How the lift of an airplane is generated

Aircraft lift comes from the difference in air pressure due to the difference in velocity between the airflow over the upper and lower surfaces of the wing.

Detailed explanation:

The lift of an airplane comes mainly from the difference in air pressure due to the difference in speed between the airflow on the upper and lower surfaces of the wing. Specifically, when an airplane is in flight, the upper and lower surfaces of the wing are affected by the air flow.

Law Explained:

On the upper surface of the wing, the air flows through at a faster speed, and because of the greater speed, the pressure of the air is lower according to Bernoulli's law. Whereas, on the lower surface of the wing, the air flows at a slower rate and according to the same Bernoulli's law, the pressure of the air is higher. This creates a pressure difference between the low air pressure on the upper surface and the high air pressure on the lower surface.

Explanation of the principle:

This difference in air pressure leads to lift. According to the principle of air pressure difference, high pressure gases will flow towards low pressure gases, therefore, in the low pressure region on the upper surface of the wing, air will flow along the high pressure region on the lower surface of the wing. This flow causes the airflow at the bottom of the wing to bend downward, which creates upward lift.

The impact of airplanes on humans:

1. Rapid transportation

Airplanes have made traveling long distances faster and more convenient. People could travel across countries and continents in a short time, exploring new places, cultures, and economic opportunities.

2. Economic Development

The aviation industry plays a huge role in boosting the global economy. Air transportation facilitates trade, tourism and business exchanges, spurs the development of many industries and creates a large number of jobs.

3. Tourism booms

The advent of airplanes has led to a boom in tourism. People were able to travel around the world and explore different attractions and cultural heritage with ease, boosting the tourism industry and bringing economic benefits to local communities.

4. Cultural exchange and diversity

Airplanes have facilitated the exchange and integration of different cultures. People can easily travel to other countries and experience different languages, customs and traditions, promoting cultural diversity and understanding.

5. Rescue and Medical Services

Aircraft play a key role in emergency rescue and medical services. They can quickly transport medical equipment, medicines and medical personnel to disaster areas or remote regions to provide emergency rescue and medical assistance.

6. Scientific Research and Exploration

Aircraft provide scientists and researchers with important tools to support the development of fields such as Earth observation, climate research, astronomy and space exploration.