Speeding up the speed of startup and shutdown:
①Select "Start\Run", type Regedit, expand HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop, change the value of "HungAppTimeout" to 200, and then change the value of "WaitToKillAppTimeout" to 200, and then change the value of "WaitToKillAppTimeout" to 200. "HungAppTimeout" to 200, and then change the value of "WaitToKillAppTimeout" to 1000;
②Also in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop, type "Regedit". LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control, change the value of the string "HungAppTimeout" to 200, and change the value of the string "WaitToKillService" to 1000. WaitToKillServiceTimeout" to [1000];
③Use Microsoft Bootvis.exe to optimize boot speed. We go to the Microsoft official website to download bootVis.exe, then unzip it and run bootvis.exe, then select next boot and driver delays under Trace, after which XP will reboot and record the boot data into a BIN file. Open this file in "file\open" and select Optimize system under Trace.
Tip: This optimization takes a long time, so please be patient.
Clean out unused DLL files in the registry:
Type [Regedit]\[HKKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE]\[SOFTWARE]\[Microsoft]\[Windows]\[CurrentVersion]\[Explorer]
This is the first time I've tried this. Explorer]
Add a code [AlwaysUnloadDLL] with a default value of [1]
If the default value is set to [0], it means that this function is disabled
Speeding up broadband connection:
Add a machine code named [Psched]
Add a Dword value [NonBestEffortLimit] to the right window of [Psched]. MenuShowDelay] to [0]
After the adjustment, if you feel that the menu display speed is too fast, you can change the value of [MenuShowDelay] to [200]
Reboot to take effect.
Speed up the automatic update rate:
In [Start]\[Run]\type [Regedit]\[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE]\[System]\[CurrentControlSet]\[Control]\[Update]\ change the value of Dword [[UpdateMode]] to [200]
Reboot to take effect. UpdateMode] to [0]. Reboot to take effect.
Disable unneeded programs at boot time:
If there are too many programs running at boot time, it will affect the boot speed, so first check which programs are running at boot time
Type [msconfig] in [Start]\[Run]\and select [Startup]. If you want to stop running some programs temporarily, you can cancel the [X] symbol in [□], and if you want to resume running the program when you turn on the computer, you can add the [X] symbol back in [□].
Disabling unneeded services:
Open the Services window by typing [services.msc] in [Start]\[Run]\ and then check the right window to disable unneeded services in [Startup Type] and then disable them in [Service Status]
Use the CPU's L2 Cache to speed up the overall performance.
In [Start]/[Run]/type [Regedit]/[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE]\[SYSTEM]\[CurrentControlSet]\[Control]\[SessionManager]\\in [MemoryManagement]. In the right window of [MemoryManagement], change the value of [SecondLevelDataCache] to the same decimal value as the CPU L2 Cache
Example: The L2 Cache of P4 1.6G is 256Kb, change the value to the decimal value of 256
The value about L2 Cache is not copied from the webpage of some irresponsible webpage. For example, the L2 Cache of P4 1.6G is 256Kb, but the L2 Cache of P4 1.6GA is 512Kb
Readers can find information about L2 Cache of CPUs on the Internet.
Running the Defrag program at startup:
Type [Regedit]\[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE]\[SOFTWARE]\[Microsoft]\[Dfrg]\[BootOptimizefunction]
Type the string [Reedit]\[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE]\[SOFTWARE]\[Microsoft]\[Dfrg]/[BootOptimizefunction]. p>
Setting the string value [Enable] to [Y] equals on, and setting it to [N] equals off.
Reducing the multi-boot wait time:
Method 1: Open the boot.ini file in the C:\ directory with Notepad, change the value of [timeout] from the preset value of 30 to the number of seconds to wait, and save it.
Method 2: You can also open the boot.ini option by typing [msconfig] in [Start]\[Run] to change the number of seconds.
Method 3: Right-click on "My Computer" and select Properties/Advanced/Startup and Failure Recovery/Settings to change the boot wait time.
Turn off the burn function built into XP:
Turn it off if you don't intend to use it, as it speeds up the process of using Nero's burning software, as Windows XP's burning system is provided by Roxio (i.e. the same company as Easy Cd Creator).
In [Control Panel]\[Administrative Tools]\[Services]\ select [IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service]\[Startup Type]\ select [Disabled] in the right window
Automatically disable the Stop Response Program when shutting down the computer:
Automatically disable the Stop Response Program when shutting down the computer:
Automatically disable the Stop Response Program when shutting down the computer:
Type [Regedit]\ [HKEY_USERS]\[.D.D.S.]\[Start]\[Run]\type [Reedit]\[.D.D.S.]. _USERS]\[.DEFAULT]\[Control Panel]\in the right window of [Desktop], change the value of [AutoEndTasks] to [1]
Logout or restart.
Remove Windows Messenger:
First, use Wordpad to open the sysoc.inf file under X:\WINDOWS\inf
X=(disk area where XP is located)
Switch the contents of the file to [msmsgs=msgrocm.dll,OcEntry, msmsgs.inf,hide msmsgs=msgrocm.dll,OcEntry,msmsgs.inf,hide,7]
Change the content [msmsgs=msgrocm.dll,OcEntry,msmsgs.inf,7]
Archive and exit
Then, add/remove the Windows components in the Control Panel\[Add or Remove Programs]\[Add/Remove Windows Components]\without selecting [[Windows Messenger]]. Windows Messenger]\[Next]\[Finish] and it is successfully removed.
Stopping the "Out of Disk Space" Notification:
Windows XP sends a "Out of Disk Space" notification when the disk drive is less than 200MB in size
To stop this feature, you can follow the procedure below.
To stop this function, you can change the logon file by the following procedure
Type [Regedit]\[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE]\[Software]\[Microsoft]\[Windows]\[CurrentVersion]\and add a machine code name [Explorer]\[Windows]\[CurrentVersion]\under [Policies]. Under [Policies], add a code name [Explorer] (you don't need to add it if it's already there) \ Add a DWORD value [NoLowDiskSpaceChecks] to [Explorer]
Value value [1] = stop notification, value value value [0] = notification starts by default
Disable windows auto-update:
Right click on [My Computer]/[Contents]/[Automatic Updates]
Select "Turn off automatic updates, I want to update my computer manually"
Turn off the startup windows logo screen:
Type [msconfig] in [Start]/[Run]/select [boot.ini]
The boot.ini screen is not available in the Windows system. boot.ini]
Then select [NOGUIBOOT] in [Startup Options]
Reboot the computer and there is no more window screen
To play a DVD disk with Windows Media Player 9:
Type in [DVDPlay] in [Start]\[Run]\and the Windows Media Player screen will appear. Windows Media Player
Press Play VCD to play the DVD, of course you must have a DVDRom device
If you still have problems, type [regedit] in [Start]\[Run]\ and select [HKEY_CURRENT_USER]
\[[Software]\[Run]\ and select [HKEY_CURRENT_USER]. Software]\[Microsoft]\[MediaPlayer]\[Player]\in the right window of [Settings]
Add a string value [EnableDVDUI] with a value of [yes]
Turn off the auto-restart feature:
When Windows XP encounters a serious problem, it will turn off the auto-restart feature:
When Windows XP encounters a serious problem, it will turn on the auto-restart feature:
The auto-restart feature will be turned off when Windows XP encounters a serious problem. Windows XP will reboot suddenly when it encounters a serious problem, press Change to disable this feature
Type [regedit] in [Start]/[Run]/select [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE]/[SYSTEM]
The value of the string value [EnableDVDUI] should be [yes]
Turn off the automatic rebooting feature. Control]\[CrashControl]\ change the [AutoReboot] dword value to [0] and reboot to take effect
Remove ****Help Documents:
Except for the normal [My Documents] and [***Help Documents folder], each user will have a separate folder,
The following settings will only keep my folder, and the rest of the folder will be removed.
In [Start]\[Run]\type [regedit]\select [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE]\[SOFTWARE]
\[Microsoft]\[Windows]\[CurrentVersion]\[Explorer]\[Windows]\[Windows]\[Windows]\[Windows]\[Windows]\[CurrentVersion]\[Windows]\[CurrentVersion]\[Windows]\[CurrentVersion]\[Windows]\[CurrentVersion]. Explorer]\[MyComputer]\[NameSpace]\Delete [{59031a47-3f72-44a7-89c5-5595fe6b30ee}] under [DelegateFolders]
Disable IE auto-thumbnail feature:
Internet Explorer 6 has the following features. Internet Explorer 6 automatically shrinks pictures when they are viewed larger than the screen. To cancel this feature, you can modify it as follows:
Type [regedit] in [Start]\[Run]\\[HKEY_CURRENT_USER]\[Software]\[Microsoft]\[Internet Explorer] in the [Start]\[Run] section of the screen, and then press the "Start" button. Internet Explorer]\\in [Main] add a string value [Enable AutoImageResize] data value [NO]
To allow IE6 to download more than two files at the same time:
Internet Explorer 6 can only download a maximum of two files at the same time,
In the right window, add the following two [Dword] values
[MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server] is [0000000a], which is a decimal [10]
[[MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server] is [0000000a]. MaxConnectionsPerServer] value information for [0000000a] that is, decimal [10]
Restart the computer to take effect
[Repost] My WinXP optimization road [recommended]
Repost] My WinXP optimization road [recommended]
In order to achieve this purpose. We mainly start from four aspects:
1, reduce the disk space occupation
2, terminate the unused system services
3, security issues
4, some other tips
First of all, ask, are you very much want to activate the XP, not. To be precise do you want to be able to upgrade on ms's station. If the answer is yes, then we will first explore the issue of installation, the current popular V4, V5, V6 version I still recommend, especially the two V5 and V6. The installation process has a serial number problem, I recommend that you first count on the machine, and then use this serial number to install, usually so that the installation of XP can be freely updated to the MS site.
If you have already installed XP, but the serial number is the one that is used by everyone, it's okay, we'll talk about it later, we'll use sysrep to repackage it to solve the problem of serial number replacement.
I'm assuming you've finished installing XP, come on baby ~~
One of the thinning actions
1, after the installation of various hardware and software, in fact, XP needs to update the file is very little. The system backup file is deleted: Start→Run→sfc.exe /purgecache Nearly 3xxM.
2, delete the driver backup: %windows%\driver cache\i386 directory under the driver.cab file, usually this file is 76M.
3, even I do not have to look at the habit of Help!
3, even I do not have the habit of reading the help, so to keep the %windows%\help directory is a kind of harm to me, huh.
4, a moment after the upgrade is completed you will also find %windows%\ more like $NtUninstallQ311889 $ these directories, all get rid of it, 1x-3xM.
5, it happens to be in the hard disk there is also win2000/server, etc., so by the way the pagefile. sys file are pointed to a place: Control Panel → System → Performance - Advanced → Virtual Memory → Change, note that to point to "Settings" to take effect.
6, uninstall unused components: use notepad to modify \%windows%\inf\sysoc.inf, use the find/replace function, in the find box, enter,hide, replace all empty. In this way, all the hide are removed, save the disk to exit and then run "Add-Remove Programs", you will see "Add/Remove Windows Components" in a number of options; remove the game ah, code table ah, and other unused things.
7, delete \windows\ime under the unused input method, 8xM. I reinstalled their own zrm input method, heh.
8, if the space is really tight, enable the compression function of NTFS, which will use 2x% less space, but I did not do.
9, off the system restore, this broken function for me so often download, test software for people is a disaster, with the right mouse click on the desktop of "my computer", select "properties", find " The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have the right mouse click on your desktop, select "Properties", find "System Restore", and select "Turn off System Restore on all drives".
10, there are a few files, quite large, and not much use 。。。。 I forgot the name :(, just installed the system can use the find function to find a file larger than 50M to see, should be able to find.
If you can follow the above process done, your original 1.4G XP, can be completely reduced to less than 800.
Two, speed up the plan
WinXP's startup will have a lot of features that affect the speed, although ms said that it has been optimized, but there is still a lot of customization for us. Here's how I usually do it.
1. Modify the run key in the registry to eliminate those few things that are not commonly used, such as Windows Messenger. Enable Registry Manager: Start→Run→Regedit→Find "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\MSMSGS" / BACKGROUND this key value, right-click → delete, the world is much more quiet, by the way, the few what cfmon are killed it.
2, modify the registry to reduce the pre-reading, reduce the progress bar waiting time, the effect is that the progress bar to run a circle on the login screen, start → run → regedit start registry editor, look for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters, there is a key EnablePrefetcher to change its value to "1". In addition, if you don't change the hardware often, you can set the device type of the bus device to none in the system properties.
3. Turn off the special effects in System Properties, which is a simple and effective way to speed things up. Click Start → Control Panel → System → Advanced → Performance → Settings → In Visual Effects, set to adjust to the best performance → OK. So the desktop will be very similar to Win2000, I still like XP's blue window, so in the "windows and buttons on the use of visual styles" tick, so you can see the beautiful blue interface, but also to speed up.
4, I use Windows commadner + Winrar to manage files, Win XP's ZIP support for me even worse than the chicken ribs, because no matter whether I need, open the system to open a zip support, which has been idle less system resources and less than a point, click on the start ?ú Run, type: " regsvr32 /u zipfldr.dll" double quotes in the middle, and then enter to confirm that the sign of success is a prompt window, the content is roughly: zipfldr.dll in the Dll UnrgisterServer success.
5, it is said that the XP of a system service Qos, this scheduling to take up a certain amount of network bandwidth, like me, such a dime a dozen people can not tolerate, to remove the method is: Start Menu → Run → type gpedit.msc, the "Group Policy" window, expand the "Administrative Templates Expand "Administrative Templates" → "Network", expand "QoS Packet Scheduler", right-click "Limit Reservable Bandwidth" in the right window, and in the "Settings" in the Properties, there is a "Limit Reservable Bandwidth". In the right window, right-click "Limit Reservable Bandwidth", and in the "Settings" in the properties, select "Disabled", and then OK. After the above modification is completed and applied, if users can see "QoS Packet Scheduler" in the General Properties tab of the Network Connection Properties dialog box, it means that the modification is successful. If you can see "QoS Packet Scheduler" in the General Properties tab of the network connection dialog box, it means that the modification has been successful, otherwise it means that the modification has failed.
6. Quickly navigating a local network
Often, when Windows XP connects to other computers, it will fully check all the scheduled tasks on the other machine, and this checking will keep you waiting for 30 seconds or more. The way to get rid of it is Start→Run→Regedit→Find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Explorer\RemoteComputer\NameSpace in the registry. under this key value, there will be D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF } key, delete it, restart the computer, Windows XP will no longer check the scheduled tasks, hoho ~ ~ ~ ~ , the speed is obviously improved!
7, turn off the debugger Dr. Watson
I seem to be from the Win95 era, once did not use this thing, can be canceled in this way: open the table, find the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \CurrentVersion\ AeDebug sub-branch, double-click on the Auto key name under it, change its "value data" to 0, and finally press F5 to refresh the settings to take effect, thus canceling its operation. Along this line of thought, we can have all the debugging function of the option to cancel, such as blue screen memory.dmp, in the "My Computer → Properties → Advanced → Settings → Write debugging information → Select None" and so on.
8. The list of services that I terminated and their description
1)alerter error alerts
2)automatic updates windows automatic updates
3)background intelligent transfer service Microsoft said to use the free network bandwidth to transfer data.
3)background intelligent transfer service Microsoft says to use free network bandwidth to transfer data
4)clipbook to **** with a remote computer to enjoy the clipboard content, I think it's better to avoid it
5)Computer browser says something about maintaining a list of updates on the network
6)DHCP client I don't need this thing
7)Distributed link tracking client to keep windows up to date
8) Distributed link tracking client maintains information on LAN connection updates, etc. I rarely use the LAN, and this takes up about 4M of memory.
8)Distributed Transaction coordinator coordinate xxx, and the above is almost
9)DNS Client I do not need this thing
10)Error reporting service Error reporting
11)Event Log system log record
12)Fast user switching compatibility user switching
13)help and support help
14)Human interface device access is said to be a smart device.
15)IMAPI CD-burning COM service 偶不用這個刻碟
16)Indexing service 索引,索引什么呢?
17)Internet Connection Firewall(ICF) ICF Firewall
18)IPSEC Services I don't know, you want to know ask Quack to go
19)Logical Disk manager administrative service Configuration disk
20)IPSEC Services IPSEC Services IPSEC Services IPSEC Services IPSEC Services IPSEC Services IPSEC Services IPSEC Services IPSEC Services
19)Logical Disk manager administrative service Configuration disk
20)messenger As if net send and other things with this function
21)MS software shadow copy provider Volume copy backup
22)Net Logon I do not want to let the hacker remotely logged in, off!
23)Netmeeting remote desktop sharing I don't use netmeeting
24)Network DDE Dynamic Data Exchange Transmission
25)Network DDE DSDM is similar to the above
26)Network Location Awareness Off. Location Awareness Off, my machine doesn't do ****ing
27)NTLM Security support provider-telnet Oh, off!
28)Performance logs and alert Write system status logs or send alerts
29)Portable media serial number Off!
30)Print Spooler printer, unfortunately my machine does not connect to Print ~
31) QoS RSVP Off!
32)Remote desktop help session manager Remote Help Service
33)remote Procedure Call LOCATOR Manage RPC
34)remote registry Remote registry management
35) removable storage
36)routing and remote access I simply disabled it
37)security accounts manager My system is just a client system and doesn't use iis.
38)smart card
39)smart card helper Off!!!!
40)SSDP Discovery service I can't use this
41)system event notification If it's a server, it must be recorded
42)system restore service
43)task scheduler windows schedule service
43) task scheduler windows scheduler service
44)Telephony dialing service, I do not dialing still can not?
46)terminal services terminal services
47)uninterruptible power supply UPS, I do not have ah
48)universal plug and play device host
48)universal plug and play device host is too advanced to use
49)upload manager can transfer files even if it's turned off
50)volume shadow copy is a backup again, dang it
51)webclient haven't used it
52)Windows Installer MSI service, I've always turned it off
52)Windows Installer MSI service, I've always used it.
52)Windows Installer MSI service, I've always turned it off.
53)windows image acquisition (WIA) for digital devices
54)windows management instrumentation driver extensions off
55)windows time time service < /p>
56)volume shadow copy
57)webclient not used
58)Windows Installer MSI service, I always turn off.
56)wireless zero configuration wireless network, even can not use
57)WMI perfromance adapter off!
Some of the services in this section were turned off at the beginning, but I forgot about them, so I had to list basically all the services that are turned off in the system now. Use your discretion as you see fit.
Three, am I safe
More than that, the basic **** enjoy or have to turn off:
Modify the registry to the following two styles:
Remove **** enjoy