 weeks, and generally does not need treatment.
e. Skin necrosis. Rarely, this is liposuction damage to the superficial fat, damage to the subdermal vascular network or infection. When infection occurs, it is necessary to seek medical treatment as soon as possible.
f. Other common complications. For example, skin numbness or pain, hyperpigmentation, subcutaneous hard nodules. Most of them disappear on their own within 3 months to 6 months.
②Unusual complications
a. Fat embolism and fat embolism syndrome is the main cause of death due to liposuction, the main symptoms are hypoxia, blurred consciousness and subcutaneous petechiae triad.
b. Drug-induced toxic side effects. Toxic side effects can occur if lidocaine and epinephrine in the swelling solution exceed a certain dose, or concentration and interaction with other drugs. Symptoms include: headache, numbness of the mouth and tongue, tinnitus, delirium, agitation, drowsiness, bradycardia, and hypotension. Keep in touch with your doctor at all times after surgery. 1) Tags: Surgery, One to Three Levels of Surgery
2) Technical Principle
Electronic Liposuction is a liposuction method that uses the high frequency electric field generated by positive and negative electrodes to destroy, crack, and liquefy the subcutaneous fat of the body in the form of celiac disease, and at the same time, uses the negative pressure to pump out the crushed fat mixture out of the body in order to achieve the goal of shaping the body. Electronic liposuction is less painful, and the extracted fat is destroyed and cannot be reused.
3) Adaptation and contraindication
① Adaptation: fat increase or deposition in the buttocks, which affects the curve of the body shape.
② Contraindications
a. cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, or abnormal coagulation function, important organ function is impaired;
b. long-term or are taking anticoagulant drugs, vasodilator drugs, corticosteroids, etc.;
c. Buttock skin infection foci;
d. psychological disorders, high expectations, and too demanding of their own body shape.
e. Morbidly obese people, after the primary disease is cured or controlled, can discuss with the doctor whether the operation is possible.
4) Technical methods
① Connecting instruments Connect the electrode needle, handle, host, pressure syringe pump and vacuum pump.
② Electrode needle into the subcutaneous The real electrode is inserted into the deep subcutaneous adipose tissue from a relatively hidden place, 1cm away from the skin.
③ Injecting swelling fluid or manually injecting anesthesia The infusion pump can be activated to inject swelling fluid, or anesthesia fluid can be injected manually.
④ Fat emulsification and suction Gently move the electrode, fat emulsification, smaller negative pressure can be suctioned, from shallow to deep layer by layer suction, retaining 0.5-1cm of adipose tissue.
⑤ If there is unevenness on the surface of the liposuctioned skin, then conventional electric negative pressure liposuction can be used for final contouring, and generally the safe amount of fat suction at one time is less than 2000ml.
6 Postoperative treatment Postoperative puncture holes do not need to be sutured. Cover with a dressing and apply pressure bandage.
5) Risks and complications
1) Common complications
a. Burning pain A complication specific to e-liposuction, where the electrodes are too close to the skin and may cause burning pain.
b. Uneven or asymmetrical skin. In general, temporary unevenness is more common. Normally, it will improve after six months of compression molding. If the skin is still uneven after six months, a second suction can be performed after one year.
c. Seroma. A large subcutaneous cavity filled with non-clotting serum-like fluid tends to form a chronic seroma. Small seromas can be self-absorbed, while large ones require medical attention and need to be aspirated with a syringe or incised and released with a pressure dressing.
d. Skin ecchymosis Appears within 24 hours after surgery, and can be eliminated in 1-2 weeks, and generally does not require treatment.
e. Skin necrosis is due to liposuction damage to the superficial fat, damage to the subdermal vascular network or infection. Infection needs to be treated as soon as possible.
f. Other common complications. For example, skin numbness or pain, hyperpigmentation, subcutaneous hard nodules, and so on. These complications mostly disappear on their own within 3 months to 6 months.
②Unusual complications
a. Fat embolism and fat embolism syndrome. This is the leading cause of death from liposuction, with the main symptoms: a triad of hypoxia, confusion and subcutaneous petechiae.
b. Drug toxicity. Toxic side effects can occur if the lidocaine and epinephrine in the swelling solution exceed a certain dose, or concentration and interaction with other drugs. Symptoms are headache, numbness of the mouth and tongue, tinnitus, delirium, agitation, drowsiness, bradycardia, and hypotension. Keep in touch with your doctor at all times after surgery. 1) Labels: surgery, one to three level surgery
2) Principles of the technique
***Vibration liposuction is a method of fat suction that was developed in the 1990s. The working principle of this technology is to use a high-pressure air pump to make the head of the suction tube to produce 600 times per minute reciprocating motion, reciprocating amplitude of high-frequency vibration can be swelling anesthesia has been swollen fat tissue shattered. 5mm amplitude will not cut damage to non-fat tissues, blood vessels, nerves and other tissues with less damage. The fat sucked out by *** vibration liposuction is destroyed and cannot be utilized again. Ultrasonic liposuction and electronic liposuction assisted systems focus on low trauma but suffer from defects such as less fat suction and too slow liposuction speed. Traditional negative pressure liposuction is time-consuming and labor-intensive for doctors. *** Vibration liposuction has the advantages of fast liposuction speed, large amount of liposuction, reduce the doctor's labor intensity.
3) Adaptation and contraindication
① Adaptation: fat increase or deposition in the buttocks, affecting the body shape curve.
② Contraindications
a. cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes, or coagulation abnormalities, important organ function is impaired;
b. long-term or are taking anticoagulant drugs, vasodilator drugs, corticosteroids, and other medications;
c. Buttock skin infection foci;
d. psychological disorders, high expectations, and too demanding of their own body shape.
e. Morbidly obese people, after the primary disease is cured or controlled before the situation and the doctor can discuss with the possibility of surgery.
4) Technical approach
① Positioning: delineate and mark the area of suction.
6 Incision: the length of the incision is comparable to the diameter of the liposuction tube, generally 0.5-1 cm. The incision location is generally used above the gluteal groove.
② Anesthesia: Swelling anesthesia technique is currently the most commonly used anesthesia method in liposuction.
③ Emulsification and suction: the liposuction tube is inserted into the subcutaneous fat layer through the skin incision at a depth of 1 - 2cm, and according to the marked area, the fat is broken and emulsified by using *** vibration, and then can be suctioned out by using a lower negative pressure. If there is unevenness on the surface of the liposuctioned skin, it can be corrected by conventional electric negative pressure liposuction, and the suction is finished after the correction. The safe amount of fat suction is less than 2000ml.
④ Postoperative treatment: After the end of suction, squeeze out the liquid and fat particles remaining under the skin, and place a drain for 48-72 hours, or not. Suture the incision. Cover with a dressing and pressure bandage.
5) Risks and complications
① Common complications
a. Unevenness or asymmetry of the skin Temporary unevenness is common. It usually improves after six months of compression molding. If the skin is still uneven after half a year, a second suction can be performed after one year.
b. Seroma A large subcutaneous cavity filled with non-clotting serum-like fluid is prone to chronic seroma formation. Small seromas can be self-absorbed, while large seromas require medical attention and need to be aspirated with a syringe or incised and released with a pressure dressing.
c. Skin ecchymosis Appear within 24 hours after surgery, 1-2 weeks can be eliminated, generally do not need to deal with.
d. Skin necrosis is due to liposuction damage to the superficial fat, damage to the subdermal vascular network or infection. When infection occurs, medical treatment is needed as soon as possible.
e. Other common complications such as numbness or pain in the skin, hyperpigmentation, subcutaneous nodules. Most of them disappear on their own within 3 months to half a year.
②Unusual complications
a. Fat embolism and fat embolism syndrome. This is the leading cause of death during liposuction, with the main symptoms manifesting as a triad of hypoxia, confusion, and subcutaneous petechiae.
b. Drug-induced toxic side effects. Toxic side effects can occur if the lidocaine and epinephrine in the swelling solution exceed a certain dose or concentration and if they interact with other drugs. Symptoms: headache, numbness of the mouth and tongue, tinnitus, delirium, agitation, drowsiness, bradycardia, low blood pressure. To avoid this, keep in touch with your doctor at all times after surgery.