Does anything charged with electricity have radiation?

Electrically charged things have radiation, the so-called electromagnetic radiation pollution, refers to the human use of electromagnetic radiation generating appliances and leakage of electromagnetic energy flow spread to the community's indoor and outdoor air, the amount of which exceeds the background value, and its nature, frequency, intensity and duration of the combined effects of the residents of the district caused by some or many people in the discomfort, and make the health and well-being of the adverse effects.

With the rapid development of modern science and technology, an invisible, intangible source of pollution is increasingly concerned by all walks of life, which is known as the "invisible killer" electromagnetic radiation. Today, more and more electronic and electrical equipment put into use to make a variety of frequencies of different energies of electromagnetic waves filled with every corner of the earth and even more broad space of the universe. For the human body as a good conductor, electromagnetic waves will inevitably constitute a certain degree of harm.

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Electromagnetic radiation is an invisible, intangible field. Human survival of the Earth itself is a large magnetic field, its surface thermal radiation and lightning can produce electromagnetic radiation, the sun and other planets from outer space is also a constant source of electromagnetic radiation. The natural magnetic field surrounding humans, sunlight, household appliances, etc. all emit radiation of different intensities. Electromagnetic radiation is a form of external manifestation of atoms and molecules in motion within matter.

Electromagnetic radiation (sometimes abbreviated as EMR) takes the form of self-propagation in ? self-propagating waves in a vacuum or in matter. Electromagnetic radiation has an oscillating electric and magnetic field components that propagate energy in two mutually perpendicular directions. Electromagnetic radiation is categorized into different types based on frequency or wavelength, which include (in increasing order of frequency): electricity, radio waves, microwaves, terahertz radiation, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet light, X-rays, and gamma rays. Of these, radio waves have the longest wavelengths while gamma rays have the shortest. x-rays and gamma rays are highly ionizing, other electromagnetic radiation is relatively weakly ionizing, and lower frequencies are not ionizing.


Baidu Encyclopedia-Electromagnetic Radiation Pollution