The Darfur region is located in the western part of Sudan and is inhabited by different tribal groups. As part of the greater Sahara region, Darfur is mostly barren desert with only a small amount of agricultural land. In the 60's and 70's of last century, due to drought and desertification, the farmers and herdsmen in Darfur region often compete for water and grass and land resources and tribal conflicts, and more and more intense, leading to the deterioration of the regional security situation, and finally in 2003, the outbreak of a large-scale clash between anti-government armed forces in Darfur region and the government forces, Darfur issue has evolved to become a hotspot of international concern. It can be seen that the main root causes of the Darfur problem are the lack of natural resources and poverty and backwardness, and that the essence is the problem of development. The realization of local economic reconstruction and development is the only way to solve this problem.
China's principled position on the Darfur issue
On the Darfur issue, China has consistently maintained that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Sudan should be respected, and that a political solution to the issue should be reached through dialogue and consultation on an equal footing. The role of the tripartite mechanism of the United Nations, the African Union (AU) and the Sudanese government as the main channel should be fully utilized in order to promote peacekeeping operations and the political process in the Darfur region in a balanced manner. At the same time, the international community should help the Sudan to improve the humanitarian and security situation in Darfur and provide reconstruction and development assistance so as to realize peace, stability and development in the region as soon as possible. China is the country that most clearly promotes the "tripartite mechanism" among the Sudanese government, the African Union and the United Nations, and firmly supports the "dual-track strategy"; it is also the earliest non-African country to send peacekeeping troops to the Darfur region.
The role played by the Special Representative of the Chinese Government for Darfur in promoting a proper settlement of the Darfur issue
The Chinese Government established the Special Representative for Darfur in May 2007 in order to strengthen communication and coordination with all parties concerned with the Darfur issue and to promote an early and proper settlement of the issue. Up to now, Ambassador Liu Guijin, the Special Representative of the Chinese Government for Darfur, has visited Sudan four times, made two in-depth visits to the Darfur region, visited countries in Europe, the United States and Africa, as well as the United Nations, the African Union, the League of Arab States and the European Union, actively participated in international conferences on Darfur, and maintained close contact and communication with the parties concerned by way of meetings, telephone calls and exchanges of letters, in order to promote a proper solution to the Darfur issue. They have also maintained close contact and communication with the parties through meetings, telephone calls and exchanges of letters, and have played a positive and constructive role in promoting a proper settlement of the issue.
Fourth: China's efforts to promote peacekeeping operations in Darfur
China pays great attention to the Darfur issue and has made unremitting efforts to promote an early and proper settlement of the issue. Through mutual visits, telephone calls, exchange of letters, attendance at international conferences and coordination at the United Nations, China has made extensive efforts on different occasions to narrow the differences in positions, increase confidence and dispel doubts, and has worked with the parties concerned to promote the agreement reached between the United Nations, the African Union (AU) and the Government of the Sudan on the deployment of an AU/United Nations "hybrid operation" in Darfur. In July 2007, during its presidency of the Security Council, China actively pushed for the unanimous adoption of Security Council resolution 1769 (2007), which led to a milestone in the international community's efforts to promote a solution to the Darfur issue.
At the request of the United Nations, China undertook to dispatch a 315-strong multi-purpose engineering company to Darfur, of which a 140-strong advance detachment has already arrived in Darfur and begun to carry out its tasks, and the rest of the troops will be deployed one after another according to the arrangements of the United Nations in the near future. By the end of February 2008, the Chinese engineers and soldiers had paved 1,200 meters of road, leveled nearly 70,000 square meters of ground, constructed 1,050 meters of netting wall, excavated 9,370 cubic meters of earth and stone, and installed 24 street lights and searchlights in the Darfur region. At the same time, the Chinese engineers also assisted other countries participating in UNAMID in the Darfur region in the construction of camps, leveling 40,000 square meters of land, constructing 900 meters of mesh wall, completing 4,100 cubic meters of earthwork, excavating 8 fortifications and bunkers, and filling more than 4,800 sandbags, which was highly praised by the United Nations, the African Union and other parties. In addition, by the end of 2006, China had contributed 1.8 million dollars to the AU mission in Darfur.
V. China's Efforts to Support the Political Process in Darfur
On the Darfur issue, China has always maintained that a balance should be struck between the peacekeeping operation and the political process, and that the international community should, in particular, step up its efforts to promote the political process, which is lagging behind. China supports the efforts of the two special envoys of the United Nations and the African Union on the Darfur issue to promote the political process, and has decided to make a contribution of 500,000 dollars to the United Nations Trust Fund, which provides financial support for the good offices of the two special envoys. Ambassador Liu Guijin, Special Representative of the Chinese Government for Darfur, attended the peace talks between the Sudanese Government and the Darfur opposition held in Sirte, Libya, in October 2007, and made contacts with the opposition. China has actively promoted the early resumption of negotiations between the Government of the Sudan and the opposition, with a view to reaching a comprehensive peace agreement for Darfur through dialog and consultation. In the future, China is ready to continue to work with the parties concerned to promote positive progress in the Darfur political process.
VI. China's efforts to improve the humanitarian situation in Darfur
China attaches great importance to helping improve the humanitarian situation in Darfur and actively participates in the reconstruction and development there. True to its word, the Chinese Government has provided five batches of humanitarian relief supplies to Darfur, valued at 80 million yuan, including a number of medical vehicles and instruments, as well as a large number of tents, water pumps, generators and blankets, which have helped the people of Darfur to resolve some of their practical difficulties.
Chinese companies operating in Sudan have also provided assistance to the Darfur region and undertaken a number of livelihood projects there. since 2000, Chinese companies have built 20 power stations and drilled 46 wells in Darfur, and donated a large amount of equipment to a number of schools in the Darfur region, including movable boarding houses, distance education systems, computer classrooms with complete sets of configurations and large quantities of It has also donated a large amount of equipment to many schools in Darfur, including movable rooms, remote education systems, computer classrooms with complete sets of configuration and a large number of computer equipments and teaching aids, etc., which have eased the local people's difficulties in drinking water, promoted the development of agriculture and animal husbandry and supported the education cause in Darfur. At present, Chinese companies are assisting in the construction of a large-scale water supply project for South Darfur, including water extraction, water purification and the laying of an 85-kilometer water pipeline, etc. They are also planning to drill 10 more wells for Darfur and donate funds for the construction of a number of training centers for professionals in Darfur. China will continue to provide humanitarian and development assistance within its capacity.
VII. China's views on the current situation in Darfur
Recently, with the concerted efforts of all parties concerned, positive progress has been made in resolving the Darfur issue. Not long ago, the United Nations and the Government of the Sudan reached a basic agreement on the status-of-forces agreement (SOFA) and other issues, and the deployment of UNAMID is progressively under way. At the same time, the parties are also working to promote the political process in Darfur.
China appreciates the efforts made by the UN, the AU and the Sudanese government in this regard, and hopes that the parties will further enhance mutual trust, strengthen communication and coordination, continue to play the role of the Tripartite Mechanism as the main channel, and properly resolve the relevant issues through dialogue and equal consultation, so as to avoid politicizing technical issues. China supports the good offices efforts of the Special Envoys of the United Nations and the African Union for Darfur to promote the political process, and hopes that the parties concerned will intensify their efforts to promote the political process, urge the relevant opposition factions in Darfur to join the peace process as soon as possible, reach a comprehensive peace agreement with the Government of the Sudan on Darfur, and promote the parallel progress of the political process and the deployment of peacekeeping personnel, so as to create favourable conditions for the realization of peace, stability and development in the region of Darfur. The Government of the Sudan is committed to the implementation of the peace agreement.
VIII. China's position on the Darfur issue in the United Nations Security Council
On international and regional issues, China has always maintained that appropriate solutions should be sought through dialogue and consultation, and is opposed to the imposition of pressure and sanctions at every turn, or the threat of force. Pressure and sanctions do not help to solve problems, but rather complicate the situation. The Darfur issue is an important topic for discussion at the Security Council, and China has always maintained the aforementioned position of principle in the Council. We believe that the relevant initiatives of the Security Council should not only reflect the common aspirations of the international community, but also address the legitimate concerns of the Sudan, and should also aim at a final and appropriate settlement of the issue.
As a permanent member of the Security Council and a responsible major country, China has always determined its position on the basis of the merits of the matter. China's efforts to promote a proper settlement of the Darfur issue are evident to all.
9. China firmly opposes linking the Darfur issue with the Beijing Olympics
The Darfur issue is a regional hotspot, while the Beijing Olympics is a worldwide sports event. Linking the two runs counter to the internationally recognized principle of non-politicization of sports and the Olympic spirit, and runs counter to the goodwill of the people of the world who are looking forward to the Olympics.
The Darfur issue is Sudan's internal affair, not China's, and it was not caused by China.
We hope that the people and organizations concerned will look objectively and fairly at the constructive role played by China in this issue, stop making unreasonable accusations against China, do more practical work for the people of Darfur in a pragmatic manner, and effectively push for an early and proper settlement of the Darfur issue.
The Beijing Olympic Games is a great sporting event for all peoples***, and the Chinese Government and people welcome athletes from all over the world, as well as friends from other countries who are interested in the Beijing Olympic Games, to gather in Beijing at that time. We believe that with the ****together efforts of all parties, the Beijing Olympic Games will be a unique and high-level event.
Tenth: China's policy on arms sales to Sudan
The Chinese Government has always adopted a prudent and responsible attitude towards the export of military products, following the three principles of contributing to the legitimate self-defense capability of the recipient country, not jeopardizing the peace, security and stability of the region and the world, and not interfering in the internal affairs of the recipient country.
The Chinese Government has always strictly abided by the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), and has never exported arms to countries or regions subject to UNSC arms embargoes. China maintains normal cooperation with the Sudan in the field of conventional arms trade, and the arms exported are all conventional arms in limited quantities, accounting for only a small portion of the Sudan's military imports, and the Sudan has explicitly requested the Soviet side not to use the arms imported from China in the Darfur region.
XI. Oil Cooperation between China and Sudan
China's crude oil imports from Sudan account for only about 6 percent of China's total crude oil imports. China-Sudan oil cooperation is built on the basis of mutual benefit***win and***same development. At present, the Chinese side has built a production capacity of 27 million tons per year and 3,500 kilometers of oil pipelines in Sudan, helping Sudan to establish a complete oil industry system from scratch. China's oil companies have also been actively carrying out various public welfare projects in Sudan, contributing to the local society in many ways, creating a large number of jobs through investment, training more than 6,000 management and technical personnel for Sudan, and donating more than 36 million U.S. dollars to Sudan to build schools, hospitals, and other infrastructures, which are highly praised by the local people.
China-Sudan oil cooperation has promoted the economic and social development of the Sudan, enriched the meaning of friendship and cooperation between the two countries, and brought real benefits to the people of the two countries.
XII. China's approach to the Darfur issue is in line with the principle of non-interference in internal affairs
On the Darfur issue, China has always maintained that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Sudan should be fully respected, and that a proper solution to the issue should be sought through dialogue and consultation on an equal footing, while opposing the practice of exerting pressure and interfering in internal affairs at every turn.
China and the Sudan have deep traditional friendship, and for a long time the people of the two countries have always trusted and helped each other. On the Darfur issue, China has, on the one hand, on the basis of mutual respect and equal treatment, as a friend, and from the perspective of contributing to the long-term stability and development of the Sudan, put forward constructive suggestions and advice to the Sudanese side, and helped the Sudan to strengthen its communication and coordination with the parties concerned. On the other hand, China has committed itself to dispatching multi-role engineering companies to participate in peacekeeping operations in the Darfur region, has sincerely and selflessly provided a number of humanitarian aids to the region and has actively participated in local reconstruction and economic development, playing a constructive role in promoting the settlement of the issue. China's approach to the Darfur issue precisely reflects the principle of non-interference in internal affairs.