Is it true that 30-second blood test strips were created?

It's true. According to Nanfang Daily, a few days ago, Chinese researchers developed a new type of test paper that can identify blood type within one minute, and the results were published in a new issue of the journal Science Translational Medicine.

The journal is a subset of Science, the top academic journal in the field. The technology was developed by Luo Yang's team, director of the central laboratory at the Southwest Hospital of the Third Military Medical University. Its test paper contains a special dye that, when encountered with blood, is able to show brown and blue-green colors according to the different roles of antibodies in the blood type, which in turn leads to the blood type of the blood sample by comparison. The process takes about 30 seconds and can distinguish rare Rh-negative blood types.

The traditional method, in which blood is separated by centrifuge for laboratory analysis, takes anywhere from half an hour to several hours. The team believes that this technology is suitable for use in battlefield environments, in addition to resource-limited areas.