What do I need to get a pregnancy card? Where is the best place to get a card? Hospital or community?


Ke'er and her husband work overseas, she is pregnant, she can not cope with the original heavy workload, her husband is heartbroken, let her quit her job, go back to her hometown to recuperate, her mother-in-law has time, can take care of her.

However, her husband's hometown is quite remote and far from the big hospitals in the county, so when Keer goes for her maternity checkups, she needs to take a long-distance bus ride, which takes her several hours to get to the hospital, which is very inconvenient. There are also community hospitals nearby, although they can also do the card to do the maternity test, but Keer is worried that some of the items social hospitals can not do.

Many pregnant women, because it is the first time they are pregnant, they do not understand the process of building a card for pregnancy, and the process of building a card is not clear, but also some pregnant women do not realize the importance of maternity, some pregnant women to the mid-pregnancy, only to go to do an ultrasound. In fact, the first labor inspection of pregnancy is particularly important.

When to build a file when you are pregnant? What is the process?

Pregnancy card refers to the pregnant woman in the 7-13 weeks of pregnancy, to go to the obstetrics department of the hospital for the first maternity examination and file. The pregnant woman needs to register first, the obstetrician writes the checklist, the pregnant woman pays the fee for the examination, and then, gives the checklist to the doctor.

Pregnant women need to prepare the following information to build a card:

1. Identity cards of both husband and wife, which need to be filled in when entering information.

2. Hukou book, wedding photo.

3. Ultrasound and other test results from the first maternity checkup. Only when the intrauterine pregnancy is confirmed and the fetal heart is pulsating is it considered a real pregnancy.

4. Farmer's insurance card or social security card, pregnant women who have maternity insurance must bring social security card, can reduce part of the examination fee.

The first time a pregnant woman completes a maternity check, the results of the maternity check will be recorded in the maternal and child handbook, and each time the maternity check needs to let the nurse will check the results of the entry, so that doctors can easily grasp the body of the pregnant woman and the development of the fetus, and to find the abnormalities of the timely treatment.

Doctors will stick the report card on the booklet for each checkup, and also record the results of the checkup and the time of the next checkup, so pregnant women need to carry the booklet with them for each checkup.

What are the items of the first maternity test:

1. Compulsory items: labor examination (measuring blood pressure, uterine height and abdominal circumference, weighing), blood routine, blood type, urine routine, liver and kidney function, blood glucose, and geographic anemia screening, and so on.

2. Optional items: NT ultrasound, early Down's syndrome screening.

Where is the best place for a pregnant woman to get her card? The first time I saw this, it was a very good idea to go to a community hospital or a big hospital.

Generally speaking, if conditions permit, it is definitely better to go to a big hospital than a community hospital. The hospital is well-equipped, the doctors are experienced, and it is more convenient for the mother to give birth in the future, so the mother can get the best care, and there is a neonatology department in the hospital, which is more specialized in caring for the newborns.

However, if a pregnant woman is far away from a large hospital, and the local community hospital is more advanced, then some simple maternity tests can be done in the community, but more important tests, such as: 4D ultrasound, Down syndrome, sugar screening, amniocentesis, non-invasive DNA, fetal heart monitoring, the community equipment level is limited, it is best to go to a large hospital for examination.

While community hospitals can also deliver babies to pregnant women and reimburse a large percentage of the cost, there is still a big difference between community hospitals and large hospitals, both in terms of manpower and equipment.

When a woman gives birth to a child, it will be more dangerous, especially if the fetus is not in the right position, it is best to go to a large hospital to give birth to a child, do not want to save money to give birth to a child in a community hospital, in case of a difficult birth, the pregnant woman has to be transferred to the hospital, the road will be delayed quite a lot of time, which affects the doctor to the pregnant woman and the fetus of the resuscitation.

What do pregnant women need to pay attention to during their first labor checkup?

1. If a pregnant woman wants to do NT ultrasound and early Down's syndrome, it is best to do it within 13 weeks, or the pregnant woman can wait until 15-20 weeks of pregnancy to do mid-term Down's syndrome screening.

2. If a pregnant woman has a history of miscarriage or has a medical condition, she must inform her doctor in time so that the doctor can do the appropriate tests or take preventive measures.

3. It is better to have the same hospital for labor and delivery so that the doctor can track the condition of the pregnant woman and the fetus in time. Pregnant women can choose the appropriate hospital for maternity checkups, and large hospitals are more advantageous than community hospitals, regardless of whether the pregnant woman will have a normal delivery or a cesarean section in the future.

4. Pregnant women can make an appointment online in advance to determine the time of the maternity checkup to avoid too long a wait.

5. It is better for pregnant women to be accompanied by their husbands or family members during the checkups, especially when there are more items in the checkups, the pregnant women will feel fatigue and dizziness, and need to be taken care of by their family members.

6. Regular maternity checkups are conducted once at 13 weeks of pregnancy, once a month from 14 to 28 weeks of pregnancy, once every 2 weeks from 28 to 36 weeks of pregnancy, and once a week after 37 weeks of pregnancy.

7. high-risk maternal, or fetal growth retardation, four-dimensional ultrasound fetal anomalies, the doctor will increase the number of obstetric examinations, pregnant women need to fully cooperate with the doctor.


The first time you go to the hospital is to confirm that you are pregnant, and the first time you go to the hospital is to prepare for the next visit, which is very important, so don't miss it. The first maternity check is very simple, pregnant women should be prepared for these 4 kinds of information, in accordance with the maternity check process, keep in mind 7 points, maternity check smooth, the fetus is more healthy.